Publications scientifiques

ARCH-CLI Louvain-La-Neuve

Journal Articles

1. Altomonte, Sergio; Kaçel, Seda; Wegertseder Martínez, Paulina; Licina, Dusan. What is NExT? A New Model for Comfort, Satisfaction, Health, and Well-Being in Buildings. In: Building and Environment, Vol. 252, no. 111234 (2024). doi:10.1016/j.buildenv.2024.111234.

2. Van Moeseke, Geoffrey; De Grave, Denis; Anciaux, Amélie; Sobczak, Jean; Wallenborn, Grégoire. New insights into thermal comfort sufficiency in dwellings. In: Buildings and Cities, Vol. 5, no.1, p. 331-348 (2024). doi:10.5334/bc.444.

3. Stiernon, Dorothée; Bos, Morgane; Böhlke, Anders. Quel avenir pour les immeubles de bureaux du quartier européen?. In: Lieux dits, Vol. -, no.25, p. 2-9 (2024).

4. Dartevelle, Olivier; Van Moeseke, Geoffrey; Masy, Gabrielle; Mlecnik, Erwin; Altomonte, Sergio. On the effectiveness of passive controls for summer thermal comfort in highly insulated dwellings. In: Building Research and Information : the international journal of research, development and demonstration, (2023). doi:10.1080/09613218.2023.2238852 (Accepté/Sous presse).

5. Altomonte, Sergio; Altomonte, Carlo. COP27: A Step Ahead or a Missed Opportunity ?. In: Buildings & Cities, Vol. online, no.x, p. x (2023).

6. Llaguno-Munitxa, Maider; Bou-Zeid, Elie. Role of Vehicular Emissions in Urban Air Quality: the COVID-19 Lockdown Experiment. In: Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, (2021).

7. Van den Brande, Kjartan; Van Moeseke, Geoffrey; Heijmans, Nicolas; Bracke, Wolf; Delghust, Marc; Janssens, Arnold. The Impact of Climate Updates on the Energy Performance Assessment in a Legislative Framework. In: SSRN Electronic Journal, (2022). doi:10.2139/ssrn.4245584 (Soumis).

8. Pérez-Fargallo, A.; Bienvenido-Huertas, D.; Contreras-Espinoza, S.; Marín-Restrepo, L. Domestic hot water consumption prediction models suited for dwellings in central-southern parts of Chile. In: Journal of Building Engineering, Vol. 49, no.-, p. 104024 (2022). doi:10.1016/j.jobe.2022.104024.

9. Batool, Ayesha; Rutherford, Peter; McGraw, Paul; Ledgeway, Tim; Altomonte, Sergio. Gaze correlates of view preference: Comparing natural and urban scenes. In: Lighting Research and Technology, Vol. 54, no. 6, p. 576-594 (2022). doi:10.1177/14771535211055703.

10. Gentile, Niko; Lee, Eleanor S.; Osterhaus, Werner; Altomonte, Sergio; Amorim, Claudia Naves David; Ciampi, Giovanni; Garcia-Hansen, Veronica; Maskarenj, Marshal; Scorpio, Michalengelo; Sibilio, Sergio. Evaluation of integrated daylighting and electric lighting design projects: Lessons learned from international case studies. In: Energy and Buildings, Vol. 268, no.x, p. x (2022). doi:10.1016/j.enbuild.2022.112191.

11. Stephan, André; Crawford, Robert; Bunster, Victor; Warren-Myers, Georgia; Moosavi, Sareh. Towards a multiscale framework for modelling and improving the life cycle environmental performance of built stocks. In: Journal of Industrial Ecology, Vol. 26, no. 4, p. 1195-1217 (2022). doi:10.1111/jiec.13254.

12. Dartevelle, Olivier; Altomonte, Sergio; Erwin Mlecnik; Van Moeseke, Geoffrey. Indoor Summer Thermal Comfort in a Changing Climate: The Case of a Nearly Zero Energy House in Wallonia (Belgium). In: Energies, Vol. 15, no. 7, p. / (2022). doi:10.3390/en15072410.

13. Vandervaeren, Camille; Galle, Waldo; Stephan, André; De Temmerman, Niels. More than the sum of its parts: Considering interdependencies in the life cycle material flow and environmental assessment of demountable buildings. In: Resources, Conservation and Recycling, Vol. 177, p. 106001 (2022). doi:10.1016/j.resconrec.2021.106001.

14. Lara Allende, Alejandro; Stephan, André. Life cycle embodied, operational and mobility-related energy and greenhouse gas emissions analysis of a green development in Melbourne, Australia. In: Applied Energy, Vol. 305, no.0000, p. 117886 (2022). doi:10.1016/j.apenergy.2021.117886.

15. Altomonte, Sergio. Un nouvel Institut de Recherche: tradition, etapes, prospectives. In: Lieux dits, Vol. 20, p. 65-67 (2021).

16. Licina, D; Wargocki, P; Pike, C; Altomonte, Sergio. The future of IEQ in green building certifications. In: Buildings and Cities, Vol. 2, no.1, p. 907-927 (2021). doi:10.5334/bc.148.

17. Crawford, Robert H.; Stephan, André; Prideaux, Fabian. The EPiC database: Hybrid embodied environmental flow coefficients for construction materials. In: Resources, Conservation and Recycling, , p. 106058 (2021). doi:10.1016/j.resconrec.2021.106058 (Accepté/Sous presse).

18. Dhaif, Muataz; Stephan, André. A Life Cycle Cost Analysis of Structural Insulated Panels for Residential Buildings in a Hot and Arid Climate. In: Buildings, Vol. 11, no.6, p. 255 (2021). doi:10.6084/m9.figshare.12136692.

19. Pomponi, Francesco; Stephan, André. Water, energy, and carbon dioxide footprints of the construction sector: a case study on developed and developing economies. In: Water Research, Vol. , no., p. 116935 (2021). doi:10.1016/j.watres.2021.116935.

20. Hema, Makiètyn Césaire; Messan, Adamah; Lawane, Abdou; Soro, Doma; Nshimiyimana, Philbert; Van Moeseke, Geoffrey. Improving the thermal comfort in hot region through the design of walls made of compressed earth blocks: An experimental investigation. In: Journal of Building Engineering, Vol. 38, p. 102148 (2021). doi:10.1016/j.jobe.2021.102148. ;

21. Dartevelle, Olivier; Van Moeseke, Geoffrey; Mlecnik, Erwin; Altomonte, Sergio. Long-term evaluation of residential summer thermal comfort: Measured vs. perceived thermal conditions in nZEB houses in Wallonia. In: Building and Environment, Vol. 190, no. 107531 (March 2021). doi:10.1016/j.buildenv.2020.107531.

22. Ahmad, Tayyab; Aibinu Ajibade, Ayodeji; Stephan, André. Green Building Success Criteria: Interpretive Qualitative Approach. In: Journal of Architectural Engineering, Vol. 27, no.1, p. 04020045 (2021). doi:10.1061/(ASCE)AE.1943-5568.0000448.

23. Batool, Ayesha; Rutherford, Peter; McGraw, Paul; Ledgeway, Tim; Altomonte, Sergio. Window Views: Difference of Perception during the COVID-19 Lockdown. In: Leukos (Print), Vol. 17, no. 4, p. 380-390 (2021). doi:10.1080/15502724.2020.1854780.

24. Batool, Ayesha; Rutherford, Peter; McGraw, Paul; Ledgeway, Tim; Altomonte, Sergio. View preference in urban environments. In: Lighting Research and Technology, Vol. 53, no. 7, p. 613-636 (2021). doi:10.1177/1477153520981572.

25. Stiernon, Dorothée; Trachte, Sophie. Quel avenir pour les logements d’avant-guerre à valeur patrimoniale en Wallonie ?. In: Lieux dits, , no.18, p. 15-20 (2020). doi:10.14428/ld.vi18.55853.

26. Prignon, Martin; Delmotte, Christophe; Dawans, Arnaud; Altomonte, Sergio; van Moeseke, Geoffrey. On the impact of regression technique to airtightness measurements uncertainties. In: Energy and Buildings, Vol. 215, p. 109919 (2020). doi:10.1016/j.enbuild.2020.109919 (Accepté/Sous presse).

27. Hema, Makiètyn Césaire; Messan, Adamah; Lawane, Abdou; Van Moeseke, Geoffrey. Impact of the design of walls made of compressed earth blocks on the thermal comfort of housing in hot climate. In: Buildings, Vol. 10, no.9, p. 157 (2020). doi:10.3390/buildings10090157.

28. Altomonte, Sergio; Allen, Joseph; Bluyssen, Philomena M.; Brager, Gail; Heschong, Lisa; Loder, Angela; Schiavon, Stefano; Veitch, Jennifer A.; Wang, Lily; Wargocki, Pawel. Ten questions concerning well-being in the built environment. In: Building and Environment, Vol. 180, no. , p. (2020). doi:10.1016/j.buildenv.2020.106949 (Accepté/Sous presse).

29. Cardoso, Vitor E.M.; Ramos, Nuno M.M.; Almeida, Ricardo M.S.F.; Almeida, Manuela; Pereira, Pedro F.; Prignon, Martin. Reliability of quantitative and qualitative assessment of air leakage paths through reductive sealing. In: Building and Environment, Vol. 183, no.183, p. 107151 (2020). doi:10.1016/j.buildenv.2020.107151.

30. Pierson, Clotilde; Cauwerts, Coralie; Bodart, Magali; Wienold, Jan. Tutorial: Luminance Maps for Daylighting Studies from High Dynamic Range Photography. In: The Journal of the Illuminating Engineering Society, Vol. 1, no.1, p. 1-30 (2020). doi:10.1080/15502724.2019.1684319.

31. Prignon, M; Dawans, A; Van Moeseke, G. Practicability and reliability of direct component testing for in-situ measurement of building component airtightness. In: IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Vol. 609, p. 032007 (2019). doi:10.1088/1757-899x/609/3/032007 (Soumis).

32. Altomonte, Sergio. Effective Daylighting with High-Performance Facades: Emerging Design Practices. Book Review. In: Buildings and Cities, (13 December 2019). Buildings & Cities.

33. Altomonte, Sergio; Schiavon, Stefano; Kent, Michael G.; Brager, Gail. Indoor environmental quality and occupant satisfaction in green-certified buildings. In: Building Research & Information, Vol. 47, no. 3, p. 255-274 (2019). doi:10.1080/09613218.2018.1383715.

34. Prignon, Martin; Arnaud Dawans; Altomonte, Sergio; Van Moeseke, Geoffrey. A Method to Quantify Uncertainties in Airtightness Measurements Zero-Flow and Envelope Pressure. In: Energy and Buildings, Vol. 188-189, p. 12-24 (2019). doi:10.1016/j.enbuild.2019.02.006 (Accepté/Sous presse).

35. Michael G. Kent; Steve Fotios; Altomonte, Sergio. An experimental study on the effect of visual tasks on discomfort due to peripheral glare. In: LEUKOS: The Journal of the Illuminating Engineering Society, Vol. 15, no. 1, p. 17-28. doi:10.1080/15502724.2018.1489282.

36. Kent M.G; Cheung Toby; Altomonte, Sergio; Schiavon Stefano; Lipczyńska, Aleksandra. A Bayesian method of evaluating discomfort due to glare: The effect of order bias from a large glare source. In: Building and Environment, Vol. 146, no.-, p. 258-267. doi:10.1016/j.buildenv.2018.10.005.

37. Cauwerts, Coralie; Jost, Sophie; Avouac, Pascale. CIE 2017 color fidelity index Rf: a better index to predict perceived color difference?. In: Optical Society of America. Journal A, Optics and Image Science, Vol. 35, no.4, p. B202-B213 (2018). doi:10.1364/JOSAA.35.00B202.

38. Pierson, Clotilde; Bodart, Magali; Wienold, Jan. Review of Factors Influencing Discomfort Glare Perception from Daylight. In: Leukos, Vol. 1, no.1, p. 1-37 (2018). doi:10.1080/15502724.2018.1428617.

39. Cauwerts, Coralie; Jost, Sophie. A color graphic informing on the impact of electric lighting and coated glazing in complex architectural scenes. In: Color Research & Application, (2018). doi:10.1002/col.22267.

40. Cauwerts, Coralie; Haubruge, Corentin. Atmosphère ! Atmosphère !. In: Lieux dits, Vol. -, no.15, p. 9-12 (2018).

41. Kent, Michael G.; Fotios, Steve; Altomonte, Sergio. Order effects when using Hopkinson's multiple criterion scale of discomfort due to glare. In: Building and Environment, Vol. 136, no.-, p. 54-61 (2018). doi:10.1016/j.buildenv.2018.03.022.

