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Emilie MOENS de HASE - Thesis public defence

    • 01 Sep
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Friday September 1st, 2023 - 4 pm - Auditoire 51B

Emilie Moens de Hase – LDRI, Metabolism and Nutrition (MNUT)

Investigation of the effects of the newly discovered Dysosmobacter welbionis J115T on metabolism and inflammation

Promotor: Prof. Patrice D. Cani

Related references:

  • Le Roy, T.*, Moens de Hase, E.*, Van Hul, M., Paquot, A., Pelicaen, R., Régnier, M., Depommier, C., Druart, C., Everard, A., Maiter, D., Delzenne, N. M., Bindels, L. B., de Barsy, M., Loumaye, A., Hermans, M. P., Thissen, J-P., Vieira-Silva, S., Falony, G., Raes, J., Muccioli, G. G., Cani, P. D. (2022). Dysosmobacter welbionis is a newly isolated human commensal bacterium preventing diet-induced obesity and metabolic disorders in mice. Gut, 71: 534-543.
  • Cani, P. D., Moens de Hase, E., Van Hul, M. (2021). Gut microbiota and host metabolism: from proof of concept to therapeutic intervention. Microorganisms, 9(6):1302.
  • Moens de Hase, E., Petitfils, C., Alhouayek, M., Depommier, C., Le Faouder, P., Delzenne, N. M., Van Hul, M., Muccioli, G. G., Cenac, N., Cani, P.D. Dysosmobacter welbionis effects on glucose, lipid and energy metabolism are associated with specific bioactive lipids. Submitted in Journal of Lipid Research.
  • Moens de Hase, E., Neyrinck, A. M., Rodriguez, J., Cnop, M., Paquot, N., Thissen, J-P., Xu, Y., Beloqui, A., Bindels, L. B., Delzenne, N. M. Impact of metformin and Dysosmobacter welbionis on diet-induced obesity and diabetes: from clinical observations to preclinical intervention. Submitted in Diabetologia.


  • Vendredi, 01 septembre 2023, 08h00
    Vendredi, 01 septembre 2023, 17h00