3 décembre : Journée inter-universitaire EDT SPSS
irss | Bruxelles Woluwe
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3 décembre : Journée inter-universitaire EDT SPSS
03 Dec
Dear doctoral students of the thematic doctoral school in public health,
Dear Professor,
Dear colleagues,
The inter-university day for doctoral students in public health will take place on the 3rd of December 2024 at the ULB School of Public Health (ESP - Campus Erasme, Anderlecht).
The call for oral presentation proposals is now open!
You will find all the information you need to submit an a
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3 décembre : Journée inter-universitaire EDT SPSS
03 Dec
Dear doctoral students of the thematic doctoral school in public health,
Dear Professor,
Dear colleagues,
The inter-university day for doctoral students in public health will take place on the 3rd of December 2024 at the ULB School of Public Health (ESP - Campus Erasme, Anderlecht).
The call for oral presentation proposals is now open!
You will find all the information you need to submit an a