Industrial Organization and non-profit Economics
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Journal Articles
1. Belleflamme, Paul; Lambert, Thomas; Schwienbacher, Armin. Spillovers in Crowdfunding. In: Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, (2025). doi:10.1111/jems.12625 (Accepté/Sous presse).
2. Ciotti, Fabrizio; Hornuf, Lars; Stenzhorn, Eliza. Lock-In Effects in Online Labor Markets. In: Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, (2024). (Accepté/Sous presse).
3. Belleflamme, Paul; Ha, Huan. Improving Recycling: How Far Should We Go?. In: Environmental and Resource Economics, (2024). doi:10.1007/s10640-024-00880-z (Accepté/Sous presse).
4. Johnen, Johannes; Somogyi, Robert. Deceptive Features on Platforms. In: The Economic Journal, Vol. 134, no.662, p. 2470-2493 (2024). doi:10.1093/ej/ueae016.
5. Belleflamme, Paul; Peitz, Martin. Network goods, price discrimination, and two-sided platforms. In: Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, (2024). doi:10.1628/jite-2024-0024 (Accepté/Sous presse).
6. Jaskold Gabszewicz, Jean; Marini, M.A.; Zanaj, S. Random encounters and information diffusion about product quality. In: Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, Vol. 32, no.2, p. 348-376 (2023). doi:10.1111/jems.12503.
7. Belleflamme, Paul; Peitz, Martin; Toulemonde, Eric. The tension between market shares and profit under platform competition. In: International Journal of Industrial Organization, (2022). doi:10.1016/j.ijindorg.2021.102807 (Accepté/Sous presse).
8. Johnen, Johannes; Ronayne, David. The only Dance in Town: Unique Equilibrium in a Generalized Model of Price Competition. In: The Journal of Industrial Economics, Vol. 69, no.3, p. 595-614 (2021). doi:10.1111/joie.12264.
9. Heidhues, Paul; Johnen, Johannes; Koszegi, Botond. Browsing versus Studying: A Pro-Market Case for Regulation. In: The Review of Economic Studies, Vol. 88, no. 2, p. 708–729. doi:10.1093/restud/rdaa056.
10. Hindriks, Jean; Serse, Valerio. The Incidence of VAT Reforms in Electricity Markets: Evidence from Belgium. In: International Journal of Industrial Organization, (2021). (Accepté/Sous presse).
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<type 'exceptions.SyntaxError'> | Python 2.7.13: /usr/bin/python Sat Mar 15 03:50:56 2025 |
A problem occurred in a Python script. Here is the sequence of function calls leading up to the error, in the order they occurred.
/var/www/sites/tools/export/ in |
107 t.encode("utf-8")) |
108 |
=> 109 resp = eval( urllib.urlopen(q).read() ) |
110 if ( resp['response']['numFound'] > 0 ): |
111 #print '<h/>%s (%d)</h2>' % (pubType[t].encode("utf-8"), \ |
resp = {'response': {'docs': [{'_version_': 1822043252717518848, 'bs_extracted_fulltext': False, 'bs_fulltext': True, 'bs_fwb_relevant': True, 'bs_fwb_valid': True, 'bs_metadata.peerreviewed': True, 'bundle': 'dial_object', 'bundle_name': 'Digital repository object', 'changed': '2025-01-23T12:35:02.869Z', 'created': '2025-01-23T12:26:53.830Z', ...}, {'_version_': 1816981122635005952, 'bs_extracted_fulltext': True, 'bs_fulltext': True, 'bs_fwb_relevant': True, 'bs_fwb_valid': True, 'bs_metadata.peerreviewed': True, 'bundle': 'dial_object', 'bundle_name': 'Digital repository object', 'changed': '2024-08-24T04:46:26.427Z', 'created': '2024-08-21T09:38:54.916Z', ...