Gut2Behave Symposium - 21/03/2024

Jeudi, 21 mars 2024, 08h00Jeudi, 21 mars 2024, 17h00
The Gut2Behave project initiated from ERA-NET NEURON network (Joint Transnational Call 2019 - Translational biomarkers in brain disorders) gathered key experts in the field of nutrition, metabolomics, and mood and cognitive disorders. They will present the innovative data related to biomarkers involved in gut-brain axis to control emotional and cognitive functions
13:00 - Nathalie Delzenne (UCLouvain – coordinator of the Gut2Behave project) : Introduction
13:10 - Kati Hanhineva (University of Turku): LC-MS metabolomics in the studies of lifestyle and health impact
13:30 - Sophie Layé (Université de Bordeaux, NutriNeuro, INRAe): How does nutrition influence mood and cognitive disorders?
13:50 - Olli Kärkkäinen (University of Eastern Finland): Metabolites predicting disease progression and treatment effects in persons with alcohol use disorder
14:10 - Lorenzo Leggio (NIH): Mind the gut: Developing new treatments for alcohol use disorder
14:40 - coffee break
15:00 - Sophie Leclercq (UCLouvain) : Metabolomics as a tool to discover new neuroactive biomarkers of alcohol addiction
15:20 - Hany Ahmed (University of Turku): Characterizing the effects of alcohol withdrawal and inulin supplementation on the metabolome in patients with alcohol use disorder
15:40 - Mathilde Huart (Université de Bordeaux, NutriNeuro, INRAe ): In vitro and in vivo study of the effect of gut microbiota-derived metabolites on microglia activity
Université catholique de Louvain
Auditoire Central D Maisin
Avenue E. Mounier, 51
1200 Bruxelles
Online participation:
If you are unable to join us in Brussels, you can join the symposium online via Microsoft Teams at the following link: Join the symposium online