21 & 22 November 2023 | Brussels
The fight against tax fraud and avoidance has become one of the main drivers of EU legislation and continues to influence the shaping of the case-law of the European Court of Justice in tax matters. The concept of abuse plays a key role in the interpretation of EU primary and secondary law and is even referred to in a number of provisions of EU tax legislation (harmonization directives, administrative cooperation and exchange of information). However, after almost 25 years of application by European and domestic courts and tax authorities, this apparently unifying function of the concept of abuse in tax matters raises a number of unresolved issues, creating significant legal uncertainty for taxpayers.
The conference will gather together academics, public officials and practitioners to discuss the most recent issues concerning the prohibition of abuse in tax matters, as regards the application of fundamental freedoms, the EU corporate tax directives, including the recent Pillar 2 directive and the Unshell directive proposal, VAT and customs, exchange of information,. The conference will also address the latest implications of the notion of abuse of law on corporate tax planning and tax competition among Member States in the context of the international initiatives aiming at curbing base erosion and profit shifting (BEPS) and improving global tax transparency (exchange of information).
The conference will be held on the 21 & 22th of November in Brussels at the Palais des Académies (Auditorium Albert II).
Hope to see you there !
Edoardo Traversa, UCLouvain
Isabelle Richelle, University of Liège
Wolfgang Schön, Max Planck Institute of Munich
21 NOVEMBER 2023
09.45-10.00 | Welcome and greetings
10.00-11.15 | Session 1 : Defining Abuse of Law in tax matters
Fighting Tax Avoidance and Aggressive Tax Planning - A Legal or a Political Concept?
Philip Baker, KC, OBE, Field Court Tax Chambers, Visiting Professor University of Oxford
What is a GAAR? – a Comparative Approach
Christine Osterloh-Konrad, Professor University of Tübingen
11.15-11.30 | Coffee break
11.30-12.45 | Session 2 : Abuse of Law in Indirect Taxation
Abuse of Law under European Customs Law
Yves Melin, Avocat, Lecturer University of Liège
Abuse of Law in VAT
Caroline Heber, Professor University of Vienna
12.45-14.00 | Lunch
14.00 -15.15 | Session 3: Abuse and Fundamental Freedoms
Fighting Artificial Transactions under the Fundamental Freedoms
Edoardo Traversa, Professor UCLouvain, Avocat
Fighting Artificial Entities and Residence under the Fundamental Freedoms and the Unshell-Directive
Adolfo Martin Jimenez, Professor University of Cadiz
15.15-15.45 | Coffee break
15.45-17.30 | Session 4 : Abuse of Law and EU Corporate tax directives
The Jurisprudence of the CJEU on the GAARs in the Parent/Subsidiary Directive and the Interest/Royalty Directive
Luc de Broe, Professor KULeuven
The Jurisprudence of the CJEU on the GAAR in the Merger Directive
Isabelle Richelle, Co-director of the Tax Institute, Professor University of Liège, Avocat
Panel Discussion on Tax abuse and EU Directives (including Unshell Directive) with Anna Manitara (EU Commission) and Emilie Maes, Avocat, Lecturer KULeuven, representative IFA Belgian Branch
22 NOVEMBER 2023
08.45-09.00 | Welcome
09.00-10.15 | Session 1
Implementation and Interpretation of Art.6 ATAD
Aitor Navarro, Senior Research Fellow, Max Planck Institute for Tax law and Public Finance, Munich
Reportable arrangements under DAC 6 and abusive transactions
Cécile Brokelind, Professor, Lund University
10.15-10.45 | Coffee break
10.45-12.45 | Session 2
The Impact of Pillar 2 on the Notion of Abuse in International Taxation
Georg Kofler, Professor WU Vienna
Non-Recognition of Abusive and Fraudulent Transactions - a General Principle of European Law?
Wolfgang Schön, Director, Max Planck Institute for Tax law and Public Finance, Munich
Panel discussion on Tax abuse, Pillar 2 and the harmonization of corporate taxation with Ioanna Mitroyanni (EU Commission) and Fabrizio Pascucci (PwC/UCLouvain)
- 350 EUR. Payment upon reception of our invoice.
- 300 EUR for IFA members.Payment upon reception of our invoice.
- Full/partial waiver of the fee ( full time PhD, Researchers)
ADDRESS | Palais des Académies, rue Ducale 1, 1000 Brussels | Auditorium Albert II
Contact | Joelle.vandijck@uclouvain.be | tel: + 32 (0)10 47 32 84
The Conference is organised by