42. Altomonte, Sergio. The challenges of academic publishing. In: BRI Community,.

43. Pierson, Clotilde; Wienold, Jan; Bodart, Magali. Daylight Discomfort Glare Evaluation with Evalglare: Influence of Parameters and Methods on the Accuracy of Discomfort Glare Prediction. In: Buildings, Vol. 8, no.8, p. 94 (2018). doi:10.3390/buildings8080094.

44. Stiernon, Dorothée. La rénovation, l'enjeu de demain !. In: Architrave, Vol. Mai 2018, no.196, p. 44-46 (2018).

45. Cauwerts, Coralie; Piderit, María Beatriz. Application of High-Dynamic Range Imaging Techniques in Architecture: A Step toward High-Quality Daylit Interiors?. In: Journal of Imaging, Vol. 4, p. 15 (2018). doi:10.3390/jimaging4010019.

46. Bodart, Magali; Cauwerts, Coralie. Assessing daylight luminance values and daylight glare probability in scale models. In: Building and Environment, Vol. 113, p. 210-219 (15 February 2017). doi:10.1016/j.buildenv.2016.08.033.

47. Llaguno-Munitxa, Maider; Bou-Zeid, Elie; Hultmark, Marcus. The influence of building geometry on street canyon air flow: Validation of large eddy simulations against wind tunnel experiments. In: Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, Vol. 165, no. 1, p. 115-130 (2017). doi:10.1016/j.jweia.2017.03.007.

48. Altomonte, Sergio; Saadouni, Sara; Kent, Michael G.; Schiavon, Stefano. Satisfaction with indoor environmental quality in BREEAM and non-BREEAM certified office buildings. In: Architectural Science Review, Vol. 60, p. 343-355 (2017). doi:10.1080/00038628.2017.1336983.

49. Kent, Michael G; Fotios, Steve; Altomonte, Sergio. Discomfort glare evaluation: The influence of anchor bias in luminance adjustments. In: Lighting Research & Technology, Vol. 51, no. 1, p. 131-146 (2017). doi:10.1177/1477153517734280.

50. Kent, Michael G.; Altomonte, Sergio; Wilson, Robin; Tregenza, Peter R. Temporal effects on glare response from daylight. In: Building and Environment, Vol. 113, p. 49-64 (2017). doi:10.1016/j.buildenv.2016.09.002.

51. Prignon, Martin; Van Moeseke, Geoffrey. Factors Influencing Airtightness and Airtightness Predictive Models: A Literature Review. In: Energy and Buildings, Vol. 146, p. 87-97 (1 juillet 2017). doi:10.1016/j.enbuild.2017.04.062.

52. Michael G Kent; Altomonte, Sergio; Peter Tregenza; Robin Wilson. Temporal variables and personal factors in glare sensation. In: Lighting Research and Technology, Vol. 48, no.6, p. 689-710 (2016). doi:10.1177/1477153515578310 (Soumis).

53. Altomonte, Sergio; Brian Logan; Peter Rutherford; Robin Wilson. Interactive and situated learning in education for sustainability. In: International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, Vol. 17, no.3, p. 417-443. doi:10.1108/IJSHE-01-2015-0003.

54. Altomonte, Sergio; Kent, Michael G.; Tregenza, Peter R.; Wilson, Robin. Visual task difficulty and temporal influences in glare response. In: Building and Environment, Vol. 95, p. 209-226 (2016). doi:10.1016/j.buildenv.2015.09.021.

55. Romnée, Ambroise; Evrard, Arnaud; Trachte, Sophie. Methodology for a stormwater sensitive urban watershed design. In: Journal of Hydrology, Vol. 530, p. 87-102 (November 2015). doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2015.09.054.

56. Altomonte, Sergio; Peter Rutherford; Robin Wilson. Human factors in the design of sustainable built environments. In: Intelligent Buildings International, Vol. 4: Workspaces Promoting Wellbeing, no.7, p. 224-241. doi:10.1080/17508975.2014.970121.

57. Michael G Kent; Altomonte, Sergio; Robin Wilson; Peter Tregenza. Discomfort glare and time of day. In: Lighting Research and Technology, Vol. 47, no.6, p. 641-657. doi:10.1177/1477153514547291.

58. Romnée, Ambroise; De Herde, André. Hydrological Efficiency Evaluation Tool Of Urban Stormwater Best Management Practices. In: International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning : encouraging the unified approach to achieve sustainability, Vol. 10, no.4, p. 435-452 (31/08/2015). doi:10.2495/SDP-V10-N4-435-452.

59. Obyn, Sophie; Van Moeseke, Geoffrey. Variability and impact of internal surfaces convective heat transfer coefficients in the thermal evaluation of office buildings. In: Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol. 87, no. 1, p. 258-272 (5 August 201). doi:10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2015.05.030.

60. Obyn, Sophie; Van Moeseke, Geoffrey; Virgo, Vincent. Thermal performance of shelter modelling: Improvement of temporary structures. In: Energy and Buildings, Vol. 89, no.1, p. 170-182 (2015). doi:10.1016/j.enbuild.2014.12.035.

61. Piderit, Maria Beatriz; Cauwerts, Coralie; Diaz, Muriel. Definition of the CIE standard skies and application of high dynamic range imaging technique to characterizethe spatial distribution of daylight in Chile. In: Revista de la Construccion, Vol. 13, no. 2, p. 22-30 (2014).

62. Altomonte, Sergio; Peter Rutherford; Robin Wilson. Mapping the Way Forward: Education for Sustainability in Architecture and Urban Design. In: Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, Vol. 21, no.3, p. 143-154. doi:10.1002/csr.1311.

63. Altomonte, Sergio; Stefano Schiavon. Influence of factors unrelated to environmental quality on occupant satisfaction in LEED and non-LEED certified buildings. In: Building and Environment, Vol. 77, no.-, p. 148-159. doi:10.1016/j.buildenv.2014.03.028.

64. Obyn, Sophie; Van Moeseke, Geoffrey. Comparison and discussion of heating systems for single-family homes in the framework of a renovation. In: Energy Conversion and Management, Vol. 88, no. 1, p. 153–167 (December 2014). doi:10.1016/j.enconman.2014.08.010.

65. Dubois, Samuel; Blecker, Christophe; Evrard, Arnaud; Lebeau, Frédéric. TEMPERATURE AND MOISTURE STORAGE IN CROP-BASED MATERIALS: MODELLING A STRAW BALES WALL SUBJECT TO A THERMAL SHOCK. In: Energy and Buildings,.

66. Dubois, Samuel; Evrard, Arnaud; Lebeau, Frédéric. Non-isothermal Moisture Balance Equation in Porous Media: A Review of Mathematical Formulations in Building Physics. In: Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Société et Environnement, Vol. 18, no. 3.

67. Dubois, Samuel; McGREGOR, Fionn; Lebeau, Frédéric; Evrard, Arnaud; HEATH, Andrew. An inverse modelling approach to estimate the hygric parameters of clay-based masonry during a Moisture Buffer Value test. In: Building and Environment, Vol. 81, p. 192-203 (Novembre 2014). doi:10.1016/j.buildenv.2014.06.018.

68. Marique, Anne-Françoise; De Meester, Tatiana; De Herde, André; Reiter, Sigrid. An online interactive tool to assess energy consumption in residential buildings and for daily mobility. In: Energy and Buildings, Vol. 78, p. 50-58 (2014). doi:10.1016/j.enbuild.2014.04.016.

69. Cauwerts, Coralie. Lumière naturelle et exigences PEB. In: Architrave, Vol. 179, no.179, p. 16-22 (2014).

70. de Meester de Betzenbroeck, Tatiana; Marique, Anne-Françoise; De Herde, André; Reiter, Sigrid. Impacts of occupant behaviours on residential heating consumption for detached houses in a temperate climate in the northern part of Europe. In: Energy and Buildings, Vol. 57, p. 313-323 (February 2013). doi:10.1016/j.enbuild.2012.11.005.

71. Altomonte, Sergio; Stefano Schiavon. Occupant satisfaction in LEED and non-LEED certified buildings. In: Building and Environment, Vol. 68, no.-, p. 66-76. doi:10.1016/j.buildenv.2013.06.008.

72. Louis, Arnaud; Evrard, Arnaud; Biot, Benjamin; Courard, Luc; Lebeau, Frédéric. De l’expérimentation à la modélisation des propriétés hygrothermiques de parois isolées en paille - ABTP. In: Annales du Batiment et des Travaux Publics, , no.6, p. 34-40 (Décembre 2013).

73. Van Moeseke, Geoffrey. Les vivants ne peuvent rien apprendre aux morts; les morts, au contraire, instruisent les vivants. In: Lieux-dits, Vol. 6, p. 21-22 (2013).

74. Dubois, Samuel; Evrard, Arnaud; Lebeau, Frédéric. Modeling the hygrothermal behavior of biobased construction materials. In: Journal of Building Physics, p. 1-23 (14-jui-2013). doi:10.1177/1744259113489810.

75. Evrard, Arnaud; Flory Celini, Caroline; Claeys-Bruno, Magalie; De Herde, André. Influence of liquid absorption coefficient on hygrothermal behaviour of an existing brick wall with Lime-Hemp plaster. In: Building and Environment, Vol. 79, p. 90-100 (09-2014). doi:10.1016/j.buildenv.2014.04.031.

76. Encinas, Felipe; De Herde, André. Sensitivity analysis in building performance simulation for summer comfort assessment of apartments from the real estate market. In: Energy and Buildings, Vol. 65, p. 55-65 (2013). doi:10.1016/j.enbuild.2013.05.047.

77. Altomonte, Sergio. CH2 - Lighing and Physiology. In: Construction Economics and Building, Vol. 5, no.2, p. 40-46 (2012). doi:10.5130/AJCEB.v5i2.2959.

78. Attia, Shady Galal Mohamed; Evrard, Arnaud; Gratia, Elisabeth. Development of benchmark models for the Egyptian residential buildings sector. In: Applied Energy, Vol. 94, p. 270-284 (2012). doi:10.1016/j.apenergy.2012.01.065.

79. Georges, Laurent; Massart, Catherine; Van Moeseke, Geoffrey; De Herde, André. Environmental and economic performance of heating systems for energy-efficient dwellings: Case of passive and low-energy single-family houses. In: Energy Policy, Vol. 40, no.1, p. 452-464 (2012). doi:10.1016/j.enpol.2011.10.037.

80. Attia, Shady; Gratia, Elisabeth; De Herde, André; Hensen, Jan L.M. Simulation-based decision support tool for early stages of zero-energy building design. In: Energy and Buildings, Vol. 49, p. 2-15 (2012). doi:10.1016/j.enbuild.2012.01.028.

81. Cauwerts, Coralie; Bodart, Magali; Deneyer, Arnaud. Comparison of the Vignetting Effects of Two Identical Fisheye Lenses. In: Leukos, Vol. 8, no. 3, p. 181-203 (January 2012). doi:10.1582/LEUKOS.2012.08.03.002.

82. Ossio, Felipe; De Herde, André; Veas Perez, Leonardo Eugenio. Exigencias europeas para infiltraciones de aire: Lecciones para Chile. In: Revista de la Construccion, Vol. 11, no. 1, p. 54-63 (2012). doi:10.4067/S0718-915X2012000100006.

83. Bodart, Magali; ROISIN, Benoit; Deneyer, Arnaud; D'Herdt, Peter. Diretrizes inovadoras para renovação da iluminação de residencies. In: Eletricidade Moderna, Vol. 450, no.Sep 2011, p. 166-175 (Septembre 2011).

84. Deltour, Jade; D'herdt, Peter; Deneyer, Arnaud; Bodart, Magali. Impact of lighting renovation on energy consumption and visual comfort: a case study in social dwellings. In: Light & engineering, Vol. 19, no. 3, p. 18-33 (2011).

85. Bustamante Gómez, Waldo; Encinas Pino, Felipe; De Herde, André. Análisis de comportamiento térmico de edificios de oficinas en comunas de la Región Metropolitana, Chile. In: Revista de la Construcción, Vol. 10, no. 1, p. 64-77 (Avril 2011). doi:10.4067/S0718-915X2011000100007.

86. Encinas Pino, Felipe; De Herde, André. Definition of occupant behaviour patterns with respect to ventilation for apartments from the real estate market in Santiago de Chile. In: Sustainable Cities and Society, Vol. 1, no. 1, p. 38-44 (February 2011). doi:10.1016/j.scs.2010.08.005.

87. Attia, Shady Galal Mohamed; Hensen, Jan LM; Beltrán, Liliana; De Herde, André. Selection Criteria for Building Performance Simulation Tools : Contrasting Architects and Engineers Needs. In: Journal of Building Performance Simulaion, , p. 1-15 (2011/09/14). doi:10.1080/19401493.2010.549573.

