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Mich "Is collective self-destruction ethically justifiable in the context of the Anthropocene?"

    • 15 Oct
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Mardi intime de la Chaire Hoover par Aida Martinez Suarez.

The concept of the Anthropocene has gained popularity across various disciplines outside the field of geology. It presents the opportunity to reflect within a single framework about societies-Earth relationships, technological development, and natural systems vulnerabilities. It also highlights urgent issues such as resource depletion and biodiversity loss, and the possibility of considering humanity's actions as forms of collective self-destruction.

During the seminar the ethical justification of collective self-destruction will be discused by first examining if individual self-destruction can be ethically justified. We will then assess whether these justifications apply to collective actions threatening our shared environment and ultimately our species’ present and future. While collective forms self-destruction has led to astonishing technological and cultural development for some, we must question whether the benefits are now outweighed by present and future costs.

  • Mardi, 15 octobre 2024, 08h00
    Mardi, 15 octobre 2024, 17h00
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