}, {'_version_': 1816988152658657280, 'bs_extracted_fulltext': False, 'bs_fulltext': True, 'bs_fwb_relevant': True, 'bs_fwb_valid': True, 'bs_metadata.peerreviewed': True, 'bundle': 'dial_object', 'bundle_name': 'Digital repository object', 'changed': '2024-10-02T07:41:47.857Z', 'created': '2024-09-23T11:40:17.827Z', ...}, {'_version_': 1816995351071031296, 'bs_extracted_fulltext': False, 'bs_fulltext': True, 'bs_fwb_relevant': True, 'bs_fwb_valid': True, 'bs_metadata.peerreviewed': True, 'bundle': 'dial_object', 'bundle_name': 'Digital repository object', 'changed': '2024-05-29T19:27:58.041Z', 'created': '2024-05-23T14:31:16.800Z', ...}, {'_version_': 1816970990481047552, 'bs_extracted_fulltext': False, 'bs_fulltext': True, 'bs_fwb_relevant': True, 'bs_fwb_valid': True, 'bs_metadata.peerreviewed': True, 'bundle': 'dial_object', 'bundle_name': 'Digital repository object', 'changed': '2024-04-16T20:25:44.346Z', 'created': '2021-12-13T15:46:15.752Z', ...}, {'_version_': 1816973956780916736, 'bs_extracted_fulltext': False, 'bs_fulltext': True, 'bs_fwb_relevant': True, 'bs_fwb_valid': True, 'bs_metadata.peerreviewed': True, 'bundle': 'dial_object', 'bundle_name': 'Digital repository object', 'changed': '2024-04-17T11:05:00.057Z', 'created': '2018-09-19T12:24:15.495Z', ...}, {'_version_': 1816965841881661440, 'bs_extracted_fulltext': False, 'bs_fulltext': True, 'bs_fwb_relevant': True, 'bs_fwb_valid': True, 'bs_metadata.peerreviewed': True, 'bundle': 'dial_object', 'bundle_name': 'Digital repository object', 'changed': '2024-04-16T20:25:22.237Z', 'created': '2021-12-14T15:45:22.309Z', ...}, {'_version_': 1816983594752540672, 'bs_extracted_fulltext': False, 'bs_fulltext': True, 'bs_fwb_relevant': True, 'bs_fwb_valid': True, 'bs_metadata.peerreviewed': True, 'bundle': 'dial_object', 'bundle_name': 'Digital repository object', 'changed': '2024-09-02T21:05:36.823Z', 'created': '2024-08-23T12:47:52.548Z', ...}, {'_version_': 1818703127684055040, 'bs_extracted_fulltext': False, 'bs_fulltext': True, 'bs_fwb_relevant': True, 'bs_fwb_valid': True, 'bs_metadata.peerreviewed': True, 'bundle': 'dial_object', 'bundle_name': 'Digital repository object', 'changed': '2024-12-17T15:42:56.352Z', 'created': '2022-01-05T08:46:29.529Z', ...}, {'_version_': 1818702993414946816, 'bs_extracted_fulltext': False, 'bs_fulltext': True, 'bs_fwb_relevant': True, 'bs_fwb_valid': True, 'bs_metadata.peerreviewed': True, 'bundle': 'dial_object', 'bundle_name': 'Digital repository object', 'changed': '2024-12-17T15:41:21.983Z', 'created': '2024-12-17T15:31:07.010Z', ...}], 'numFound': 10, 'start': 0}, 'responseHeader': {'QTime': 21, 'params': {'q': u'ss_state:A AND sm_contentmodel:"boreal-system:Re...sm_type:"Article de p\xe9riodique (Journal article)"', 'qt': 'standard', 'rows': '999999', 'sort': '', 'start': '0', 'wt': 'python'}, 'status': 0}}, builtin eval = <built-in function eval>, urllib = <module 'urllib' from '/usr/lib/python2.7/urllib.pyc'>, urllib.urlopen = <function urlopen>, q = '', ).read undefined |
<type 'exceptions.SyntaxError'>: invalid syntax (<string>, line 1)
args =
('invalid syntax', ('<string>', 1, 1, '<html>\n'))
filename =
lineno =
message =
msg =
'invalid syntax'
offset =
print_file_and_line =
text =