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Hybrid Workshop on the Political Theory of Migration

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The Hoover Chair at UCLouvain is hosting a casual yet rich hybrid workshop on ongoing work in the political theory of migration. The workshop seeks to promote exchanges on ongoing developments without a theme-specific approach. Speakers will touch upon subjects including the role of individuals in migration ethics, liberal issues in current schemes of family reunification, the role of trust in the inter-state system, the democratic boundary problem, migrant solidarity, and more.

The hybrid workshop will host a diverse set of international speakers, including Luara Ferracioli (U. Sydney), Eszter Kollar (KU Leuven), Dario Mezzola (U. Geneva), Patti Tamara Lenard (U. Ottawa), Guy Aitchinson (LSE), Davide Pala (U. Eastern Piedmont), Marco Verschoor (Leiden U.), Alex Sager (Portland State U.), Esma Baycan-Herzog (U. Geneva), and Andrés Salazar Abello (UCLouvain).

9:15-9:25 Welcome
9:25-10:00 Luara Ferracioli (online) - Monogamous and Polyamorous Romantic Ties in Family Reunification
10:00-10:35 Davide Pala - The Naturalisation of the Vulnerable: An International Responsibility with Demanding Implications

Coffee Break

10:50-11:25 Eszter Kollar - Temporary Labour Migration: Reconciling the Demands of Social and Global Justice
11:25-12:00 Guy Aitchison (online) - Immigration Detention as Structural Violence
12:00-12:35 Esma Baycan Herzog – Residential Security Principle for Democratic Post-Migration Societies


13:45-14:20 Marco Verschoor - Demarcating the demos, demarcating coercion. On the democratic boundary problem, the all-subjected principle, and immigration controls
14:20-14:55 Andrés Salazar Abello - Migrant Solidarity as Civil Disobedience
14:55-15:30 Patti Tamara Lenard (online) - Democratic Equality and Internal Movement

Coffee break

15:45-16:20 Dario Mazzola (TBD) - Trust and Asylum: What Do They Have to Do With Each Other?
16:20-16:55 Alex Sager (online) - Power, Political Action, and Open Borders

Organisers: Andrés Salazar Abello & Esma Baycan Herzog.
Registration for attendance:

  • Lundi, 25 mars 2024, 08h00
    Lundi, 25 mars 2024, 17h00
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