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2023 Business & Society Research Seminar: “How to make the world a more inclusive place?”

    • 22 Jun
      23 Jun
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Call for contributions

2023 Business & Society Research Seminar: “How to make the world a more inclusive place?”

For PhD students and emerging scholars conducting research in the field of Business and Society, Sustainable Business, Corporate Social Responsibility, Sustainable Development Goals, Social Innovation & Entrepreneurship, Social Inclusion and Social Justice, or a related topic.



How to make the world a more inclusive place?

At the beginning of a winter during which, even in rich countries, many families will have to choose whether to heat or to eat, we need more attention to inclusive prosperity. Under the umbrella term inclusive prosperity, we aim to enable as many people as possible to benefit from increasing prosperity, whilst addressing the negative consequences for the planet. Considering the undeniable tensions between some of the Sustainable Development Goals we are facing with our mission, there are no easy solutions to the increasingly complex puzzle humanity is facing.



The objective of this two-day seminar is to bring together PhD students, emerging scholars, and more experienced academics to give the opportunity to PhD students and emerging scholars to present and discuss their research projects and receive feedback in a stimulating, developmental and friendly atmosphere. We will explore commonalities as well as differences in each other’s research approaches and themes in an inspiring, sociable, and convivial academic setting. This seminar consists of a mix of plenary sessions, full paper and research idea sessions as well as several workshops around career development and publications strategy. All sessions will involve fellow PhD students, emerging scholars, and more experienced researchers and journal editors


OPEN CALL FOR PAPERS: business and society

Beyond the main theme of this year’s seminar and considering the interdisciplinary orientation of the event, we encourage submissions by scholars sharing a common interest for, and working on topics related to business and society, sustainable business, corporate social responsibility, the UN Sustainable Development Goals, social innovation, and inclusiveness and social justice. We are interested in various organization-related research fields including business ethics and philosophy, management and organization studies, strategy, marketing, accounting, finance, entrepreneurship, economics, and sociology. We also encourage submissions drawing on a diverse array of methodologies, including qualitative, quantitative, and conceptual work.



There are two possible formats for the conference: full papers or research idea papers.

  • Full papers: you can either submit a long abstract (around 4,000 words, double-spaced, Times New Roman 12) or a full paper (max. 40 pages, double-spaced, Times New Roman 12).
  • Research idea papers: submit a 2,000 to 4,000-word note to present your research idea.

Submission Deadline: 28 February 2023. Please submit your long abstract, full paper, or research idea paper using the link to the ConfTool submission system:

Registration: Participation is free of charge, but participants are expected to cover their own travel and accommodation expenses.



The 2023 seminar will take place at the Rotterdam School of Management, Rotterdam (The Netherlands). If you have any question, please contact us at For more information, please visit the conference website:




  • Jeudi, 22 juin 2023, 08h00
    Vendredi, 23 juin 2023, 17h00
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