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Workshop on Facts, Concepts, Norms and Values

hoover | Louvain-la-Neuve

15 February 2022, modifié le 6 December 2024

Évènement associé

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Workshop on Facts, Concepts, Norms and Values
07 Jun
Hybrid workshop jointly organized by The Center for the Study of Rationalities and Beliefs (University of Bucharest) and the Hoover Chair of Social and Economic Ethics (UCLouvain) Conveners: Laurentiu Gheorge (UNIBUC) and Axel Gosseries (Hoover Chair and ICUB) This workshop aims at exploring the interconnections between factual, conceptual, axiological and normative levels.
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Workshop on Facts, Concepts, Norms and Values
07 Jun
Hybrid workshop jointly organized by The Center for the Study of Rationalities and Beliefs (University of Bucharest) and the Hoover Chair of Social and Economic Ethics (UCLouvain) Conveners: Laurentiu Gheorge (UNIBUC) and Axel Gosseries (Hoover Chair and ICUB) This workshop aims at exploring the interconnections between factual, conceptual, axiological and normative levels.