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Adversarial Propaganda in Armed Conflict – LGCL Conference

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Louvain Global College of Law
Adversarial Propaganda in Armed Conflict:
An Interdisciplinary Discussion Considering the Ongoing Russia-Ukraine Conflict

Le CEDIE a le plaisir d’accueillir MAJ. Aaron Johnson, U.S. Army, du lundi 27 mars 2023 au vendredi 31 mars 2023.

MAJ. Aaron Johnson est professeur militaire et directeur associé pour les opérations terrestres au Stockton Center for International Law, U.S. Naval War College.

Il bénéficie d’une très grande expérience de terrain, ayant notamment été déployé en Irak en 2003-2004 (Iraq Survey Group) et en Afghanistan en 2008-2009 (Afghanistan Theater Interrogation Facility).

Présentation de la conférence

The ongoing international armed conflict between Russia and Ukraine demonstrated that adversarial propaganda in time of armed conflict is still a relevant topic for discussion. Enemy propaganda in war time raises questions and concerns for many fields of expertise and research, for example international law, national and international security, political sciences, computational sciences, and psychology. This conference aims to explore some of these questions thanks to a panel of three experts who are offering different yet complementary perspectives.

Dominique Geissler

Ph.D. Candidate in Computational Sciences
Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich

Russian propaganda on social media during the 2022 invasion of Ukraine

Prof. Tanguy Struye

Professor in international relations, UCLouvain
Faculty of Economic, Social and Political Sciences and Communication

Cognitive warfare: Low visibility, high impact?

MAJ. Aaron Johnson

Military Professor & Associate Director for Land Operations
U.S. Naval War College, Stockton Center for International Law
Louvain Global College of Law Fellow

Propaganda in International Law


  • Mercredi, 29 mars 2023, 08h00
    Mercredi, 29 mars 2023, 17h00
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