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17.04.2023 - Thesis Defense - Fabien Wuestenberghs

    • 17 Apr
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You are all very welcome to the thesis defense of Fabian Wuestenberghs that will take place on April 14th, 4:00 PM

Speaker: Fabian Wuestenberghs

Title: « Comorbidities and overlap syndromes in functional dyspepsia "

Date: April 14th

Time: 4:00 PM

Place: Auditoire 38A, Pavillon des Conférences

Promotor : Prof. Hubert Piessevaux
Co-Promotor : Prof. Guillaume Gourcerol (Université Rouen Normandie)

  • Lundi, 17 avril 2023, 08h00
    Lundi, 17 avril 2023, 17h00