88. Bodart, Magali; Roisin, Benoit; D'Herdt, Peter; Keppens, Arno; Hanselaer, Peter; Ryckaert, Wouter R.; Arnaud, Deneyer G. Performances of Compact Fluorescent Lamps With Integrated Ballasts and Comparison With Incandescent Lamps. In: Light & Engineering, Vol. 18, no. 2, p. 83-98 (2010).

89. Evrard, Arnaud; De Herde, André. Hygrothermal Performance of Lime-Hemp Wall Assemblies. In: Journal of Building Physics, Vol. 34, no. 1, p. 5-25 (2010). doi:10.1177/1744259109355730.

90. Bodart, Magali; Bustamante Gómez, Waldo; Encinas Pino, Felipe. Iluminación natural de edificios de oficina. In: ARQ : revue d'architecture, no. 76 Día y noche, p. 44-49 (Décembre 2010). doi:10.4067/S0717-69962010000300007.

91. De Herde, André; Dartevelle, Olivier. U.C.L. and Sustainable Architecture Education in Belgium. In: Le carré bleu, Vol. 1, no. 3-4, p. 53-56 (2010).

92. De Visscher, Jean-Philippe; Outers, Martin; Pleitinx, Renaud. BXXL La tour à l'épreuve du projet : Hypothèses pour les chaussées et la vallée de la Senne. In: Notes de recherche Territoires et Développements Durables 2010, Vol. 1, no. 1, p. 1-40 (2010).

93. Attia, Shady Galal Mohamed; De Herde, André. Sizing Photovoltaic Systems during Early Design A Decision Tool for Architects. In: American Solar Energy Society, Vol. 1, no. 1 (2010).

94. Altomonte, Sergio. Climate Change and Architecture: Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for a Sustainable Development. In: Journal of Sustainable Development, Vol. 1, no.1, p. 97-112. doi:10.5539/jsd.v1n1p97.

95. Attia, Shady Galal Mohamed; De Herde, André. Bioclimatic Architecture Design Strategies in Egypt. In: Sustainable Energy Technologies, Vol. 1, no. 1 (2009).

96. Encinas Pino, Felipe; De Herde, André; Aguirre Núñez, Carlos; Marmolejo Duarte, Carlos. Thermal comfort and market niches for apartment buildings: impact of the current Thermal Regulation in the private real estate market in Santiago de Chile. In: ACE: Architecture, City and Environment, Vol. Year IV, no. 11, p. 45-48 (25th October 2009).

97. Bodart, Magali; de Penaranda, R.; Deneyer, A.; Flamant, G. Photometry and colorimetry characterisation of materials in daylighting evaluation tools. In: Building and Environment, Vol. 43, no. 12, p. 2046-2058 (2008). doi:10.1016/j.buildenv.2007.12.006.

98. Andersen, Marilyne; Kleindienst, Sian; Yi, Lu; Lee, Jaime; Bodart, Magali; Cutler, Barbara. An intuitive daylighting performance analysis and optimization approach. In: Building Research and Information : the international journal of research, development and demonstration, Vol. 36, no. 6, p. 593-607 (2008). doi:10.1080/09613210802243159.

99. Roisin, Benoit; Bodart, Magali; Deneyer, A.; D'Herdt, P. Lighting energy savings in offices using different control systems and their real consumption. In: Energy and Buildings, Vol. 40, no. 4, p. 514-523 (2008). doi:10.1016/j.enbuild.2007.04.006.

100. Bodart, Magali; Deneyer, A.; Gilbert, V. Validation of the Belgian single-patch sky and sun simulator. In: Building and Environment, Vol. 43, no. 11, p. 1892-1901 (2008). doi:10.1016/j.buildenv-2007.11.005.

101. Kleindienst, Sian; Bodart, Magali; Andersen, Marilyne. Graphical Representation of Climate-Based Daylight Performance to Support Architectural Design. In: Leukos, Vol. 5, no. 1, p. 39-61 (2008). doi:10.1582/LEUKOS.2008.05.01.003.

102. De Visscher, Jean-Philippe; Outers, Martin; Pleitinx, Renaud. BXXL De la tour au paysage. In: Louvain, no. 176, p. 32-34 (décembre 2008-janvier 2009).

103. Dartevelle, Olivier; Janssens, Benoît. Conception et rénovation énergétique des bâtiments de commerce. In: Les cahiers de l’urbanisme, Vol. 1, no. 70, p. 103 pages (12/2008).

104. Altomonte, Sergio. Daylight for Energy Savings and Psycho-Physiological Well-Being in Sustainable Built Environments. In: Journal of Sustainable Development, Vol. 1, no. 3, p. 3-16. doi:10.5539/jsd.v1n3p3.

105. Bodart, Magali. L'éclairage naturel des bâtiments. In: Les cahiers de l'urbanisme, Vol. 66, no.66, p. 48-51 (Janvier 2008).

106. Gratia, Elisabeth; De Herde, André. Are energy consumptions decreased with the addition of a double-skin?. In: Energy and Buildings, Vol. 39, no. 5, p. 605-619 (2007). doi:10.1016/j.enbuild.2006.10.002.

107. Gratia, Elisabeth; De Herde, André. The most efficient position of shading devices in a double-skin facade. In: Energy and Buildings, Vol. 39, no. 3, p. 364-373 (2007). doi:10.1016/j.enbuild.2006.09.001.

108. Gratia, Elisabeth; De Herde, André. Greenhouse effect in double-skin facade. In: Energy and Buildings, Vol. 39, no. 2, p. 199-211 (2007). doi:10.1016/j.enbuild.2006.06.004.

109. Gratia, Elisabeth; De Herde, André. Guidelines for improving natural daytime ventilation in an office building with a double-skin facade. In: Solar Energy, Vol. 81, no. 4, p. 435-448 (2007). doi:10.1016/j.solener.2006.08.006.

110. Van Moeseke, Geoffrey; Bruyere, Isabelle; De Herde, André. Impact of control rules on the efficiency of shading devices and free cooling for office buildings. In: Building and Environment, Vol. 42, no. 2, p. 784-793 (2007). doi:10.1016/j.buildenv.2005.09.015.

111. Roisin , Benoit; Bodart, Magali; Deneyer, Arnaud; D'Herdt, Peter. On the substitution of incandescent lamps by compact fluorescent lamps : switch on behaviour and photometric distribution. In: Ingineria iluminatului - Lighting Engineering, Vol. 9, no.19, p. 50-59 (2007).

112. Bodart, Magali; Deneyer, Arnaud; De Herde, André; Wouters, Peter. A guide for building daylight scale models. In: Architectural Science Review, Vol. 50, no. 1, p. 31-36 (March 2007). doi:10.3763/asre.2007.5005.

113. Bodart, Magali; Deneyer, Arnaud; De Herde, André; Wouters, Peter. Design of a new single patch sky and sun simulator. In: Lighting Research and Technology, Vol. 38, no.1, p. 73-89 (2006). doi:10.1191/1365782806li157oa.

114. Bodart, Magali. Comment on "Design of a new single-patch sky and sun simulator". In: Lighting Research and Technology, Vol. 38, no. 3, p. 273-274 (2006).

115. Van Moeseke, Geoffrey; Gratia, Elisabeth; Reiter, S; De Herde, André. Wind pressure distribution influence on natural ventilation for different incidences and environment densities. In: Energy and Buildings, Vol. 37, no. 8, p. 878-889 (2005). doi:10.1016/j.enbuild.2004.11.009.

116. Gratia, Elisabeth; Bruyere, I; De Herde, André. How to use natural ventilation to cool narrow office buildings. In: Building and Environment, Vol. 39, no. 10, p. 1157-1170 (2004). doi:10.1016/j.buildenv.2004.02.005.

117. Gratia, Elisabeth; De Herde, André. Optimal operation of a south double-skin facade. In: Energy and Buildings, Vol. 36, no. 1, p. 41-60 (2004). doi:10.1016/j.enbuild.2003.06.001.

118. Gratia, Elisabeth; De Herde, André. Is day natural ventilation still possible in office buildings with a double-skin facade?. In: Building and Environment, Vol. 39, no. 4, p. 399-409 (2004). doi:10.1016/j.buildenv.2003.10.006.

119. Gratia, Elisabeth; De Herde, André. Natural ventilation in a double-skin facade. In: Energy and Buildings, Vol. 36, no. 2, p. 137-146 (2004). doi:10.1016/j.enbuild.2003.10.008.

120. Gratia, Elisabeth; De Herde, André. Natural cooling strategies efficiency in an office building with a double-skin facade. In: Energy and Buildings, Vol. 36, no. 11, p. 1139-1152 (2004). doi:10.1016/j.enbuild.2004.05.004.

121. Bodart, Magali; Deneyer, Arnaud. Ciel et Soleil artificiels. In: A+, Vol. 187, no.187, p. 114-115 (Mai 2014).

122. Gratia, Elisabeth; De Herde, André. Design of low energy office buildings. In: Energy and Buildings, Vol. 35, no. 5, p. 473-491 (2003). doi:10.1016/S0378-7788(02)00160-3.

123. Gratia, Elisabeth; De Herde, André. A simple design tool for the thermal study of dwellings. In: Energy and Buildings, Vol. 34, no. 4, p. 411-420 (2002).

124. Bodart, Magali; De Herde, André. Global energy savings in offices buildings by the use of daylighting. In: Energy and Buildings, Vol. 34, no. 5, p. 421-429 (2002). doi:10.1016/S0378-7788(01)00117-7.

125. Gratia, Elisabeth; De Herde, André. A simple design tool for the thermal study of an office building. In: Energy and Buildings, Vol. 34, no. 3, p. 279-289 (2002).

126. Lefèvre, Isabelle S.; Gratia, Elisabeth; Lutts, Stanley. Discrimination between the ionic and osmotic components of salt stress in relation to free polyamine level in rice (Oryza sativa). In: Plant Science, Vol. 161, no. 5, p. 943-952 (2001). doi:10.1016/S0168-9452(01)00485-X.

Conference Papers

1. Stiernon, Dorothée; Böhlke, Anders; Stephan, André; Bos, Morgane; Marino, Giulia. Office to housing conversion: estimating life cycle environmental and financial performance. In: Journal of Physics: Conference Series. Vol. 2600 (2023), no.152006, p. 1-6 (2023). IOP Publishing, 2023 xxx. doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2600/15/152006.

2. Dartevelle, Olivier; Castreman, Julie; Lotfi Guedria; Véronique Vanwelde. SOFTSummer: Vers des solutions efficaces et inclusives de systèmes de gestion de protections solaires et de ventilation intensive pour garantir le confort thermique estival dans les bâtiments résidentiels.. 2022 xxx.

3. Stephan, André; Mulders, Gildas Youri; Slavkovic, Katarina. Nested Phoenix: a bottom-up Python model for the life cycle environmental performance of urban built stocks. In: IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. Vol. 1122, no.1, p. 012028 (2022). Pekka Huovila, 2022 xxx. doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1122/1/012028.

4. Prideaux, Fabian; Allacker, Karen; Crawford, Robert H.; Stephan, André. A review of embodied life cycle assessment tools used to support the building design process. In: IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. Vol. 1122, no.1, p. 012031 (2022). Pekka Huovila, 2022 xxx. doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1122/1/012031.

5. Ataee, Soroosh; Stephan, André. Improving the life cycle greenhouse gas emissions of transport infrastructure assets – a case study in Brussels, Belgium. In: IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. Vol. 1122, no.1, p. 012029 (2022). Pekka Huovila, 2022 xxx. doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1122/1/012029.

6. Slavkovic, Katarina; Stephan, André; Mulders, Gildas Youri. Dynamic Life Cycle Assessment - Parameters for scenario development in prospective environmental modelling of building stocks. In: IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. Vol. 1122, no.1, p. 012027 (2022). Pekka Huovila, 2022 xxx. doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1122/1/012027.

7. Loreau, Sébastien; Stephan, André; Cooper, D. R.; Maerckx, A.. Assessing material and embodied flows related to building services in office buildings — the case of Brussels, Belgium. In: IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. Vol. 1122, no.1, p. 012030 (2022). Pekka Huovila, 2022 xxx. doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1122/1/012030.

8. Dartevelle, Olivier; Altomonte, Sergio; Masy, Gabrielle; Mlecnik, Erwin; Van Moeseke, Geoffrey. Indoor summer thermal comfort in a changing climate: the case of a nearly zero energy house in Wallonia (Belgium).. In: CEES 2021 - International Conference on Construction, Energy, Environment and Sustainability, 2021, 9789895449910 xxx.

9. Llaguno-Munitxa, Maider; Shu, Xin; Mistry, Bhavan. Multivariate analysis of the influence between building design and energy performance, socio-demographic metrics, and the intra-urban environment. In: Journal of Physics: Conference Series. Vol. 2069 (2021). 2021 xxx. doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2069/1/012056.

