arch-cli |

20/8/2020 14:00 > 16:00 (Brussels Time)
This webinar, jointly organised by UCLouvain (Architecture et Climat lab), ULiege (Sustainable Building Design Lab) and, will consider what our schools might look like in the coming months and years.
It is an opportunity to exchange good practices and insights regarding the spatial adaptations related to the reopening of schools after the pandemic :
- what measures are taken in various countries to guarantee the safety and health of children ?
- what spatial weaknesses in school design are highlighted by this crises
- how can school urbanism or spaces sharing make this design more resilient ?
Speakers :
- Elsebeth Aller, Danish Ministry of Education, Denmark
- Jens Aerts, UNICEF
- Debora Tillemans, Wallonie-Bruxelles Enseignement, Belgium
- Juan Torres, University of Montreal
This seminar is part of the « HERES - Healthy and Resilient Schools » collaboration project supported by Wallonie Bruxelles International
Connecting link : Will be sent by email 48h before the webinar