Agile Marketing: improve company’s efficiency, team motivation and customer satisfaction
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Agile Marketing: improve company’s efficiency, team motivation and customer satisfaction
by Christophe MARTINOT, LSM Alumnus
We live in a VUCA (“Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, Ambiguous”) environment and this impacts us at all levels. Marketing has evolved a lot, but the way we manage it has not. Agility has been implemented mainly in the world of software development, but in reality, agility is a valid way to solve many of the problems that marketers encounter today.
Do you recognize certain situations in your daily life?
- Unexpected tasks that come in the way
- Too many unnecessary meetings
- Long and rigid planning process
- Blockages due to internal and external dependencies
- Conflicting priorities
- The boss's vision rather than the customer's needs
If you can check at least some of the above boxes, then Agile can change your life, or the life of your marketing team.
The online event will take place via ZOOM on Thursday, April 29th at 12h00 CET. We invite you to register here.
The experienced marketing professional Christophe Martinot will share his experience about how companies can benefit by applying agility to marketing. How it can help dealing with saturation, multitasking, missed deadlines, inadequate campaigns, which often result frustration of the team.
The webinar takes approximately 1 - 1.15h. The Zoom link, together with the confirmation of your registration, will be sent shortly after registration. We look forward to seeing you online! And feel free to share this webinar invitation with your colleagues and friends.
For more information about the event and speakers, please check here or contact Elze Pociute: +32 474 264551;
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