10. Wang, Jing; Bou-Zeid, Elie; Li, Qi; Giometto, Marco Giovanni=; Llaguno-Munitxa, Maider. Understanding the Extreme Winds over Built Surfaces. 2021 xxx.

11. Baudoin, Gilles; Van Moeseke, Geoffrey. Selection of melting-peak temperature of phase-change materials: influence of the building parameters. 2021 xxx.

12. Llaguno-Munitxa, Maider; Shu, Xin. Spatial urban air quality prediction model utilizing high spatiotemporal resolution direct and remote sensing, socio-demographic and urban fabric data. 2021 xxx.

13. Llaguno-Munitxa, Maider; Bou-Zeid, Elie. Influence of vehicular road emissions on urban air quality examined through high spatio-temporal resolution data during the COVID-19 lockdown. 2021 xxx.

14. Deroisy, Bertrand; Maskarenj, Marshal; Altomonte, Sergio. Modelling solar shadings with metallic slats for optimal daylighting. What parameters should we focus on?. In: Proceedings of BS2021, 2021 xxx.

15. Carmon, Donatienne; Altomonte, Sergio. Lighting for circadian well-being: a simulation-based workflow for the visual and non-visual lighting design of a nursing home. In: Proceedings of the 2021 IBPSA Building Simulation Conference, 2021 xxx.

16. Baudoin, Gilles; Van Moeseke, Geoffrey. Matériaux à changement de phase dans les parois du bâtiment : étude de l’origine des gains énergétiques. 2020 xxx.

17. Stiernon, Dorothée. ÉQUILIBRE ENTRE PERFORMANCES ÉNERGÉTIQUES ET VALEUR PATRIMONIALE : Développement d’une méthode de rénovation durable du logement ancien d’avant-guerre. 2020 xxx.

18. Stephan, André; Stephan, Laurent. Towards zero life cycle GHG emissions apartment buildings in Lebanon. In: IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. Vol. 588, no.0000, p. 022055 (2020). 2020 xxx. doi:10.1088/1755-1315/588/2/022055.

19. Llaguno-Munitxa, Maider. The environmental neighborhoods of cities and their spatial extent; A study of New York City and Greater London. 2020 xxx.

20. Llaguno-Munitxa, Maider. Opportunistic Mobile Urban Sensing Technologies. 2020 xxx.

21. Llaguno-Munitxa, Maider. The Role of Vehicular Road Emissions in Urban Air Quality. 2020 xxx.

22. Amorim, Claudia Naves David; Gentile, Niko; Osterhaus, Werner; Altomonte, Sergio. Integrated Solutions for Daylighting and Electric Lighting:IEA SHC Task 61/EBC Annex 77, Subtask D – Proposal and First Results. In: Planning Post Carbon Cities. Proceedings of the 35th PLEA Conference on Passive and Low Energy Architecture. A Coruña, University of A Coruña: A Coruña, 2020, 978-84-9749-794-7 xxx. doi:10.17979/spudc.9788497497947.

23. Llaguno-Munitxa, Maider. Sensing the Environmental Neighborhoods. In: Proceedings of the 2020 DigitalFUTURES The 2nd International Conference on Computational Design and Robotic Fabrication (CDRF 2020), Springer, 2020, 978-981-33-4399-3, 124-133 xxx. doi:10.1007/978-981-33-4400-6_12.

24. Tayyab, Ahmad; Aibinu, Ajibade A.; Stephan, André. Green buildings in Australia: explaining the difference of drivers in commercial and residential sector. In: Smart and Sustainable Built Environments Conference, 2018 (SASBE), Roggema, Rob Roggema, Anouk, 2020, 9783030376345, p. 10 xxx.

25. Baudoin, Gilles; Van Moeseke, Geoffrey. Influence of building parameters on thermal mass modification with phase-change materials: numerical study based on design of experiments. 2019 xxx.

26. Dubois, Samuel; Desarnaud, Julie; Vanhellemont, Yves; de Bouw, Michaël; Trachte, Sophie; Stiernon, Dorothée. Combining multi-view photogrammetry and wireless sensor networks when modelling the hygrothermal behaviour of heritage buildings. 2019 xxx.

27. Stiernon, Dorothée; Trachte, Sophie; Dubois, Samuel; Desarnaud, Julie. A method for the retrofitting of pre-1914 Walloon dwellings with heritage value. In: Journal of Physics Conference Series. Vol. Volume 1343, no. Conférence 1, p. / (2019). Institute of physics publishing, 2019 xxx. doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1343/1/012179.

28. Llaguno-Munitxa, Maider. The environmental neighborhoods of cities and their spatial extent. 2019 xxx.

29. Abdelwahab, Sahar; Rutherford, Peter; Mayhoub, Mohammed; Altomonte, Sergio. Sensitivity Analysis on the Impact of User Control on Daylight and Energy Simulations. In: Proceedings of IBPSA Building Simulation 2019 International Conference, 2019 xxx.

30. Stiernon, Dorothée; Trachte, Sophie. Les enjeux de la gestion de l'eau et l'avenir de la ressource dans le projet d'architecture. 2018 xxx.

31. Stiernon, Dorothée; Trachte, Sophie. Présentation du projet de recherche "P-RENEWAL" à l'Union des Villes et des Communes de Wallonie. 2018 xxx.

32. Stiernon, Dorothée; Trachte, Sophie. Outil de gestion décentralisée à la parcelle des eaux pluviales en zones urbanisables en Région wallonne. 2018 xxx.

33. Stiernon, Dorothée. ÉQUILIBRE ENTRE PERFORMANCES ÉNERGÉTIQUES ET VALEUR PATRIMONIALE : Développement d’une méthode de rénovation durable du logement ancien d’avant 1919. 2018 xxx.

34. Dubois, Samuel; de Bouw, Michael; Vanhellemont, Yves; Stiernon, Dorothée; Trachte, Sophie. Combining multi-view photogrammetry and wireless sensor networks when modelling the hygrothermal behaviour of heritage buildings. 2018 xxx.

35. Baudoin, Gilles; Van Moeseke, Geoffrey. Phase Change Materials (PCMs) to Optimise Thermal Mass. 2018 xxx.

36. Cauwerts, Coralie; Jost, Sophie. Informing on the impact of electric lighting and coated glazing on Colors in complex Architectural Scenes. 2018 xxx.

37. Prignon, Martin; Van Moeseke, Geoffrey. Uncertainties in airtightness measurements: regression methods and pressure sequences. 2018 xxx.

38. Llaguno-Munitxa, Maider. Design of Urban Topography to Promote Street Ventilation. 2018 xxx.

39. Llaguno-Munitxa, Maider. Blending Hardware and Software Innovations in Mobile Urban Sensing Technologies. 2018 xxx.

40. Masy, Gabrielle; De Grave, Denis; Leclercq, Thomas; Hinque, Salomée; Dawans, Arnaud; Brancart, Manon. Assessment of Building Energy Performance through on site measurements. 2018 xxx.

41. Baudoin, Gilles; Van Moeseke, Geoffrey. Phase Change Materials in Buildings: Combined Optimisation of Melting-Peak Temperature and Melting Temperature Range. 2018 xxx.

42. Llaguno-Munitxa, Maider. Sensing and Information Technologies for the Environment (SITE); Hardware and Software Innovations in Mobile Sensing Technologies. In: 7th International Building Physics Conference (IBPC 2018), Jianshun Zhang; Edward Bogucz; Cliff Davidson; Elizabeth Krietmeyer: Syracuse, 2018, 9781510816787 xxx. doi:10.14305/

43. Kent, M.; Fotios, S.; Altomonte, Sergio. Experimental Biases in Discomfort Glare Evaluations. In: Smart and Healthy within the 2-degree Limit, 2018 xxx.

44. Pierson, Clotilde; Wienold, Jan; Altomonte, Sergio; Bodart, Magali. Evaluation of discomfort glare through glare scales: what are we really measuring?. In: Proceedings of CIE Expert Workshop on Research Methods for Human Factors in Lighting, 2018 xxx.

45. Baudoin, Gilles; Verbeke, Stijn; Van Moeseke, Geoffrey. Etude par simulation de la pertinence de combiner deux matériaux à changement de phase (PCMs) pour modifier la masse thermique des bâtiments. 2018 xxx.

46. Abdelwahab, S.; Kent, M.; Rutherford, P.; Altomonte, Sergio. Sensitivity Analysis for Energy Modelling based on Daylight Simulations. In: SDBE - Sustainable Design of the Built Environment, 2018 xxx.

47. Masy, Gabrielle; Leclercq, Thomas; Dawans, Arnaud; Brancart, Manon. The Cambbridge research project, gathering a Belgian construction company (Jacques Delens s.a.) and a university (UCL). 2017 xxx.

48. Pierson, Clotilde; Wienold, Jan; Bodart, Magali. Discomfort glare perception in daylighting: influencing factors. In: Energy Procedia. Vol. 122, p. 331–336 (September 2017). Elsevier BV: (Netherlands) Amsterdam, 2017 xxx. doi:10.1016/j.egypro.2017.07.332;;

49. Fox Caroline; Lucelia Taranto; Altomonte, Sergio; Mark Gillott. A review of the potential of smart homes to support independent living. In: Proceedings of CSET 2017, 2017 xxx.

50. Prignon, Martin; Van Moeseke, Geoffrey. Characterization of infiltration and exfiltration at building component scale (air paths) based on in-situ testing and numerical simulations.. 2017 xxx.

51. Stiernon, Dorothée; Trachte, Sophie; de Bouw, Michaël; Dubois, Samuel; Vanhellemont, Yves. Heritage value combined with energy and sustainable retrofit: representative types of old Walloon dwellings built before 1914. 2017 xxx.


53. Pierson, Clotilde; Jacobs, Axel; Wienold, Jan; Bodart, Magali. Luminance maps from High Dynamic Range imaging: photometric, radiometric and geometric calibrations. In: PROCEEDINGS of the Lux Europa 2017 Conference "Lighting for modern society", Matej B. Kobav: Tržaška cesta 25, SI1000 Ljubljana (Slovenia), 2017, 9789619373347, 700 xxx.

54. Pierson, Clotilde; Piderit Moreno, Maria Beatriz; Wienold, Jan; Bodart, Magali. Discomfort glare from daylighting: influence of culture on discomfort glare perception. In: PROCEEDINGS of the Conference on "Smarter Lighting for Better Life" at the CIE Midterm Meeting 2017, 2017, 978-3-901906-95-4, 1217 xxx. doi:10.25039/x44.2017.OP12.

55. Abdelwahab, S.; Kent, M.; Altomonte, Sergio. Sensitivity analysis for the daylight simulation of complex façades. In: Advanced Building Skins, 2017 xxx.

56. Altomonte, Sergio; Walker, K.; Kent, M.; Brager, G.; Schiavon, S.. Are occupants more satisfied with indoor environmental quality in green-certified buildings?. In: Proceedings of PLEA 2017, 2017 xxx.

57. Kent, M.; Altomonte, Sergio; Wilson, R.; Tregenza, P.. Temporal variability on discomfort glare from daylight. In: Velux Daylight Symposium, 2017 xxx.

58. Pierson, Clotilde; Bodart, Magali; Cauwerts, Coralie; Wienold, Jan. Discomfort glare from daylighting: study of factors influencing discomfort glare perception and validation of a universal discomfort glare index. 2017 xxx.

59. Stiernon, Dorothée; Massart, Catherine. Quelles logiques conceptuelles pour limiter les coûts de construction. 2016 xxx.

60. Stiernon, Dorothée; Massart, Catherine. Quelles logiques conceptuelles pour limiter les coûts de construction. 2016 xxx.

61. Maraqa, Shadi; Van Moeseke, Geoffrey; De Herde, André. Natural ventilation feasibility in typical patients wards in a Belgian hospital during summer. 2016 xxx.

62. Gobbo, Emilie; Trachte, Sophie. Building as material deposit: Material balances and “recoverability” into retrofitting processes. 2016 xxx.

63. Outers, Martin. Comfort and energy savings: Thermal zoning by inclusion. In: PLEA 2016 : 32nd International Conference on Passive and Low Energy Architecture, 2016, 978-0-692-74961-6, p. 52 - 58 xxx.

64. Altomonte, Sergio; Sara Saadouni; Stefano Schiavon. Occupant Satisfaction in LEED and BREEAM-Certified Office Buildings. In: Proceedings of PLEA 2016, 2016 xxx.

65. Delem, Laetitia; Decuyper, Ruben; Dartevelle, Olivier. €coffice-LCC and LCA as part of the integrated design approach for a high performance-low cost office building. In: Expanding Boundaries: Systems Thinking in the Built Environment, 2016, 978-3-7281-3774-6 xxx. doi:10.3218/3774-6.

