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HORIZON Europe: Circular Bio-Based Europe Joint (CBU) - 2023 Call for proposals

uclouvain |

9 January 2023, modifié le 13 December 2024

DL: 20/09/2023 - Clôture de l’appel Circular Bio-based Europe

Circular Bio-based Europe Joint Understaking (CBE JU) est un partenariat entre l'Union européenne et le Bio-based Industries Consortium (BIC) qui finance des projets permettant de faire progresser les bio-industries circulaires et compétitives en Europe à travers 18 topics.

CBE JU has published its Annual Work Programme for 2023, including information about the next call for project proposals.

‘The funded projects will advance circular and sustainable production in line with the European Green Deal while increasing Europe’s strategic autonomy.’

Call topics and budget :

Innovation actions – flagship (IA-flagship)

  • Optimised and integrated woody-based value chains - €17 million
  • Expansion and/or retro-fitting of biorefineries towards higher-value bio-based chemicals and intermediates - €17 million
  • Bio-based packaging materials with improved properties: barrier, food contact, forming, printability, safety, recyclability/circularity-by-design - €17 million
  • Valorisation of aquatic biomass waste and residues - €10 million

Innovation actions (IA)

  • Small-scale biorefining in rural areas - €15 million
  • Production of safe, sustainable, and efficient bio-based fertilisers to improve soil health and quality - €15 million
  • Improve fermentation processes (including downstream purification) to final bio-based products - €15 million
  • Recycling bio-based plastics increasing sorting and recycled content (upcycling) - €15 million
  • Development of scalable, safe bio-based surfactants with an improved sustainability profile - €15 million
  • Selective, sustainable production routes towards bio-based alternatives to fossil-based chemical building blocks - €15 million
  • High performance, circular-by design, bio-based composites - €15 million

Research and innovation actions (RIA)

  • Phyto-management; curing soil with industrial crops, utilising contaminated and saline land for industrial crop production - €10 million
  • Optimised forest-based value chains for high-value applications and improved forest management - €10 million
  • Robust and optimised industrial biotech and chemical/industrial biotech processes - €10 million
  • Development of novel, high-performance bio-based polymers and co-polymers - €10 million
  • Pre-normative research to develop standards for biodegradability of bio-based products in controlled and open environments - €5 million

Coordination and support actions (CSA)

  • EU-wide network of pilot plants and testing facilities, improving SMEs and start-ups' access to scale-up - €1.5 million
  • Supporting the capacity of regions in environmental sustainability assessment for the bio-based sectors - €3 million

Des incitants financiers Horizon Europe peuvent être sollicités pour vous soutenir dans la préparation de vos propositions : aides pour le montage du projet, consultants externes, rencontre avec les partenaires, etc.

Horizon Europe incentives can be requested to support you in the preparation of your proposals: external consultants, networking, etc.

Contact UCLouvain : 

Mahdia Abdelouahab (ADRE/RINT - 010 47 24 80)