moocs |
Les analyses menées dans le cadre de Louvain moocXperience :
- Helsdingen, A., Elkhuizen, G., & Docq, F. (2019). Testing Online Inter-Institutional Collaboration across the Globe: The Virtual Exchange Program. Virtual Exchange. Borderless Mobility between the European Higher Education Area and Regions Beyond. (Berlin, 11/12/2019).
- Docq F. (2018, 6 novembre). Bilan 2018 des MOOCs à l'UCLouvain [Billet de blog]. Sur
- Baudewyns, P., Cogels, M., Dandache, S. et al. (2018). Teaching Political Science with a MOOC: Analysing The Supply Side and The Demand Side. European Political Science, 17(2).
- Deville, Y., Docq, F., Agarwal, A., Swaen, V., & Bondel, V. (2018). Online learning: a wake-up call for Higher Education. In Blondel, V. (Ed.), L’université en dialogues. University Conversations (pp. 74-83). Louvain-la-Neuve, Presse universitaires de Louvain.
- Mertens, S. (2018). Les motivations, la satisfaction et le profil spécifique des participants aux six MOOCs du MicroMasters en management en 2017 réalisé par la Louvain School of Management sur la plateforme edX (mémoire de master inédit). Louvain School of Management.
- Dandache, S., Frenay, M., Van Nes, M.-C., Verschuren, F. (2017). A Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) for Implementing Pedagogical tools in Undergraduate Respiratory Physiology. HAPS Educator, 21(2), pp.36-42.
- Schiffino, N., Cogel, M., Baudewyns, P., Hamonic, E., Legrand, V. & Reuchamps, M. (2015). Entre taux de rétention passif et taux de rétention actif : une analyse de la motivation à partir du MOOC "Découvrir la science politique" (Louv3x) sur la plateforme edX. Revue Internationale des Technologies en Pédagogie Universitaire, 12(1-2).
- Combefis, S., & Van Roy, P. (2015, May). Three-Step Transformation of a Traditional University Course into a MOOC: a LouvainX Experience. Paper presented at the EMOOCs conference (Mons, Belgium).
- Derval, G., Gego, A., Reinbold, P., Frantzen, B., & Van Roy, P. (2015, May). Automatic grading of programming exercises in a MOOC using the INGInious platform. Paper presented at the EMOOCs conference (Mons, Belgium).
- Docq, F., & Hamonic., E. (2015, May). Why make MOOCs? Effects on on-campus teaching and learning. Paper presented at the EMOOCs conference (Mons, Belgium).
- Pellissa Prades, G., Palau, J., Castell Granados, P., de Callataÿ, G., & Moureau, S. (2015, May). An Unconventional MOOC as a Solution for Short Budgets and Young Researchers in Europe. Paper presented at the EMOOCs conference (Mons, Belgium).
- Soares-Frazao, S., Zech, Y., Gratiot, N., & Meunier, F. (2015, May). Collaborative MOOCs: a challenging experience. Paper presented at the EMOOCs conference (Mons, Belgium).
- Hamonic, E., Reuchamps, M., Schiffino, N., Legrand, V., & Baudewyns, P. (2015, January). From a Written Culture to a Digital Culture, How MOOCs Can Change the Way We Teach Political Science. Paper presented at the APSA (American Political Science Association) Teaching and Learning Conference (Washington DC, USA).
- Combefis, S., Bibal, A. & Van Roy, P. (2014, February). Recasting a Traditional Course into a MOOC by means of a SPOC
. Paper presented at the EMOOCs conference (Lausanne, Switzerland).