Emmanuel Oloukou Idohou (DEMO, UCLouvain)
What drives the gap? Applying the Blinder-Oaxaca decomposition method to examine immigrant-native difference in under-5 mortality in France
Children in France face widespread ethnic disparities in their chances of survival, despite overall declines in mortality. What factors contribute to under-5 mortality (U5M) differences in immigrant-native between 1990 and 2019 in France? This study uses the largest French sociodemographic panel, with a sample of 648,040 births, and Fairlie’s nonlinear extension of the (twofold) Blinder-Oaxaca decomposition method to examine U5M. A set of variables including child’s sex, twinning, region of birth, father's age, mother's age, father's socio-professional category, father's nationality and mother's nationality at the child's birth were considered as the predictors. The results showed that immigrants and natives had 5.8‰ (95% CI: 5.4–6.3) and 3.8‰ (95% CI: 3.7–4.0) risk of U5M, respectively i.e. a gap of 2.0‰ (95% CI: 1.52–2.4) higher than natives over 1990-2019 period. More than 50% of this disparity was due to the difference in observable characteristics and it appears that the father's socio-professional status (29.4%) contributed the most to the U5M gap.
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