66. Maraqa, Shadi; Van Moeseke, Geoffrey; De Herde, André. Enhancing natural ventilation in patients’ wards in a Belgian hospital by integrating some ventilation concepts from vernacular architecture. In: CLIMA 2016 - proceedings of the 12th REHVA World Congress: volume 5, Kvols Heiselberg: Aalborg University, Department of Civil Engineering, 2016, 87-91606-30-6 (vol. 5) xxx.

67. Altomonte, Sergio; Kent, M.; Wilson, R.; Tregenza, P.. Task difficulty, temporal variables and glare response. In: Proceedings of PLEA 2016, 2016 xxx.

68. Ayman Wagdy; Fatma Fathy; Altomonte, Sergio. Evaluating the Daylighting Performance of Dynamic Façades by Using New Annual Climate-Based Metrics. In: Proceedings of PLEA 2016, 2016 xxx.

69. Dartevelle, Olivier; Obyn, Sophie; Vanwelde, Véronique. Measure of Occupants’ Satisfaction in High Energy Performance Residential Buildings: Results from the action Construire Avec l’Energie in Belgium.. In: PLEA 2016 - Cities, Buildings, People: Towards Regenerative Environments, Proceedings of the 32nd International Conference on Passive and Low Energy Architecture;, 2016, 978-0-692-74961-6 xxx.

70. Pierson, Clotilde; Bodart, Magali. Validation and Universalization of Daylight Glare Probability Index. In: Proceedings of LUMENET 2016 workshop, 2016, 82 xxx.

71. Evrard, Arnaud; Trachte, Sophie; Hermand, Cédric; Bouillard, Philppe; De Herde, André. SUSTAINABLE RETROFITTING OF DWELLINGS IN BRUSSELS CAPITAL REGION: FIVE SCENARIOS OF EVOLUTION USING A MULTI-SCALE AND -CRITERIA PRE-ASSESSMENT TOOL. In: PLEA 2016 - Proceedings of the 32nd International Conference on Passive and Low Energy Architecture, 2016, 978-0-692-74961-6, 452-457 xxx.

72. Galan, Arancha; Consolacion, Acha; Bouillard, Philippe; Trachte, Sophie; Evrard, Arnaud. Old buildings, new cities: Analysis of Brussel's Leopold Quarter building typologies as a driver to identify optimal retrofitting strategies.. 2015 xxx.

73. Van Moeseke, Geoffrey. Ventilative cooling in the Belgian regulation. 2015 xxx.

74. Galan, Arancha; Bouillard, Philppe; Consolacion, Acha; Trachte, Sophie; Evrard, Arnaud. TCS Matrix: Evaluation of optimal energy retrofitting strategies. 2015 xxx.

75. Galan, Aranzazu; Deltenre, Quentin; Athanassiadis, Aristide; Trachte, Sophie; Evrard, Arnaud; Acha, C; Bouillard, Philppe. PRESERVING BRUSSELS IDENTITY: METHODOLOGICAL PRINCIPLES FOR THE RETROFITTING OF CITY BLOCKS. In: CISBAT 2015 FUTURE BUILDINGS & DISTRICTS SUSTAINABILITY FROM NANO TO URBAN SCALE - PROCEEDINGS VOL. I, Solar Energy and Building Physics Laboratory (LESO-PB): Lausanne, 2015, 978-2-9701052-0-6, p. 493-498 xxx.

76. Dartevelle, Olivier; Bodart, Magali; Deneyer, Arnaud. Comparing the efficiency of solar shading devices in reducing building cooling needs. In: EnergyForum - 10th Conference on Advanced Building Skins, 2015, 978-3-98120538-1 xxx.


78. Evrard, Arnaud; Biot, Benjamin; Keutgen, Gauthier; Lebeau, Frédéric; Courard, Luc; De Herde, André. Straw-bale walls for sustainable architecture: Improving and promoting straw-bale use in European Buildings. In: PLEA2015 - Architecture in (R)Evolution, Ass. Building Green Futures: Bologna, 2015, 978-88-941163-1-1 xxx.

79. Cuvellier, Simon; Dartevelle, Olivier. ENERGIE+: AN ONLINE DECISION-MAKING GUIDE TO SUPPORT ENERGY EFFICIENCY IN TERTIARY SECTOR BUILDINGS. In: PLEA2015 Architecture in (R)Evolution - Book of Abstracts, 2015, 978-88-941163-0-4 xxx.

80. Van Moeseke, Geoffrey; Dartevelle, Olivier. A decision tree for an integrated cooling design. 2015 xxx.

81. Gobbo, Emilie. Rénovation énergétique et bilan matière: cas des BATEX à Bruxelles. 2015 xxx.

82. Gobbo, Emilie. Le bâtiment comme gisement de matière : Analyse du bilan métabolique (matières) des opérations de rénovation énergétique en Région de Bruxelles-Capitale. 2015 xxx.

83. Gobbo, Emilie; Trachte, Sophie. Energy retrofits of residential buildings in Brussels: What impacts on stocks and material flows?. 2015 xxx.


85. Pierson, Clotilde; Evrard, Arnaud. Optimization of Facade Wall Building Systems in Walloon Region. In: PLEA2015 Architecture in (R)Evolution - Book of Abstracts, Building Green Futures: Bologna, Italy, 2015, 978-88-941163-0-4 xxx.

86. Romnée, Ambroise. Comparison between literature guidelines and developed projects regarding the land use criteria for the selection of the best management practices for stormwater. In: Water Resources Management VIII (Transactions on Ecology and The Environment), WIT Press: Southampton, UK, 2015, 978-1-84564-960-9 xxx.

87. Galán González, Aránzazu; Trachte, Sophie; Athanassiadis, Aristide; Evrard, Arnaud; Bouillard, Philippe; Acha Román, Consolación. Old buildings, New cities: Energy renovation strategies for the historic residential stock of Brussels.. In: WSB 2014 Conference Documentation, 2014, 978-84-697-1815-5 xxx.

88. Maraqa, Shadi; Van Moeseke, Geoffrey; De Herde, André. Thermal and Ventilation Performance Assessment in Traditional Islamic Hospitals Based on Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulation, Case Study: Bimaristan Al-Qaimari - Damascus. 2014 xxx.

89. Marique, Anne-Françoise; Cuvellier, Simon; Reiter, Sigrid. Energy Efficiency and the City: An Integrated Urban Tool Dedicated to Local Stakeholders and Citizens. 2014 xxx.

90. Obyn, Sophie; Van Moeseke, Geoffrey; Virgo, Vincent. The thermal performance of shelter modelling: Improvement of temporary structures. In: WIT Transactions on The Build Environment. Vol. 136, p. 83-91 (2014). In: MOBILE AND RAPIDLY ASSEMBLED STRUCTURES IV, N. De Temmerman, C.A. Brebbia: Great Britain, UK, 2014, 978-1-84564-773-5, 83-91 xxx. doi:10.2495/MAR140071.

91. Trachte, Sophie; Evrard, Arnaud; Galan, Arancha; Athanassiadis, Aristide. Assessing Sustainable Retrofit of the old Dwellings Stock in Brussels Capital Region. In: PLEA2015 - Sustainable habitat for developing societies, CEPT UNIVERSITY PRESS: Ahmedabad - India, 2014, 978-93-83184-03-3 xxx.

92. Evrard, Arnaud; Dubois, Samuel; Louis, Arnaud; Lebeau, Frédéric. First monitoring results of three straw bale buildings in Belgium. In: PLEA2015 - Sustainable habitat for developing societies, CEPT UNIVERSITY PRESS: Ahmedabad - India, 2014, 978-93-83184-03-3 xxx.

93. Athanassiadis, Aristide; Galan, Arancha; Evrard, Arnaud; Trachte, Sophie; Bouillard, Philippe; De Herde, André. Assessing the energy use of the pre-war residential building stock of Brussels Capital Region at a neighbourhood scale. In: WSB 2014 Conference Documentation: Barcelona, 2014, 978-84-697-1815-5 xxx.

94. Romnée, Ambroise; Bodart, Magali. Does LED lighting improve pedestrians visual performances ?. In: Proceedings of CIE 2014 "Lighting Quality and Energy Efficiency", 2014, 978-3-902842-49-7 xxx.

95. Romnée, Ambroise; Bodart, Magali. Street lighting appreciated by pedestrians: a field study. In: Proceedings of CIE 2014 : "Lighting Quality and Energy Efficiency", 2014, 978-3-902842-49-7 xxx.

96. Romnée, Ambroise; De Bondt, Kevin; Mahaut, Valérie. Sustainable stormwater management tool at the neighbourhood scale. In: Urban Water II, WIT Press: Southampton,UK, 2014, 978-1-84564-780-3 xxx. doi:10.2495/UW140331.

97. Cuvellier, Simon; Marique, Anne-Françoise; Reiter, Sigrid. Improving the Energy Efficiency of the Building Stock: A Bottom-up Model and its Application in an Online Interactive Portal. In: PLEA2014 - SUSTAINABLE HABITAT FOR DEVELOPING SOCIETIES, CEPT UNIVERSITY PRESS: Ahmedabad, India, 2014, 978-93-83184-02-6 xxx.

98. Dartevelle, Olivier; Deneyer, Arnaud; Bodart, Magali. PROSOLIS: a Web Tool for Thermal and Daylight Characteristics Comparison of Glazing Complexes. In: 30th International PLEA Conference - Sustainable Habitat For Developing Societies, 2014, 978-93-83184-03-3 xxx.

99. Attia, Shady Galal Mohamed; Van Moeseke, Geoffrey. Bioclimatic Design in Casablanca (Morocco): Decision Support through Building Performance Simulation. 2013 xxx.

100. Attia, Shady Galal Mohamed; Evrard, Arnaud. Benchmark models for air conditioned residential buildings in hot and humid climate. 2013 xxx.

101. Obyn, Sophie; Van Moeseke, Geoffrey; De Herde, André. Thermal performance simulation technologies contributing to sustainable shelter innovation. 2013 xxx.

102. Louis, Arnaud; Evrard, Arnaud; Biot, Benjamin; Courard, Luc; Lebeau, Frédéric. De l’expérimentation à la modélisation des propriétés hygrothermiques de parois isolées en paille. 2013 xxx.

103. Rojo, Claudia; Fissore, Adelqui. Influence of the user behaviour in the total energy consumption on social housing in Chile. In: 2nd CENTRAL EUROPEAN SYMPOSIUM ON BUILDING PHYSICS, 2013, 978-3-85437-321-6 xxx.

104. Evrard, Arnaud. Thermal inertia and moisture regulation of straw bale buildings with earth plasters. In: PLEA2013 - Sustainable Architecture for a Renewable Future, Fraunhofer IRB Verlag: Munich, Germany, 2013, 978-3-8167-9054-9 xxx.

105. Cauwerts, Coralie; Bodart, Magali; Labayrade, Raphaël. Assessing lighting appearance using pictures: Influence of tone-mapping parameters and lighting conditions in the visualization room. In: Proceedings of CISBAT 2013, 2013, 978-2-8399-1280-8, p. 359-364 xxx.

106. Romnée, Ambroise; Lejeune, Guy; Bodart, Magali. A new real time intelligent management model for street lighting. In: Proceedings of CIE Centenary Conference : Towards a New Century of Light, 2013, 978-3-902842-44-2 xxx.

107. Altomonte, Sergio; Hana Reimer; Peter Rutherford; Robin Wilson. Towards Education for Sustainability in University Curricula and in the Practice of Design. In: Proceedings of PLEA 2013, 2013 xxx.

108. Cauwerts, Coralie; Bodart, Magali. Validation of a questionnaire for assessing perceptions of lighting characteristics in daylit spaces. In: PLEA 2013 Munich: Sustainable Architecture for a Renewable Future, 2013, 978-3-8167-9054-9 xxx.

109. Dartevelle, Olivier; Lethé, Guillaume; Deneyer, Arnaud; Bodart, Magali. The use of bidirectional scattering distribution functions for solar shading modelling in dynamic thermal simulation: a results comparison. 2013, 978-2-8399-1280-8 xxx.

110. Ossio, Felipe; Veas Perez, Leonardo Eugenio; De Herde, André. Constructive Standards for Adapted Thermal Performance of Educational Buildings in Chile. 2012 xxx.

111. Evrard, Arnaud. Moisture equilibrium in straw bale walls. 2012 xxx.

112. Obyn, Sophie; Van Moeseke, Geoffrey. Comparaison et discussion de systèmes de chauffe dans le cadre d'une rénovation vers le standard passif. In: CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS 05 OKTOBER 2012 BRUSSELS, Peter Dellaert, 2012, 9789081118279, p. 210-219 xxx.

113. Dubois, Samuel; Evrard, Arnaud; Lebeau , Frédéric. Hygrothermal modelling of Lime-Hemp concrete used as building material and indoor climate buffering characterization. 2012 xxx.

