In the face of societal challenges such as public health crises, sustainable development, and the rise of misinformation, the ability to engage in critical thinking (CT) has become a cornerstone of 21st-century education. However, translating this essential skill into actionable pedagogical strategies remains a challenge, particularly in fostering both the cognitive and dispositional dimensions of CT. This study explores an innovative sensory-based educational approach designed to enhance CT skills and readiness in high school students aged 15 to 18.
We developed and tested a threefold intervention in a conference-show format—comprising a lecture component, a live experiential performance, and cultural mediation—aimed at: (1) confronting students with the limits of their rationality and cognitive biases, (2) fostering an understanding of the scientific method, and (3) equipping them to navigate through misinformation, ambiguity, and uncertainty. The intervention uses sensory and emotional engagement through a theatrical framework to create a memorable learning experience, supported by empirical measures and qualitative insights.
Quantitative evaluation involved pre- and post-tests assessing students’ analytical thinking using the Cognitive Reflection Test (CRT), their understanding of scientific reasoning with the Scientific Reasoning Scale (SRS), their tolerance for ambiguity with the Scale of Tolerance-Intolerance of Ambiguity (STIA), their intellectual humility using the General Intellectual Humility Scale (GIHS), and their sensitivity to misinformation with the Bullshit Receptivity and Sensitivity Scale (BRS). Results were compared to those of a control group. Qualitative data were collected through open-ended responses, keyword associations, and semistructured interviews with educators to contextualize the intervention's impact.
Preliminary results indicate that this immersive approach primes students to adopt critical skepticism, enhances their metacognitive awareness, and fosters a willingness to apply CT skills in real-world contexts. This study contributes to the growing body of evidence on effective CT pedagogy and offers practical insights for integrating CT development into educational frameworks.
Keywords: critical thinking, education, performance, metacognition, pedagogy, didactic
This seminar will be held in French
Régis Falque Bio (from UNamur)
Fondamentalement, je suis un enseignant qui n’a eu de cesse d’avoir le feu sacré. J’ai une double casquette un peu improbable : économico-littéraire. Pendant dix ans, j’ai enseigné principalement comme professeur de français et de sciences économiques, m’investissant dans la vie scolaire en y développant des projets de pédagogie innovante. J’ai eu à cœur de saisir les changements (accélération de la numérisation avec le Covid, plan de pilotage, etc.) comme des opportunités de donner un élan personnel et humain à mes pratiques enseignantes.
C'est donc le feu toujours vif que je me suis lancé à l'UNamur dans un doctorat sur la pédagogie de l'esprit critique, particulièrement dans le champ des questions socialement vives en lien avec le développement durable. C'est aussi comme assistant que j'accompagne de futurs enseignants, transmettant compétences et passion dans l'exercice d'un métier essentiel. Dans mon parcours académique, je fusionne mes compétences pédagogiques et vidéophotographiques ou encore scéniques. Conférence-spectacle, capsules pédagogiques, outils didactiques, j'aime les tâches protéiformes qui stimulent mon besoin de complexité et de diversité.