Research Priorities
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The understanding of the mechanisms governing human movement involves phases of experimental analysis, modeling and simulation of the functioning of the brain and the central nervous system, as well as the sensory systems (sight, hearing, touch) that are used to perceive the environment and interact with it. These studies are conducted either with state-of-the-art equipment (eg functional MRI, transcranial magnetic stimulation, motion capture and gait analysis systems, virtual reality, parabolic flights and ISS), or with specifically designed prototypes. for these studies.
Our ever deeper knowledge of human movement can be used to develop new rehabilitation therapies for patients (eg stroke victims, cerebral palsy) who have various disorders such as hemiparesis or hemineglect. These new therapies often require the design and implementation of robotic guidance devices and interactive interfaces, which effectiveness can then be clinically evaluated with patients. The same goes for the design, implementation and characterization of the performance of upper and lower limb prostheses, with a high level of technical expertise or using very inexpensive solutions available in "FabLabs" from all over the world.
Improving the quality of patient care also requires providing physicians and surgeons with new tools that make their diagnostic or therapeutic actions safer, more accurate, less invasive, less painful - or even achievable, where the limits of human capacity are reached. These devices require research and development related to medical imaging, robotics, 3D printing and other advanced technologies. The clinical applications are very varied: proton therapy adaptive to the respiratory movements of the patient, replacement of the aortic valve on the beating heart by minimally invasive access, intra-operative navigation with robotic scanner Zeego for implantation of pedicular screws in the spine, cutting guides tailor-made 3D printed matter for each patient, or adaptive tele-robotic assistance to reconstructive microsurgery.
What is the impact of a bionic prosthesis on the patient, his family and loved ones, or society? Should a surgical robot be allowed to make a decision alone, and can it be held responsible for any errors? How to make these technologies accessible to the greatest number and to avoid discriminations? These important questions, that underlie our research activities, must be taken into account by researchers and relayed to the public to nourish the debate on these topics.