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Philosophy Day: What is New in the History of Philosophy?

    • 16 Nov
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Philosophy Day: What is New in the History of Philosophy?

To celebrate the international Philosophy Day on Thursday November 16, early-career scholars from UCLouvain and KULeuven gather to discuss new trends in the broad research field of the history of philosophy.

The event includes a series of short presentations on various aspects of innovation in recent scholarship in the history of philosophy from Antiquity to the Enlightenment, in Latin scholasticism and in Islamicate cultures. After the presentations, the participants will engage in a roundtable discussion on the challenge of doing innovative research. The audience (students, researchers, and everyone with interest in the history of philosophy) is most welcome to contribute to the discussion!


News from the wide research field of the history of philosophy

Dashan Xu (KULeuven): How Can Aristotle Help? Reflections on Ancient Philosophy as Self-Help

Godefroid de Callatay (UCLouvain): Occult Sciences and Philosophy in Islamicate Cultures

Hélène Leblanc (Université de Lyon / UCLouvain): Scholastic Logic as an Embodied Practice

Mattia Mantovani (KULeuven): The Bestiary of the Senses. New Perspectives on Animal Minds

Claus A. Andersen (UCLouvain): Did Scholasticism Peak in the 17th Century?

Wing-keung Chik (UCLouvain): A New Approach to Kant’s Ethics is Possible


Roundtable discussion: How and Why Do We Produce New Knowledge on the History of Philosophy?

The event will additionally be accessible via this Zoom link:

For further information, please, contact Dr. Claus A. Andersen (

The organization of this event has been funded by the EU.


  • Jeudi, 16 novembre 2023, 08h00
    Jeudi, 16 novembre 2023, 17h00
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