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Catholic Clergy and Sexual Abuse. Case Studies and Tools for Historical Investigation between Early Modern Times and the Present

    • 25 Mar
  • Accessible
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Source image : Dürer1511 - Noli me tangere

The history of sexual abuse by priests in the Catholic Church in (Early-)Modern times is challenging in several respects. There is the difficulty of the sources, but also the questions to be asked to them. By engaging with gender studies and histories of masculinity - among other approaches - this international workshop proposes case studies that will allow us to tackle major questions pertaining to: the notion of abuse in Early Modern moral theology; the right/duty to denounce; individual and institutional silences; literary representations of abuse; and the reactions of ecclesiastical institutions. As any historical investigation is based on the relationship between past and present, the historians' interventions will be accompanied by contemporary perspectives from the sociology of religion and theology.

This workshop is organised by Silvia Mostaccio and the LaRHis Centre, the IACCHOS and RSCS Institutes, and the editorial board of the "Rivista di Storia del Cristianesimo."


En présentiel au Collège Érasme, Décanat, Salle des thèses - Réservation obligatoire

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Programme et inscription


  • Vendredi, 25 mars 2022, 08h00
    Vendredi, 25 mars 2022, 17h00