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Resonance: the concept’s political uses and potential

    • 12 Sep
      13 Sep
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The concept of resonance, introduced in Hartmut Rosa’s 2016 book and enriched through a series of subsequent publications, constitutes the centerpiece of both a novel sociological theory and an important step forward in contemporary critical theory. Indeed, Rosa’s ambitious project is both descriptive and normative, simultaneously offering a fresh conceptual apparatus for future sociological research and strikingly innovative tools for renewing the critical tradition in social philosophy. In this workshop, we seek to explore the opportunities and challenges surrounding the potential political uses of resonance. We discuss the concept’s capacity as a collective action frame, the context and scales
at which it might have particularly strong analytical purchase and the possible limits of resonance when it comes to understanding and shaping the political field stricto sensu.

Organizing Committee: Olivier Struelens, Nicolas Cuneen, Amaël Maskens 

The event will take place in English. Entrance is free but registration on line is required 



The Roots and Normative Foundations of Resonance

Tuesday 12 September: 14:00-17:30

Chair: Olivier Struelens (University of Louvain)

14:00: Workshop Welcome
14:15: Opening remarks by Olivier DE SCHUTTER (University of Louvain)
Resonance and Politics: the Enabling State
14:45: Frederic VANDENBERGHE (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro/Max Weber Kolleg)
Reconnect Resonance to Reason
15:15: Discussion
15:45: Coffee Break

Chair: Amaël MASKENS (University of Louvain)

16:00: Bert VAN DEN BERGH (The Hague University of Applied Sciences)
Still Haunted by Adorno’s Spirit? On Rosa’s Unbudded Concept of Deep Resonance
16:30: Ole HÖFFKEN (Heidelberg University)
The Sociopolitical Potentials of Combining Resonance Theory with an Evolutionary-
Anthropological Perspective
17:00: Discussion
17:30: End of Day One


Resonance Grounded: Exploring the Fields of the Concept

Wednesday 13 September 9:00-12:45

9:00: Workshop Welcome

Session 1: Educational and Artistic Politics of Resonance

Chair: Amaël MASKENS (University of Louvain)

9:15: Nicolas CUNEEN (University of Louvain)
Resonance as a conceptual lever for transforming educational practices and institutions 
9:45: Jean-Baptiste GHINS (University of Louvain)
Hartmut Rosa’s Aesthetic of the Everyday. Can the Concept of “Resonance” Provide Aesthetic
Marxism with a Political Outcome?
10:15: Discussion
10:45: Coffee Break

Session 2: Resonance in a Conflictual World

Chair: Olivier STRUELENS (University of Louvain)

11h: Olivier VOIROL (University of Lausanne)
Struggle for the World in the Public Sphere
11h30: Gauthier SIMON (University of Bordeaux)
“Ecological Conversion” as a Sub-Concept of Resonance in Political Science
12:00: Discussion
12:20: Concluding remarks by Jean DE MUNCK (University of Louvain)
Beyond Ressources: Capabilities, Responsability or Resonance? 
12:45: Wrap-up and End of the Workshop


  • Mardi, 12 septembre 2023, 08h00
    Mercredi, 13 septembre 2023, 17h00
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