Research Themes
irss | Bruxelles Woluwe
The MHSR Group has explored a wide range of topics, including autonomy and social support, inequalities, service coordination, and policy evaluation. It has also developed interventions.
1. Patient Autonomy and Social Support
Autonomy is a cornerstone value in mental health care and a recurring theme in the history of psychiatry.
The group has investigated factors driving compulsory treatment in Belgium and preferences for advance directives in psychiatry. Recognizing the importance of social resources in fostering self-determination, the group has also examined the social support networks of patients with severe mental disorders and their social inclusion.
2. Mental Health Inequalities
Mental health outcomes are deeply intertwined with social determinants, such as socio-economic status, ethnicity, and migration. The group has documented socio-economic inequalities in suicide across Europe, assessed discrimination in mental health care provided by general practitioners, and studied the link between loneliness and mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic
3. Service Coordination and Care Integration
Mental health services span inpatient, outpatient, psychiatric, psychological, social, medical, preventive, and rehabilitative interventions. Effective coordination of these services remains a significant challenge. The MHSR Group has investigated service networks and care coordination, evaluating initiatives like the implementation of psy107 networks and the quality of collaboration. Other projects have focused on continuity of care between mental health and substance use services (SUMHIT), forensic psychiatry, and comparative analyses of care models (COFI).
4. Interventions and Policy Evaluation
The group is dedicated to using research to design and assess interventions and policies aimed at improving patient outcomes. Notable examples include evaluating the impact of continuity of care on rehospitalization, designing interventions to strengthen patient social networks, and preventing adolescent smoking through school-level advocacy coalitions. The MHSR Group has also assessed the national impact of the psy107 mental health reform on continuity of care and social inclusion and coordinated the Rebuilding Evidence on Drug Rooms (Rev-DRoom)
5. Policy Analysis and Stakeholder Engagement
Willingly or unwillingly, policies are key determinants of the population's mental health and vary between countries. The MHSR Group conducts comparative policy analysis of these differences, focusing on continuity of care. Its analyses of policy blueprint also highlight how overly ambitious or contradictory proposals can hinder progress. The group has developed expertise in stakeholder analysis, offering valuable insights into policy development.
Key Achievements
- Policy Impact
The group has shaped mental health policies at national and international levels, providing evidence-based recommendations to improve service delivery and reduce inequalities. It played a pivotal role in the KCE report on adult psychiatry and in drugs policies.
- Innovative Research
Through publications in leading journals, the group has offered novel insights into the intersections of mental health with social determinants, ethnicity, and health systems.
- Collaborative Networks
The MHSR Group has established extensive collaborations with international networks, including COST initiatives, and partnered with prominent European research teams. Their work supports public health strategies and contributes to projects like the KCE reports and policy blueprint papers.
- Educational Contributions
Affiliated with the Master of Public Health’s community mental health track, the group actively mentors the next generation of managers and researchers, using innovative teaching platforms to disseminate knowledge.
- Community Engagement
Strong ties with practitioners and community organizations ensure that the group’s research directly benefits mental health service users and supports the practical implementation of findings.