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Neither the Magic Bullet Nor the Big Bad Wolf: A Systematic Review of Frontline Judges’ Attitudes and Coping Regarding Managerialization

ispole | Louvain-la-Neuve

29 March 2023, modifié le 13 December 2024

Émilien Colaux, Nathalie Schiffino et Stéphane Moyson publient dans la revue Administration & Society : Neither the Magic Bullet Nor the Big Bad Wolf: A Systematic Review of Frontline Judges’ Attitudes and Coping Regarding Managerialization.


How do frontline judges perceive managerial reforms, and how do they cope with them? We relied on concepts from street-level bureaucracy to systematically review the effects of managerial techniques on frontline judges in 35 studies. We find that judges’ attitudes toward managerialization are more heterogeneous than could be anticipated. Beyond facing an increasing caseload, judges are pressed to reduce treatment times and costs as well as to play managerial roles. Judges’ mechanisms to cope with pressures include rationing, prioritizing, and routinizing. While managerialization is a solution to the increasing caseload, it is suspected to affect the quality of justice.

Colaux, É., Schiffino, N., & Moyson, S. (2023). Neither the Magic Bullet Nor the Big Bad Wolf: A Systematic Review of Frontline Judges’ Attitudes and Coping Regarding Managerialization. Administration & Society, Online first.