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Public thesis defense of Hassan HAIDAR

    • 14 Feb
  • Accessible
  • SKEMA Business School's Sophia Antipolis

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Doctoral Commission in Economics and Management Sciences


The Rector of UCLouvain and the Doctoral Commission in Economics and Management Sciences announce that Mr Hassan HAIDAR will publicly support her dissertation, for the title of Doctor in Economics and Management Sciences of UCLouvain.



 An Agile Feature-Driven Framework for Managing Evolving Software Product Lines »​​​​​​



Agile Product Line Engineering is a paradigm that has emerged as a solution for responding to the need for managing changes in requirements, reducing time-to-market, promoting product quality, and decreasing development costs in software organizations. Agile Product Line (APL) approaches are the results of combining agile methods with Software Product Lines (SPL). The main goal of this thesis is to propose an efficient APL method. In general, software development methodologies consist of two integral parts. The first one is dedicated for requirements engineering and the second one is dedicated for the development process. In this thesis, we have proposed a Feature-Oriented Agile Product Line method called “Agile Framework for managing evolving Software Product Lines – AgiFPL method”. AgiFPL has been defined, designed and implemented after studying and analyzing the existent APL methodologies with the aim to take advantage of the strengths of the studied methodologies and to overcome their weaknesses. AgiFPL was proposed to address the development process part. For the requirement engineering part, we have proposed an Integrated Requirements Engineering framework for Agile Software Product Lines, which is the part that provides the syntax and semantics used for expressing the products of an APL method. The aim is to allow analysts and developers to specify requirements that precisely capture the stakeholder’s needs and intentions as well as to manage product line variabilities. Finally, this thesis proposes an assessment model called AgiPL-AM (Assessment Model for Agile Product Lines) for the assessment of the situation of agile adoption within agile product line approaches. In fact, assessing the current situation, regarding the combination of agile practices and activities with Software Product Lines, is an essential step towards a successful integration of agile methods into Software Product Lines.

  • Vendredi, 14 février 2020, 08h00
    Vendredi, 14 février 2020, 17h00
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