alumlsm |

Welcome to the website of the Alumni Louvain School of Management!
A strong and recognized network of more than 20,000 alumni.
Whether you have graduated a few months ago or several years ago, this website is dedicated to you. You can find our news, upcoming events, job offers, career advices, pictures of events and consult the Alumni member database.
Our goal is to encourage a spirit of caring, friendly and professional relations between Alumni while strengthening the ties between the LSM and its Alumni.
Would you like to support us and have access to the advantages of membership? |
Our mission:
To make LSM Alumni a strong and recognized network, a place of interaction, exchange and mutual aid, which offers real services to its members.
- A strong and recognized network.
Our strength is our number. The more active members we will be, coming from various fields of activities, the more we will make visible the quality of the education we have received and the more we will be able to promote it in the business world, both in Belgium and abroad.
- A place for interaction, exchange and mutual aid.
The network is not an end in itself; it is the sharing of experiences between its members which is above all a source of enrichment. The association's mission is to encourage and stimulate these interactions and to create bonds of solidarity between its members.
- Which offers real services to its members.
Our ambition is not limited to « connect people". The association is also there to help its members in certain key moments of their professional careers: business creation, job search, training, recruitment, sharing expertise within the same profession, etc.
How we work:
The Association is managed by a group of volunteers, all graduates of the Louvain School of Management, whether or not they are administrators, and who are involved in various working groups or task forces.
The Board of Directors is composed of a president, one or two vice-presidents, a treasurer, a secretary and administrators.
- President: Marie-Pierre Saint Viteux
- Vice Presidents: Georges Michel and Hugues Frisque
The Management Committee is composed of the President, Vice Presidents, Treasurer, Task Forces Leaders and the Secretary. They meet approximately once a month.
The work of the administrators is divided into working groups or task forces, headed by a person in charge. The "task forces" are:
- Employment
Manager: Georges Michel
assisted by Marie-Pierre Saint Viteux
- Events
Manager: Guillaume de Robiano
assisted by Gisèle Duenas Leiva
- Marketing
Manager: Valérie Busquin
- Travel
Manager: Georges Michel
assisted by Michel Rosseels and Anne Deghilage
- Antenna Luxembourg
Manager: Pierre Deventer
Do you want to invest in YOUR association? Please contact us!
Secretariat Alumni LSM
Place des Doyens 1
1348 Louvain-la-Neuve
Our fields of action :
- Events : A calendar of activities throughout the year
- Job promotion: CV Coaching, Simulated Interviews, Networking, Job Offers,...
- Prize for the best dissertation
- Alumnus of the Year Awards
- Travels
With the support of : |
Copyright photo UCLouvain - LSM