114. Cauwerts, Coralie. Potential of image-based lighting (IBL) pictures for subjective lighting quality evaluations: a comparison with real world luminances and physically based renderings (PBR). 2012 xxx.

115. Claeys, Damien; Couwenbergh, Jean; Fontaine, Christine; Godyns, Jan; Houdé, Joelle; Van Moeseke, Geoffrey. Approches émergentes en architecture : pensées complexe/simplexe. 2012 xxx.

116. Van Moeseke, Geoffrey. Solar and internal gains in low-energy and passive houses. 2012 xxx.

117. Altomonte, Sergio. Educate! Sustainable Environmental Design in Architectural Education and Practice. In: Proceedings of PLEA 2012, 2012 xxx.

118. Van Moeseke, Geoffrey; Attia, Shady Galal Mohamed; Massart, Catherine; Dartevelle, Olivier; De Herde, André. Proposition de redéfinition pragmatique des bâtiments net-zéro énergie. 2012 xxx.

119. Piderit, Beatriz; Bodart, Magali. Design strategies applied to classroom's daylight design optimization of classrooms design. In: Passive and Low Energy architecture : Opportunities, limits & needs, Towards an environmentally responsible architecture, 2012, 9786124057892 xxx.

120. Attia, Shady Galal Mohamed; De Herde, André. Defining Zero Energy Buildings from a Cradle to Cradle Approach. In: Passive and Low Energy Architecture. Vol. 1, no. 1 (2011). 2011 xxx.

121. Attia, Shady Galal Mohamed; Hamdy, Mohamed; Samaan, Mina; De Herde, André; Hensen, Jan LM. TOWARDS STRATEGIC USE OF BPS TOOLS IN EGYPT. In: IBPSA. Vol. 1, no. 1 (2011). 2011 xxx.

122. Encinas Pino, Felipe; Sanchez de la Flor, Francisco José; De Herde, André. Definition of occupant behaviour patterns with respect to ventilation by means of multivariate statistical techniques. In: 32nd AIVC Conference and 1st TightVent Conference Proceedings, AIVC and TightVent Europe: Brussels, 2011, 248-253 xxx.

123. Trachte, Sophie; Massart, Catherine. Reducing the environmental impact of new dwellings: Analyse of the balance between heating energy savings and environmental assessment of the building materials. In: Architecture and sustainable development tome2, 2011, 978-2-87463-277-8 xxx.

124. Attia, Shady Galal Mohamed; De Herde, André. EARLY DESIGN SIMULATION TOOLS FOR NET ZERO ENERGY BUILDINGS: A COMPARISON OF TEN TOOLS. In: IBPSA. Vol. 1, no. 1 (2011). 2011 xxx.

125. Attia, Shady Galal Mohamed; De Herde, André. Design Decision Tool for Zero Energy Buildings. In: Passive and Low Energy Architecture. Vol. 1, no. 1 (2011). 2011 xxx.

126. Gibson, Andrew; Altomonte, Sergio; Rutherord, Peter. Designing for Sustainability: Pedagogical challenges and opportunities. In: 27th Conference on Passive Low Energy Architecture, 2011 xxx.

127. Van Moeseke, Geoffrey. La complexité comme inspiration - De notions complexes à un discours sur la soutenabilité en architecture. 2011 xxx.

128. Dartevelle, Olivier; Deltour, Jade; Bodart, Magali. Coupling thermal and daylighting dynamic simulations for an optimized solar screen control in passive office buildings. In: Proceedings of CISBAT 2011, 2011, 978-2-8399-0906-8, 571-576 xxx.

129. Van Moeseke, Geoffrey. Turn the gas off : Zero-energy achievement based on free floating internal conditions between health-related limits. 2011 xxx.

130. Van Moeseke, Geoffrey. Sustainable architecture and the Passive House concept: achievements and failures on energy matters. 2011 xxx.

131. Piderit Moreno, Maria Beatriz; Bodart, Magali; Norambuena, Thomas. A method for integrating visual comfort criteria in daylightin design of schools. In: Architecture & Sustainable Development (vol.1) : 27th International Conference on Passive and Low Energy Architecture, I6doc, 2011, 2-87463-276-7, p. 777-782 xxx.

132. Trachte, Sophie; Evrard, Arnaud; Regniers, Valentine; Aubecq, Cécile. WHAT IS A “NATURAL INSULATION MATERIAL”? ASSESSMENT MODEL BASED ON THE LIFE CYCLE. 2011 xxx.

133. Van Moeseke, Geoffrey; Dartevelle, Olivier; Deltour, Jade. €coffice – HVAC solutions for passive offices. 2011 xxx.

134. Cauwerts, Coralie; Bodart, Magali. Investigation of 3D projection for qualitative evaluation of daylit spaces. In: PLEA 2011 “Architecture and Sustainable development", 2011, 978-2-87463-276-1 xxx.

135. Deltour, Jade; Van Moeseke, Geoffrey; Barbason, Mathieu; Reiter, Sigrid. A method to compare computational fluid dynamics and multizonal dynamics simulations in buildings physics. In: Proceedings of CISBAT 2011, 2011, 978-2-8399-0906-8, 1023-1028 xxx.

136. Cauwerts, Coralie. Investigation of 3D projection for daylighting quality evaluations in an architectural process. 2010 xxx.

137. Piderit Moreno, Maria Beatriz; Cauwerts, Coralie; Bodart, Magali. Daylight in school: a climate-based evaluation of daylight performance and risk of glare. In: Proceedings of the IESNA annual conference, 2010, 9781617820472, 184 xxx.

138. Barbason, Mathieu; Van Moeseke, Geoffrey; Reiter, Sigrid. A validation process for CFD use in building physics. 2010 xxx.

139. Attia, Shady Galal Mohamed; De Herde, André. Towards a Definition for Zero Impact Buildings. In: Sustainable Buildings CIB 2010. Vol. 1, no. 1 (2010). 2010 xxx.

140. Weytjens, Lieve; Attia, Shady Galal Mohamed; Verbeeck, Griet; De Herde, André. A comparative study of the ‘architect-friendliness’ of six building performance simulation tools. In: Sustainable Buildings CIB. Vol. 1, no. 1 (2010). 2010 xxx.

141. Attia, Shady Galal Mohamed; De Herde, André. Strategic Decision Making For Zero Energy Buildings in Hot Climates. In: EuroSun 2010. Vol. 1, no. 1 (2010). 2010 xxx.

142. Altomonte, Sergio. Enhancing teaching and learning of sustainable design through ICTs. In: 2010 2nd International Conference on Education Technology and Computer, 2010 xxx.

143. Cauwerts, Coralie; Bodart, Magali. Luminance correction of 3D projection pictures for qualitative evaluation of daylit spaces. In: Proceedings of the IESNA annual conference, 2010, 9781617820472 xxx.

144. Cauwerts, Coralie; Bodart, Magali; Deneyer, Arnaud. Vignetting effect of two identical fisheye lenses. In: Proceedings of the 2nd CIE Expert Symposium on Appearance "When appearance meets Lightning...", 2010 xxx.

145. Van Moeseke, Geoffrey. Etude d’un immeuble de bureau passif au moyen du logiciel PHPP2007 et de la simulation dynamique trnsys16. 2010 xxx.

146. Encinas Pino, Felipe; De Herde, André; Aguirre Núñez, Carlos; Marmolejo Duarte, Carlos. Comportamiento térmico de departamentos en Santiago de Chile: Efecto en los nichos del mercado inmobiliario privado a partir de las exigencias de la Reglamentación Térmica nacional. In: Socializar Conocimientos - Primer Encuentro de Investigadores Chilenos en Barcelona, Icaria Editorial: Barcelone, 2010, 978-84-9888-331-2, p. 195-200 xxx.

147. Georges, Laurent; Massart, Catherine; Van Moeseke, Geoffrey; Claessens, Jacques; De Herde, André. Analyse technique et économique des systèmes pour les bâtiments unifamiliaux passifs et basse-énergie : application au marché de la région wallonne. 2010 xxx.

148. Van Moeseke, Geoffrey. Low energy and level of requirement : The example of flexibility in space planning. 2009 xxx.

149. Attia, Shady Galal Mohamed; De Herde, André. Active solar retrofit of a residential house, a case study in Egypt. In: American Solar Energy Society. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting. Vol. 1, no. 1 (2009). American Solar Energy Society, Inc. 2009 xxx.

150. Attia, Shady Galal Mohamed; De Herde, André. Designing the Malqaf for summer cooling in low-rise housing, an experimental study. In: Passive and Low Energy Architecture. Vol. 1, no. 1 (2009). 2009 xxx.

151. Attia, Shady Galal Mohamed; Beltrán, Liliana; Hensen, Jan LM; De Herde, André. “ARCHITECT FRIENDLY”: A COMPARISON OF TEN DIFFERENT BUILDING PERFORMANCE SIMULATION TOOLS. In: International Building Performance Simulation Association. Vol. 1, no. 1 (2009). 2009 xxx.

152. Attia, Shady Galal Mohamed; De Herde, André. Impact and potential of community scale low-energy retrofit: case study in Cairo. In: Smart and Sustainable Built Environments Conference. Vol. 1, no. 1 (2009). 2009 xxx.

153. Bodart, Magali; Roisin, Benoit; Deneyer, A.; D'Herdt, P.. Establishment of innovation guidelines for the residential lighting from a relighting project. In: Proceedings of the Lux Europa 2009 conference, 2009, 9789755613529 xxx.

154. Deneyer, A.; D'Herdt, P.; Roisin, Benoit; Bodart, Magali. The use of energy efficient in dwellings - Challenge et Potentials. In: Proceedings of the Lux Europa 2009 conference, 2009, 9789755613529 xxx.

155. Bodart, Magali; Roisin, Benoit; D'Herdt, P.; Deneyer, A.. Lighting efficiency in dwellings : a case study. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Energy Efficiency in Domestic Appliances and Lighting (EEDAL), 2009, 978-92-79-14836-1, 456 xxx. doi:10.2788/54535.

156. Fionn, Stevenson; Reberts, Andrew; Altomonte, Sergio. Designs on the Planet: A workshop series on architectural education and the challenges of climate change. In: PLEA2009 - 26th Conference on Passive and Low Energy Architecture, 2009 xxx.

157. Altomonte, Sergio. Daylight and the Occupant: Visual and physio-psychological well-being in built environments. In: PLEA2009 - 26th Conference on Passive and Low Energy Architecture, 2009 xxx.

158. Cauwerts, Coralie; Bodart, Magali; Andersen, Marilyne. A first application of the Lightsolve approach: pre-design of the new Belgian VELUX headquarters. In: Proceedings of the PLEA 2009 Conference "Architecture Energy and the Occupant's Perspective", 2009, 978-2-7637-8939-2 xxx.

159. Encinas Pino, Felipe; De Herde, André; Aguirre Núñez, Carlos; Marmolejo Duarte, Carlos. Comportamiento térmico de departamentos en Santiago de Chile: Segmentación de nichos en el mercado inmobiliario privado a partir de las exigencias de la Reglamentación Térmica nacional. In: 5°Congreso Internacional Ciudad y Territorio Virtual: Libro de resúmenes, Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña; Centro de Política de Suelo y Valoraciones: Barcelone, 2009, 978-848157-550-7, p.97-99 xxx.

160. Encinas Pino, Felipe; De Herde, André; Aguirre Núñez, Carlos; Marmolejo Duarte, Carlos. Thermal comfort and market niches for apartment buildings: Impact of the current Thermal Regulation in the private real estate market in Santiago de Chile. 2009 xxx.

161. Dartevelle, Olivier. P.E.B. : quelle prise en compte des stratégies passives pour les immeubles de bureaux ?. 2008 xxx.

162. Evrard, Arnaud; De Herde, André. Transient hygrothermal parameters of Lime-Hemp Materials. 2008 xxx.

163. Kleindienst, S.; Bodart, Magali; Andersen, M.. Graphical Display for annual climate-based Daylight Simulation. In: Proceedings of the Esim 2008 conference, 2008 xxx.

164. Andersen, M.; Kleindienst, S.; Yi, L.; Lee, J.; Bodart, Magali; Cutler, B.. Informing daylighting design with the Lightsolve approach: why and how. In: Proceedings of the PLEA 2008 conference, 2008 xxx.

165. D'Herdt, P.; Deneyer, A.; Roisin, Benoit; Bodart, Magali. The use of energy efficiency in dwellings: Challenges and potentials. In: Proceedings of the Building Physics symposium, 2008, 9789056829919, 300 xxx.

166. Bodart, Magali; Cauwerts, Coralie; Andersen, Marilyne. Application of the Lightsolve methodology for the pre-design of the new Belgian VELUX headquarters. In: Proceedings Building Physics Symposium in honour of Prof. Hugo L.S.C. Hens, 2008, 978-90-5682-991-9 xxx.

