DFAR Seminar - Jérôme Conq and Emilie Moens de Hase
Lundi, 01 février 2021, 08h00Lundi, 01 février 2021, 17h00
Monday February 01, 2021, 1-2pm
Seminar of the doctoral school in biomedical and pharmaceutical sciences
Jerome CONQ, Biomedical Magnetic Resonance Research Group (REMA) & Advanced Drug Delivery and Biomaterials Group (ADDB). "Strategies for a transient opening of the blood brain barrier to increase the delivery of nanomedicines to glioblastoma"
Emilie MOENS de HASE, Metabolism and Nutrition Research Group (MNUT). “Investigation of the effects of newly discovered bacteria Dysosmobacter welbionis on metabolism and inflammation"