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Mandeep KAUR - Thesis public defence

    • 28 Mar
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28th March 2023 at 2pm - Auditoire Maisin

Mandeep KAUR - Translational Research from Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology to Treatment Optimization (TFAR) – Cellular and Molecular Pharmacy (FACM)

VacJ, a regulatory hub for Pseudomonas aeruginosa outer membrane asymmetry, modulates virulence factors, lipid composition, mechanical, biophysical and functional properties of the cell envelope

Related publications:

Review paper: Key roles and interest in therapeutics of VacJ, a lipoprotein of the Mla system that maintains outer membrane lipid asymmetry in Gram-negative bacteria (Submitted). Kaur M, M.-P.Mingeot -Leclercq

Research articles:

  • Deficient P. aeruginosa in VacJ/MlaA outer membrane lipoprotein shows decrease of rhamnolipids secretion, motility, and biofilm formation, and increase in fluoroquinolones susceptibility and innate immune response (in revision). Kaur M, J.M. Buyck, J.-L. Decout, N. Mozaheb, M.-P. Mingeot-Leclercq
  • Role of VacJ on lipid composition and mechanobiology of the bacterial envelope in Pseudomonas aeruginosa (Submitted). Kaur M, N. Mozaheb, T.O. Paiva, M.-F. Herent, A. Paquot, R. Terrasi, E. Mignolet, J.-L. Décout, J. H. Lorent, Y. Larondelle, G.G. Muccioli, J. Quetin-Leclercq, Y. Dufrêne, M.-P. Mingeot -Leclercq
  • A mildly acidic environment alters Pseudomonas aeruginosa virulence and causes remodeling of the bacterial surface (in revision). N. Mozaheb, P. Rasouli, M. Kaur, P. Van Der Smissen, G. Larrouy-Maumus, M.-P. Mingeot-Leclercq




  • Mardi, 28 mars 2023, 08h00
    Mardi, 28 mars 2023, 17h00