Mich "How Should We Distribute Cooperative Tasks? A Case for the Difference Principle in Work Distribution"
hoover | Louvain-la-Neuve
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Mich "How Should We Distribute Cooperative Tasks? A Case for the Difference Principle in Work Distribution"
17 Sep
Mardi intime de la Chaire Hoover par Juan Olano
Opportunities for fruitful cooperation are unequally distributed across society. How should we allocate these opportunities? While Rawls’ theory of justice, which defines justice as fair terms of cooperation, seems well-suited to address this question, it does not directly do so.
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Mich "How Should We Distribute Cooperative Tasks? A Case for the Difference Principle in Work Distribution"
17 Sep
Mardi intime de la Chaire Hoover par Juan Olano
Opportunities for fruitful cooperation are unequally distributed across society. How should we allocate these opportunities? While Rawls’ theory of justice, which defines justice as fair terms of cooperation, seems well-suited to address this question, it does not directly do so.