Mandeep KAUR - Thesis public defence

Mardi, 28 mars 2023, 08h00Mardi, 28 mars 2023, 17h00
28th March 2023 at 2pm - Auditoire Maisin
Mandeep KAUR - Translational Research from Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology to Treatment Optimization (TFAR) – Cellular and Molecular Pharmacy (FACM)
VacJ, a regulatory hub for Pseudomonas aeruginosa outer membrane asymmetry, modulates virulence factors, lipid composition, mechanical, biophysical and functional properties of the cell envelope
Related publications:
Review paper: Key roles and interest in therapeutics of VacJ, a lipoprotein of the Mla system that maintains outer membrane lipid asymmetry in Gram-negative bacteria (Submitted). Kaur M, M.-P.Mingeot -Leclercq
Research articles: