Monday, September 18, 2023 - 1pm - Auditoire 51F
Exploiting membrane lipid heterogeneities in human and bacterial cells for pharmacotherapy
Prof. Joseph LORENT - Translational Research from Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology to Treatment Optimization (TFAR), Cellular and Molecular Pharmacology (FACM), LDRI
Related publications:
- Plasma membranes are asymmetric in lipid unsaturation, packing and protein shape. J. H. Lorent, K. R. Levental, L. Ganesan, G. Rivera-Longsworth, E. Sezgin, M. Doktorova, E. Lyman, I. Levental. Nature Chemical Biology, volume 16, pages 644–652 (2020).
- Structural determinants and functional consequences of protein affinity for membrane rafts. J. H. Lorent, B. Diaz-Rohrer, X. Lin, K. Spring, A. A. Gorfe, K. R. Levental, I. Levental. Nature Communications volume 8, Article number: 1219 (2017).
- Structural Modifications Controlling Membrane Raft Partitioning and Curvature in Human and Viral Proteins. Deniz Yurtsever and Joseph Helmuth Lorent. J. Phys. Chem. B 2020, 124, 35, 7574–7585.