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    • 14 Jun
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Cycle de conférences Growing together du site LOCI Bruxelles

One lecture, one chapter of life
If designed space is the protagonist and conditio sine qua non of human spatial and temporal interactions, how does architecture relate to its users in their specific chapters of life? Each lecture would focus on a specific generation, from nursery to retirement, and its relation to its dedicated (learning) environment

One chapter of life, one project
The lecture series "growing together" aims at exploring in detail from conception to realisation, to phenomenological materialisation, a set of specific projects, designed by their authors to serve fleeting temporal conditions essential for human continuum. Each lecture would explore one specific project, revealing its many aspects

One project, one adventure
What were the different steps that made the project possible? Who were the people involved? How did the conception emerge? Was the execution conform to the design? How did the users take over? We would be thrilled to be guided through the anecdotes, events and drawings that made the project come to life

Les conférences - gratuites - se dérouleront dès 18h30 dans l'auditoire principal, 51 rue H. Wafelaerts à 1060 Saint-Gilles. Elle seront suivies d'un drink organisé par les étudiant·e·s, dans la palmeraie.

  • Mardi, 14 juin 2022, 08h00
    Mardi, 14 juin 2022, 17h00