Matthew Gandy will present arguments from his new book on urban nature by exploring a series of different vantage points for the study of socio-ecological assemblages in urban space. He will reflect on the possibilities for a new conceptual synthesis that combines observational approaches with urban political ecology and recognition of the multispecies city.
Following this lecture, we will have a series of short presentations (~10 min. each) given by Presidents of other Research Institutes at UCLouvain:
- Marnik Vanclooster (ELI)
- Marc Zune (IACCHOS)
- Hervé Jeanmart (IMMC)
- Valérie Swaen (LOURIM)
- Martin Edwards (IPSY)
- Paolo Tomassini (INCAL)
- Xavier Wauthy (IRIS-L, St Louis)
The morning will be concluded by a panel discussion with all presenters focusing on challenges and opportunities for research at LAB.
The panel will also be attended by our new Vice-rector for science and technology, prof. Michel Verleysen