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Seminar | Nascent Norms in International Climate Law: Governing the Nexus between Migration and Climate Change

Learning Center Montesquieu (Louvain-la-Neuve)
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Séminaire de recherche CPDR organisé par Prof. Julie Ringelheim dans le cadre du Louvain Global College of Law :

"Nascent Norms in International Climate Law: Governing the Nexus between Migration and Climate Change »

Présentation par Lisa Vanhala, Professeure à l’University College London

This research seminar will engage with the literature on norms in global governance focusing on the early stages of the life cycle of norms. Why do some norms emerge and gain traction while others fail to do so? This seminar will shed light on this question by exploring the different ways of framing the nexus between climate change and migration that have been put forward in academic, advocacy and policy circles. Some understand it as a security issue, some take a protection approach and yet others portray migration as an adaptation or climate risk management strategy. Yet we have little insight into how these different understandings of the ‘problem’ of climate change-related migration are beginning to shape the emergence of global governance in this area. Through a focus on the UNFCCC Task Force on Displacement this paper will argue that these different framings of the idea of climate change migration have institutional and policy implications which then shape how actors understand the appropriate role of the Task Force on Displacement, including the substantive scope of its mandate; its operational priorities; the nature of its outputs and where it should be situated in the institutional architecture. We show that understanding the ideational drivers of institutional development can help to better account for how the nexus between climate change and human mobility is being interpreted, re-interpreted and contested within the UNFCCC.

Discutant·e·s :

Sylvie Saroléa, Professeure de droit des migrations (UCLouvain)

Olivier De Schutter, Professeur de théorie du droit et de droit international des droits humains (UCLouvain), Rapporteur spécial des Nations Unies sur l’extrême pauvreté et les droits de l’homme


Inscription obligatoire via le formulaire en ligne - Des sandwichs seront offerts.

► Salle de séminaire du Learning Center Montesquieu : Place Montesquieu 5, Louvain-la-Neuve.  Plan d'accès : entrée par la Bibliothèque des sciences économiques, sociales, politiques et de communication (BSPO), via l’escalier extérieur sous l’auvent.


  • Jeudi, 28 avril 2022, 08h00
    Jeudi, 28 avril 2022, 17h00
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