Monday February 27, 2023 at 1.00 pm - Auditoire Maisin
Elisabeth VAN BOXSTAEL - LDRI/BPBL - IoNS/NCHM - In vitro study of the N-acylethanolamines and prostamides as modulators of glial cell functions in the context of multiple sclerosis
Pauline HENDRICKX - LDRI/ADDB - Programmable Biomaterials Laboratory/EPFL - Exploring the use of DNA nanotechnology for the cytoplasmic delivery of therapeutic miRNA for spinal cord injury repair
Ilaria COLAUZZI - IREC/FATH - Identification of a mitochondrial control of radioresistance in human breast cancer models
Axell-Natalie KOUAKOU - LDRI/REMA-MNUT-BPBL - Role of obesity on melanoma growth and response to therapy in preclinical melanoma model
Chi-hsien LEE - LDRI/MNUT - Isolating and characterizing new microbes from the human gut to improve health