Globax Tax Symposium 2020 (10 Dec 20) | Online Conference

10 Dec
Participation is free | online registration is required before the conference
ONLINE CONFERENCE | Thursday 10 December 2020
08:30 - 19:00 | ECT (Brussels)
18:30 - 05:00 | UTC+11 (Melbourne)
04:40 - 13:00 | EST (New-York)
-Prof. Edoardo Traversa (UCLouvain),
-Prof. Miranda Stewart (University of Melbourne),
-Ass.-Prof. Eduardo Baistrocchi (LSE - London School of Economics)
The mission of the Global Tax Symposia (GTS) is to be an interdisciplinary mobile research platform on fundamental issues of international and comparative taxation. It is grounded on the belief that crossing African, American, Asian-Pacific and European perspectives is beneficial to all participants, especially in the current political and economic global context. It aims to offer young researchers and more experienced scholars a forum where to discuss five to six papers every year in different cities on all continents. Each paper is discussed by an interdisciplinary and intercontinental panel whose members are leading tax academics, administrators, policymakers and practitioners.
The following institutions support the initiative : Chinese University of Hong Kong and Wuhan University (People's Republic of China), London School of Economics (United Kingdom), UC Louvain (Belgium), University of Melbourne (Australia), University of Pretoria (South Africa), Universidad Torcuato Di Tella (Argentina), National Institute of Public Finance and Policy (India) and New York University (United States of America).
The 2020 Global Tax Symposium was held online using the platform of UCLouvain, and co-hosted by London School of Economics and the University of Melbourne.
I. CHAIR: Prof. Miranda Stewart, University of Melbourne08:30 ECT (Brussels) | 18:30 UTC+11 (Melbourne) | 02:30 EST (New-York): BEPS AND GLOBAL TAX CHALLENGES - SEEN FROM THE ASIA PACIFIC REGION-Maryanne Mrakovcic, Deputy Secretary of the Australian Treasury, Head of Revenue Group
II. CHAIR: Prof. Eduardo Baistrocchi, LSE09:30 ECT (Brussels) | 19:30 UTC+11 (Melbourne) | 03:30 EST (New-York): THE INSTITUTIONS AND PROCESS OF INTERNATIONAL AND DOMESTIC TAX REFORM: HOW IS BEPS CHANGING TAX LAW?-Prof. Miranda Stewart, University of Melbourne DISCUSSION:-Prof. Pasquale Pistone, University of Salerno/WU Vienna/IBFD
10 minute break III. CHAIR: Prof. Edoardo Traversa, UCLouvain10:40 ECT (Brussels) | 20:40 UTC+11 (Melbourne) | 04:40 EST (New-York): TAXATION OF THE DIGITAL ECONOMY-Prof. Wei Xiong, Wuhan University DISCUSSION:-Assoc Prof Martin Hearson, Institute of Development Studies & International Centre for Tax and Development
11:50 ECT (Brussels) | 21:50 UTC+11 (Melbourne) | 05:50 EST (New-York): TAX MEASURES TO ACHIEVE THE 2030 UN SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS IN AFRICA FACED WITH THE COVID-19 ECONOMIC FALLOUT-Prof. Annet Oguttu, University of Pretoria, South Africa DISCUSSION:-Prof. Rita de la Feria, Leeds University, UK
13:00 ECT (Brussels) | 23:00 UTC+11 (Melbourne) | 07:00 EST (New-York): CLOSE OF THE MORNING SESSIONIV. CHAIR: Prof. Eduardo Baistrocchi, LSE14:30 ECT (Brussels) | 00:30 UTC+11 (Melbourne) | 08:30 EST (New-York): TAXATION AND VALUE CREATION - A FRAMEWORK FOR INTERNATIONAL REFORM-Prof. Werner Haslehner, University of Luxembourg DISCUSSION:-Prof. Yariv Brauner, University of Florida
15:40 ECT (Brussels) | 01:40 UTC+11 (Melbourne) | 09:40 EST (New-York): CREATIVE ENFORCEMENT: A BOURDIEUSIAN APPROACH ON HOW TAX AUTHORITIES ATTEMPT TO IMPLEMENT PROBLEMATIC TAX LAWS-Ass.- Prof. Rodrigo A. Ormeño Pérez, Universidad de ChileDISCUSSION:-Prof. Jerome Monsenego, Stockholm University
10 minute break V. CHAIR: Prof. Edoardo Traversa, UCLouvain
Jeudi, 10 décembre 2020, 08h00Jeudi, 10 décembre 2020, 17h00