Pascal Barbier, Ya-Han Chuang et Fanny Gallot
Travail du corps, travail de la beauté. Approches sociologiques
Camille Couvry
Vers un travail esthétique rémunéré
Body Work in the Context of “Miss” Contests. Towards Remunerated Aesthetic Labour
Fanny Renard
Le travail de la beauté en CAP coiffure
Beautifying Yourself while Learning to Be of Service in Beautifying Others. Aesthetic Labour in CAP Hairstyling
Tanguy Dufournet
La beauté corporelle au prisme du travail pornographique gay
Performing to Last. Corporeal Beauty in the Prism of Gay Pornographic Work
Daphné Bédinadé
L’industrie cosmétique face au “mouvement naturel” : vers une recomposition des normes de beauté ?
Fabricating Ethnic Beauty. The Cosmetics Industry Faced with the “Natural Movement”: towards a Recombining of Beauty Standards?
Françoise de Barros
Derrière les soins et la relation de service, les produits, leur commercialisation et leur expertise
Beauticians, “Tiny Hands” of the Cosmetics Industry? Behind Care and its Relationship to Service, Products, their Marketing and their Expertise
Valeria Lotti
Non-surgery in the Salons: The Ambiguous Legitimization of Beauty Work in Urban China