167. Roisin, Benoit; Bodart, Magali; Deneyer, A.; D'Herdt, P.. On the substitution of incandescent lamps by Compact Fluorescent Lamps: switch on behaviour and photometric distribution. In: Proceedings of the Lihtin 2007 conference, 2007 xxx.

168. Minet, Jérôme; Evrard, Arnaud. Bétons de chanvre-chaux : Un matériau composite durable pour la régulation hygrothermique. 2007 xxx.

169. Evrard, Arnaud. Dynamical interactions between heat and mass flows in Lime-Hemp Concrete. In: Research in Building Physics and Building Engeneering, Taylor & Francis Group: The Netherlands, 2006, 978-0-415-41675-7, p. 69-76 xxx.

170. Evrard, Arnaud. Sorption behaviour of Lime-Hemp Concrete and its relation to indoor comfort and energy demand. In: Clever Design, Affordable Comfort, Raphael Compagnon et al.: Geneva (Switzerland), 2006, 2-940156-30-1, p. I-553 to I-557 xxx.

171. Van Moeseke, Geoffrey. alter-CLIM : a decision tool for passive and hybrid thermal control strategies. 2006 xxx.

172. Coulson, James; Luther, Mark; Altomonte, Sergio. Towards a renewable adaptive recyclable and environmental architecture. In: ANZAScA 2006 : Challenges for architectural science in changing climates, 2006 xxx.

173. Altomonte, Sergio; Luther, M. A roadmap to Renewable Adaptive Recyclable Environmental (R.A.R.E.) architecture. In: PLEA 2006: Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Passive and Low Energy Architecture, 2006 xxx.

174. Bodart, Magali; De Peñaranda, R.; Deneyer, A.; Flamant, G.. A web tool for the choice of daylight scale model materials. In: Clever Design, affordable comfort. A challenge for Low Energy Architecture and Urban Planning, 2006, 2-940156-31-X, p. I133-I138 xxx.

175. Van Moeseke, Geoffrey; Bruyère, Isabelle; De Herde, André. Development of design guidelines for tertiary sector buildings equipped with natural ventilation systems. 2005 xxx.

176. Van Moeseke, Geoffrey; Bruyère, Isabelle; De Herde, André. Design guidelines for natural ventilation systems in tertiary sector buildings. 2005 xxx.

177. Evrard, Arnaud; De Herde, André. BIOCLIMATIC ENVELOPES MADE OF LIME AND HEMP CONCRETE. 2005 xxx.

178. Bodart, Magali; Deneyer, Arnaud; De Herde, André; Wouters, Peter. The new Belgian single-patch sky and sun simulator and its validation. In: Lux Europa 2005 : Lighting for humans, 2005, 3-927787-27-2, p. 214-217 xxx.

179. Bodart, Magali; De Herde, André. Study of the parameters and criteria influencing the choice of glazing in office buildings. In: Performance of exterior Envelopes of Whole Building VIII, 2001, 1883413966 xxx.

180. Bodart, Magali; De Herde, André. Design tool for the choice of glazing in Belgian office buildings. In: Renewable Energy for a sustainable Development of the Built Environment, 2001, 85-901332-4-9, p. 947-948 xxx.

181. Paule, Bernard; Bodart, Magali; Citherlet, Stéphane; Scartezzini, Jean-Louis. LESO-DIAL: daylighting design software. In: Daylighting 98, 1998, 0-660-17496-0, p. 29-36 xxx.

182. Bodart, Magali; De Herde, André; Wouters, Peter; Martin, Serge; Ducarme, David; L'Heureux, Didier. Energy optimised building shell/façade using simulation technology : example of the PLEIADE house. In: Proceedings of the Infrastructa Congress 1996, 1996 xxx.

183. Wouters, Peter; Martin, Serge; Ducarme, David; De Herde, André; Bodart, Magali. The indoor climate and energy performance of the PLEIADE dwelling : results of the detailed monitoring. In: Proceedings of the Solar and Urban Planning, 1996 xxx.

184. De Herde, André; Bodart, Magali; Wouters, Peter; Martin, Serge; Ducarme, David; L'Heureux, Didier. PLEIADE house : passive low energy architectural design. In: Proceedings of the ISES Solar World Congress 1995, 1995 xxx.

185. De Herde, André; Nihoul, Arnaud. Overheating and Daylighting in Commercial Buildings. In: Renewable Energy. Vol. 5, no. 5-8, p. 917-919 (1994). Pergamon-elsevier Science Ltd: Oxford, 1994 xxx. doi:10.1016/0960-1481(94)90112-0.

Book Chapters

1. Romanillos, Gustavo; Llaguno-Munitxa, Maider. Future of Urban Design Through Generative Design Tools: New data sources and analysis practices in urban mobility and environmental studies. In: Routledge Companion to Ecological Design Thinking: Healthful Ecotopian Visions for Architecture & Urbanism , Mitra Kanaaani: Los Angeles, 2022. xxx xxx.

2. Llaguno-Munitxa, Maider; Zaera-Polo, Alejandro. The Diagram, a Posthuman Instrument. In: Experimental Diagrams in Architecture: Construction and Design Manual , L Gasperoni: TU Berlin, 2022. 9783869226873. xxx xxx.

3. Llaguno-Munitxa, Maider. How's the air on your block? The environmental inequality in cities. In: Routledge Companion to Ecological Design Thinking: Healthful Ecotopian Visions for Architecture & Urbanism (Routledge Companion; xxx), Mitra Kanaaani: Los Angeles, 2022. xxx xxx.

4. Dubois, Samuel; Desarnaud, Julie; de Bouw, Michaël; Stiernon, Dorothée; Trachte, Sophie. Contribution of photogrammetry and sensor networks to the energy diagnosis of occupied historical buildings. In: Preventive Conservation - From Climate and Damage Monitoring to a Systemic and Integrated Approach , Aziliz Vandesande, Els Verstrynge, Koen van Balen: London, 2020, pp.145-152. 9781003004042. xxx xxx. doi:10.1201/9781003004042-22.

5. Giampaoletti, Marco; Pistore, Lorenza; Zapata-Lancaster, Gabriela; Fernandez Goycoolea, Juan Pablo; Miloshevska Janakieska, Maria; Gramatikov, Kiril; Kocaman, Ezgi; Kuru, Merve; Andreucci, Maria Beatrice; Calis, Gulben; Altomonte, Sergio. Monitoring and Post-Occupancy Evaluation of a Regenerative Indoor Environment. In: Regenerative technologies for the indoor environment , COST RESTORE - Eurac Research: Bolzano, 2020. 978-3-9504607-6-6. xxx xxx.

6. Bodart, Magali. Chapter 5 : Reinventing Daylight. In: Changing the perspective on daylight: Science, technology, and culture. , Science/AAAS: Washington DC, 2017, p. 33-37. xxx xxx.

7. Altomonte, Sergio; Peter Rutherford; Robin Wilson. Indoor Environmental Quality: Lighting and Acoustics. In: Encyclopedia of Sustainable Technologies , Martin Abraham, 2017. 9780128046777. xxx xxx. doi:10.1016/B978-0-12-409548-9.10196-4.

8. Van Moeseke, Geoffrey. A projet-based approach of energy quality as a path towards sustainability. In: Architecture and Sustainability: Critical Perspectives for Integrated Design , Ahmed Z. Khan and Karen Allacker (eds. 2015, January): Leuven (Belgium) / Den Haag (Netherlands), 2015, 456. 978-94-6292-088-0. D/2015/0543/17. xxx xxx.

9. Dartevelle, Olivier; Van Moeseke, Geoffrey; Derny, Fabrice. Energie+, Version 9: conception et rénovation énergétique des bâtiments tertiaires : Logiciel d'aide à la décision en efficacité énergétique des bâtiments.Mise à jour des parties sur la climatisation et les systèmes de refroidissement passif.. In: Energie+, Version 9: conception et rénovation énergétique des bâtiments tertiaires. , xxx, 2014. xxx xxx.

10. Dartevelle, Olivier; Darimont , Didier. Energie+, Version 8: conception et rénovation énergétique des bâtiments tertiaires : Logiciel d'aide à la décision en efficacité énergétique des bâtiments.Mise à jour partie Eclairage. In: Energie+, Version 9: conception et rénovation énergétique des bâtiments tertiaires. , xxx, 2013. xxx xxx.

11. Hanin, Yves; Declève, Bernard; De Herde, André; Masson, Olivier; Simon, Francy; Stillemans, Jean; Mabardi, Jean-François; Verhaegen, Emile; Zastavni, Denis. Architecture et urbanisme. In: Des écoles spéciales à l'EPL, 50 ans de science et de technologie à l'UCL , Presses universitaires de Louvain, 2012, p. 119-134. 2-87558-091-4. xxx xxx.

12. Dartevelle, Olivier; Crabbé, Claude. Energie+, Version 7: conception et rénovation énergétique des bâtiments tertiaires : Logiciel d'aide à la décision en efficacité énergétique des bâtiments. Mise à jour de la partie ISOLATION. In: Energie+, Version 9: conception et rénovation énergétique des bâtiments tertiaires. , xxx, 2012. xxx xxx.

13. Dartevelle, Olivier; De Herde, André. State of the Art of Environmental Sustainability in Professional Practice.. In: State of the Art of Environmental Sustainability in Professional Practice. , Educate press: Nottingham, 2012. 978-0-9573450-7-2. xxx xxx.

14. Dartevelle, Olivier; Attia, Shady Galal Mohamed; De Herde, André. State of the Art of Environmental Sustainability in Academic Curricula and Conditions for Registration.. In: State of the Art of Environmental Sustainability in Academic Curricula and Conditions for Registration. , Educate press: Nottingham, 2012. 978-0-9573450-8-9. xxx xxx.

15. Marique, Anne-Françoise; de Meester de Betzenbroeck, Tatiana; Winant, Julien; De Herde, André; Reiter, Sigrid. Des territoires aux projets – Le projet de recherches SAFE (Suburban Areas Favoring Energy efficiency). In: Les Cahiers nouveaux : Développement territorial.Passé - Présent - Futurn°82 (Cahiers de l'urbanisme; xxx), Editions Mardaga, 2012, p. 81-85. 978-2-8047-0109-3. xxx xxx.

16. Attia, Shady Galal Mohamed; De Herde, André. Towards a Definition of Zero Impact Buildings. In: Towards 0-Impact Buildings and Built Environments , Edited by Ronald Rovers, Jacques Kimman, Christoph Ravesloot: Amsterdam, 2010, p. 220. 978-90-8594-028-9. xxx xxx.

17. Dartevelle, Olivier; Georges, Laurent. Energie+, Version 6.1.: conception et rénovation énergétique des bâtiments tertiaires : Logiciel d'aide à la décision en efficacité énergétique des bâtiments. In: Energie+, Version 9: conception et rénovation énergétique des bâtiments tertiaires. , xxx, 2010. xxx xxx.

18. Evrard, Arnaud; Pritchett, Ian; Mawditt, Ian. Scientific Issues Related to Hemp Lime. In: Hemp Lime Construction – A guide to building with hemp lime composites , IHS BRE Press: Bracknell, 2008, p. 63-69. 978-1-84806-033-3. xxx xxx.

19. Altomonte, Sergio. Biomimetic architecture in a climate of change. In: The Oxford Conference - A re-evaluation of education in architecture , xxx, 2008, p. 315-319. 978-1-84564-206-8. xxx xxx.

20. Bodart, Magali. Home automation systems. In: Solar Energy houses : strategies, technologies, examples , James and James: (United Kingdom) London, 1997. 1-87393-669-9. xxx xxx.


1. denis De Grave; Amélie Anciaux; jean sobczak; grégoire wallenborn; Van Moeseke, Geoffrey. Slowheat : chauffer les corps, moins les logements. Presses Universitaires de Louvain, 2024. 978-2-39061-494-4.pages.

2. Stiernon, Dorothée; Trachte, Sophie. Isolants thermiques en rénovation : Réaliser un choix équilibré entre confort, performance énergétique, approche environnementale et gestion circulaire des ressources. EPFL PRESS: Lausanne, Suisse, 2023. 978-2-88915-534-7.pages.

3. Bodart, Magali; Deltour, Jade. L’éclairage efficace des logements : Guide pratique à destination du particulier. Service Public de Wallonie: Namur, 2017. 48 pages.

4. Evrard, Arnaud; Biot, Benjamin; Keutgen, Gauthier; Lebeau, Frédéric; Courard, Luc; Louis, Arnaud; Bonnert, Antoine. aPROpaille: Vadémécum 3 - La paille projets construits. UCL-ULg-ICEDD-Pailletec: Web, 2016. 0. 117 pages.

