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Am I solving the equations right? An overview of the Method of Manufactured Solution and how to incorporate physical constraints

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The Method of Manufactured Solution (MMS) is a powerful and widely adopted technique for code verification. It provides a systematic procedure for generating analytical solutions to complex PDEs. In this seminar, we will explore in a general way the different steps of this elegant and simple methodology which might potentially be applied to any solver such as to assess its correctness in solving the implemented models. In its standard form, the MMS generates solution which lacks physical realism. We will see how to incorporate constraints dictated by the physical laws at hand, in a generic framework relying on symbolic operations. Finally, we will apply this approach to the verification of a high-order CFD solver and discuss on its usefulness and its practicability.

Speaker : David Henneaux


  • Mercredi, 24 mai 2023, 08h00
    Mercredi, 24 mai 2023, 17h00
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