Narratives surrounding "le harcèlement de rue" in francophone Belgium: initial results
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Narratives surrounding "le harcèlement de rue" in francophone Belgium: initial results
14 Oct
Katharina Seeber - Doctorante au CIRTES
Résumé :
The presentation will discuss initial results and analyses of a study, which aimed at understanding the wider perspectives and narratives surrounding le « harcèlement de rue », i.e. street harassment, in francophone Belgium.
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Narratives surrounding "le harcèlement de rue" in francophone Belgium: initial results
14 Oct
Katharina Seeber - Doctorante au CIRTES
Résumé :
The presentation will discuss initial results and analyses of a study, which aimed at understanding the wider perspectives and narratives surrounding le « harcèlement de rue », i.e. street harassment, in francophone Belgium.