L' ISP, le centre centre CEFISES, et le groupe de contact FNRS OLOFOS ((Onto-)LOgical Frameworks Of Science) ont le plaisir de vous inviter à la troisème séance du séminaire OLOFOS de cette année, dont le thème général sera :
"Scientific modelization: content and convention".
Troisième séance: "The discrete/continuous representation of time in physics: content or convention ?"
Conférencier: Vincent Ardourel, IHPST/CNRS
Répondant : Alexandre Guay, UCLouvain
Argumentaire :
Most physical theories represent time as a continuous quantity. For example, it is the case in classical mechanics, the theory of relativity or quantum mechanics. But could scientists dispense with a continuous time and instead use a discrete representation of time? Further, should the representation of time in physics (continuous or discrete) be interpreted as a convention or as scientific content? To investigate these questions, I focus on the case of classical mechanics, for which I examine the possibility of representing time discretely. I then analyse the question of the discrete/continuous representation of time in other physical theories.