Monday December 14, 2020, 1-2pm
Lorène ZERAH, phD, CLIP, TFAR, "Prescription of oral antithrombotics in adults in outpatient settings"
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Related publications:
- Zerah L, Bun RS, Guillo S, Collet JP, Bonnet-Zamponi D, Tubach F. A prescription support-tool for chronic management of oral antithrombotic combinations in adults based on a systematic review of international guidelines. PLoS One. 2019;14(2):e0211695.
- Zerah L, Bonnet-Zamponi D, Frappé P, Hauguel-Moreau M, De Rycke Y, Magnier AM, Pautas E, Charles P, Collet JP, Dechartres A, Tubach F. Evaluation of a prescription support-tool for chronic management of oral antithrombotic combinations in adults using clinical vignettes: protocol of a randomised controlled trial. BMJ Open. 2019;9: e025544.
- Zerah L, Bonnet-Zamponi D, Dechartres A, Frappé P, Hauguel-Moreau M, Collet JP, De Rycke Y, Tubach F. Impact of a prescription support tool to improve adherence to the guidelines for the prescription of oral antithrombotics: the COMBI-AT randomized controlled trial using clinical vignettes. J Clin Med. 2019 ;8(11). pii: E1919.
- Zerah L, Bonnet-Zamponi D, Ajrouche A, Collet JP, De Rycke Y, Tubach F. Innapropriate use of oral antithrombotics in an outpatient setting and associated risk: A French nationwide cohort study (under review)