5. Evrard, Arnaud; Biot, Benjamin; Keutgen, Gauthier; Lebeau, Frédéric; Courard, Luc; Louis, Arnaud; Bonnert, Antoine. aPROpaille: Vadémécum 1 - La paille matière première. UCL-ULg-ICEDD-Pailletec: Web, 2016. 0. 115 pages.

6. Evrard, Arnaud; Biot, Benjamin; Keutgen, Gauthier; Lebeau, Frédéric; Courard, Luc; Louis, Arnaud; Bonnert, Antoine. aPROpaille: Vadémécum 2 - La paille parois performantes. UCL-ULg-ICEDD-Pailletec: Web, 2016. 281 pages.

7. Deltour, Jade; Bodart, Magali; Géron, Ghislain; Deneyer, Arnaud. L'éclairage efficace des logements : Guide pratique à destination du particulier. 2011.pages.

8. Bodart, Magali; Evrard, Arnaud. PLEA 2011 : Architecture and Sustainable Development - volume 2 : 27th International Conference on Passive and Low Energy Architecture. I6doc: Louvain-la-Neuve, 2011. 978-2-87463-277-8. 668 pages.

9. Deneyer, Arnaud; D'herdt, Peter; Deroisy, Bertrand; Roisin, Benoit; Bodart, Magali; Deltour, Jade; Venstermans, Jan. Guide pratique et technique de l'éclairage résidentiel. Centre Scientifique et Technique de la Construction: Bruxelles, 2011. 60 pages.

10. Evrard, Arnaud; Branders, Aline; De Herde, André. Isolation thermique par l'intérieur des murs existants en briques pleines : Guide d'aide à la conception. SPW - DGO4: Jambes, 2011. 98 pages.

11. Bodart, Magali; Evrard, Arnaud. PLEA 2011 : Architecture and Sustainable Development - volume 1 : 27th International Conference on Passive and Low Energy Architecture. I6doc: Louvain-la-Neuve, 2011. 978-2-87463-276-1. 914 pages.

12. Evrard, Arnaud; De Herde, André. Le béton et la construction durable. A. Jasienski, 2010. 40 pages.

13. Gratia, Elisabeth; De Herde, André. Thermique des immeubles de bureaux. Pressses universitaires de Louvain: Louvain-la-Neuve, 2006. 2-87463-010-1. 319 pages.

14. Evrard, Arnaud; De Herde, André. BÉTON ET UTILISATION RATIONNELLE DE L’ÉNERGIE. J.P.Jacobs, 2005. 27 pages.

15. De Herde, André; Liébard, Alain. Traité d'architecture et d'urbanisme bioclimatiques: concevoir, édifier et aménager avec le développement durable. 2005. 2281192903.pages.

16. Grosjean; Chaudebie; Reiter, Sigrid; Liébard, Alain; De Herde, André. Guide de l'architecture bioclimatique, Tome 6: Aménagement urbain et développement durable en Europe. 2004. 978-2-913620-26-1.pages.

17. Bodart, Magali; Chaudebie, Jérôme; De Herde, André; Liébard, Alain. Guide de l’architecture bioclimatique - Cours fondamental : Tome 5 Construire avec l’éclairage naturel et artificiel. Systèmes solaires - l'observateur des énergies renouvelables: Paris, 2003. 2-913620-16-7. 306 pages.

18. Liébard, Alain; De Herde, André. Guide de l'architecture bioclimatique, Tome 4: Construire avec le développement durable. 2002. 978-2-913620-12-4.pages.

19. Liébard, Alain; De Herde, André; de MYTTENAERE, Krystel; KANENE, C. Guide de l'architecture bioclimatique, Tome 3: Construire en climats chauds. 2001. 978-2-913620-08-7.pages.

20. Bodart, Magali; De Herde, André. Guide d'aide à l'utilisation de l'éclairage artificiel en complément à l'éclairage naturel - pour un meilleur confort visuel et de substantielles économies d'énergie. Ministère de la Région Wallonne: Jambe, 1999. 197 pages.

21. De Herde, André; Bodart, Magali; Wouters, Peter; Martin, Serge; Ducarme, David; L'Heureux, Didier. Passive Low Energy Innovative Architectural Design (PLEIADE) : Conclusions. Ministère de la Région Wallonne - DGTRE, 1998. 92 pages.

22. Deprez, Bernard; De Herde, André; Jorigne, E; Liébard, Alain. Guide de l'architecture bioclimatique, Tome 2: Construire avec le climat. 1996. 2-9501589-6-5.pages.

23. Deprez, Bernard; De Herde, André; Jorigne; Liébard, Alain. Guide de l'architecture bioclimatique, Tome 1: Connaître les bases. 1996. 2-9501589-5-7.pages.


1. Dartevelle, Olivier; Castreman, Julie. SOFTSummer: rapport de recherche sur l'identification des freins et leviers à l'implémentation des stratégies passives de lutte contre la surchauffe dans le secteur résidentiel, xxx xxx. 2024. 243 p.

2. Van Moeseke, Geoffrey. SLOWHEAT@LOCI-LAB, xxx xxx. 2023. 23 p.

3. De Grave, Denis; Anciaux, Amélie; Van Moeseke, Geoffrey. SLOWHEAT : définition de la pratique, xxx xxx. 2022. 37 p.

4. De Grave, Denis; Anciaux, Amélie; Van Moeseke, Geoffrey. SLOWHEAT : pratique(s) empirique(s), xxx xxx. 2022. 48 p.

5. Van Moeseke, Geoffrey. Slowheat@LOCI, xxx xxx. 2022. 64 p.

6. thibaut guyaux; Van Moeseke, Geoffrey. MÉTHODE DE RÉNOVATION DU BÂTI ANCIEN EN RÉGION DE BRUXELLES CAPITALE, xxx xxx. 2022. 135 p.

7. Bos, Morgane; Trachte, Sophie. Projet Feder BBSM : rapport scientifique WP8 - Résultats et retombées sociétales, environnementales et économiques, xxx xxx. 2021. 65 p.

8. Bos, Morgane; Trachte, Sophie. Projet Feder BBSM : rapport scientifique WP3/4 - Analyse des filières existantes en RBC, xxx xxx. 2021. 158 p.

9. Bos, Morgane; Trachte, Sophie. Projet Feder BBSM : rapport scientifique WP9 - Recommandations pour le renforcement de la circularité des matières dans le secteur de la construction en Région de Bruxelles-Capitale, xxx xxx. 2021. 63 p.

10. Van Moeseke, Geoffrey. Phase Change Materials (PCM) in buildings – elements of a state of art, xxx xxx. 2020. Geoffrey p.

11. Baudoin, Gilles. FEDER C3E2D-STOCC-UCL-BW2 - Synthèse des connaissances et définition du cahier des charges des parois composites étudiées., xxx xxx. 2020. 5 p.

12. Stiernon, Dorothée; Dubois, Samuel. Concilier patrimoine et énergie, xxx xxx. 2019.

13. Dartevelle, Olivier; Vanwelde Véronique. MEsures de performAnces réelles et de Satisfaction des occUpants dans les bâtiments Résidentiels à hautes performances Energétiques : rapport de synthèse sur le climat intérieur, xxx xxx. 2018. 80 p.

14. Deltour, Jade; Vanwelde, Véronique; Dartevelle, Olivier. MEsures de performAnces réelles et de Satisfaction des occUpants dans les bâtiments Résidentiels à hautes performances Energétiques : rapport de synthèse sur les performances énergétiques réelles., xxx xxx. 2018. 100 p.

15. Bos, Morgane; Van Moeseke, Geoffrey. REINTEREST - Rapport scientifique final UCL, xxx xxx. 2018. 129 p.

16. Stiernon, Dorothée. Habitats groupés - Eléments clés applicables dans un habitat groupé, Université Catholique de Louvain xxx. 2016.

17. Obyn, Sophie; Van Moeseke, Geoffrey. Compilation de modèles comportementaux : Modélisation du comportement des occupants, xxx xxx. 2015. 92 p.

18. Obyn, Sophie; Van Moeseke, Geoffrey. Convective heat transfer coefficient to estimate energy requirements of office buildings, xxx xxx. 2015. 21 p.

19. Obyn, Sophie; Van Moeseke, Geoffrey. Compilation de gains internes : Valeurs globales et détaillées, xxx xxx. 2015.

20. Obyn, Sophie; Van Moeseke, Geoffrey. Confrontation de mesures in situ et de résultats de simulations sur un logiciel de simulations dynamiques multizones – cas de la maison WIND du CSTC, xxx xxx. 2013.

21. Marique, Anne-Françoise; Cuvellier, Simon; de Meester de Betzenbroeck, Tatiana; De Herde, André; Reiter, Sigrid. SOlutions for Low Energy Neighbourhoods : Rapport scientifique et technique n°1, xxx xxx. 2013.

22. Claeys, Damien; Van Moeseke, Geoffrey. Praticiens, chercheurs et enseignants. Comment aborder une pratique de recherche scientifique en architecture ?, xxx xxx. 2013. 12 p.

23. Marique, Anne-Françoise; de Meester de Betzenbroeck, Tatiana; De Herde, André; Reiter, Sigrid. Suburban areas favoring energy efficiency [SAFE] Rapport scientifique et technique n°3, xxx xxx. 2012. 340 p.

24. Evrard, Arnaud. Isolation thermique par l’intérieur des murs existants en briques pleines – Etude de cas: Tour à Omal, xxx xxx. 2011. 43 p.

25. Marique, Anne-Françoise; de Meester de Betzenbroeck, Tatiana; Reiter, Sigrid; De Herde, André. Suburban areas favoring energy efficiency [Safe] Rapport scientifique et technique n°2, xxx xxx. 2011. 277 p.

26. Evrard, Arnaud; Regniers, Valentine; Aubecq, Cécile; Trachte, Sophie; De Herde, André. Élaboration de critères dans le cadre de la surprime isolants naturels, xxx xxx. 2011. 86 p.

27. Trachte, Sophie; De Herde, André. Advanced and Sustainable Housing Renovation,A guide for Designers and Planners, xxx xxx. 2010.

28. Dartevelle, Olivier. Educate, Environmental Design in University Curricula and Architectural Training in Europe : State of the art., xxx xxx. 2010.

29. Evrard, Arnaud; Flory Celini, Caroline. Matériaux chaux-chanvre - Approfondissement des connaissances en matière de performances : Aptitude à l'emploi et climat intérieur, xxx xxx. 2010. 123 p.


31. Marique, Anne-Françoise; de Meester de Betzenbroeck, Tatiana; Reiter, Sigrid; De Herde, André. Suburban areas favoring energy efficiency [SAFE] Rapport scientifique et technique : PHASE I : Etat de l’art, typologie des quartiers et sélection des cas d’étude PHASE 2 : Modélisations énergétiques des quartiers sélectionnés, sur base de la configuration, des techniques et usages actuels., xxx xxx. 2010. 124 p.

32. de Meester de Betzenbroeck, Tatiana; De Herde, André. Guide de la rénovation basse énergie des logements en Belgique, xxx xxx. 2009. 59 p.

33. Georges, Laurent; massart, Catherine; Claessens, Jacques; De Herde, André. Elaboration d’un outil d’aide à la conception des maisons individuelles à Basse Energie et Très Basse Energie : partie systèmes, xxx xxx. 2009. 92 p.

34. Hanin, Yves; De Herde, André; Vermeir, Gerrit; Godart, Marie-Françoise. DRUPSSuC : Design and Renovation of Urban Public Spaces for Sustainable Cities, xxx xxx. 2009. 72 p.

35. Evrard, Arnaud; De Herde, André. Utilisation et comportement des Bétons de Chaux et de Chanvre dans les constructions à ossature de bois en Région wallonne, xxx xxx. 2008.


1. Rojo, Claudia. MCH, un modèle de calcul pour mieux évaluer la consommation énergétique réelle des logements au Chili, prom. : De Herde, André ; Zastavni, Denis, 21/04/2016.

2. Gobbo, Emilie. Déchets de construction, matières à conception : analyse des stocks et flux de matières dans le cadre des opérations de rénovation énergétique en Région de Bruxelles-Capitale, prom. : De Herde, André ; Zastavni, Denis, 19/11/2015.

3. Cauwerts, Coralie. Influence of presentation modes on visual perceptions of daylit spaces, prom. : De Herde, André ; Bodart, Magali, 14/11/2013.

4. Van Moeseke, Geoffrey. Pour des projets de qualité énergétique, prom. : De Herde, André, 02/07/2013.

5. Trachte, Sophie. Matériau, matière d'architecture soutenable, prom. : De Herde, André, 15/06/2012.

6. Evrard, Arnaud. Transient hygrothermal behaviour of Lime-Hemp Materials, prom. : De Herde, André, 2008-05-21.