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Shut Up and Write sessions

lab | Louvain-la-Neuve, Bruxelles Saint-Gilles, Tournai

3 March 2025, modifié le 4 March 2025

Les doctorant·es du LAB ont investi la salle des revues de la BAIU Bruxelles le 18 octobre dernier. 

Le but ?
Prendre le temps d’écrire. Se retrouver en petit comité pendant deux matinées et/ou après-midis par mois en suivant la méthode Pomodoro.

Retentons l’expérience à plus grande échelle.

LAB doctoral students took over the BAIU Brussels journal room on 18 October.

The aim?
To take the time to write, meeting in small groups for two mornings and/or afternoons a month using the Pomodoro method.

Let's try it again on a larger scale.

For whom?

All researchers and professors from LOCI-LAB
Members of all sites are welcome


Library of LOCI-Brussels (in the magazines room)
Rue Wafelaerts 47/51, 1060 Brussels


Writing day from 9 am to 5 pm
You're also welcome for half a day or even one or two hours
Pomodoro method can be applied if wanted


Sessions: 7/3, 21/3, 4/4, 18/4, 2/5, 16/5, 18/5, 13/6 and 27/6

Tea, coffee & biscuits are provided. Just bring yourself, your laptop and some motivation !

Évènement associé