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- Andrea Pizarro Pedraza
Andrea Pizarro Pedraza
Collaboratrice scientifique
BMHCC1115 Initiation à la culture des pays de langue C et C' : anglais-espagnol
BMHCG1283 Technologies linguistiques
BMHER1341 Traduction français vers l'espagnol
BMHES1212B Espagnol : pratique de la grammaire (partie traduction)
BMHES1222B Espagnol : culture
BMHES1342 Espagnol : culture
- Les cours
Nom ID Initiation à la culture des pays de langue C et C' BMHCC1111 Initiation à la culture des pays de langue C et C' : anglais-espagnol BMHCC1115 Technologies linguistiques BMHCG1283 Traduction français vers l'espagnol BMHER1341 Espagnol : pratique de la grammaire BMHES1212 Espagnol : langue et culture BMHES1222 Espagnol : culture BMHES1342
Here are some of the topics I am working on or have worked on recently:
- Spanish sociolinguistics
- Linguistic taboo
- Language and sexuality
- (Multilingual) Social media discourse
- Spanish as a heritage language
Pizarro Pedraza, Andrea ; Suner Munoz, Ferran ; De Cock, Barbara. Beyond Bleeps and Bounds: The Role of Individual Differences in Understanding Taboo Language from TV Series in the L2. In: Languages, Vol. 9, no.3, p. 74 (2024). doi:10.3390/languages9030074.
Pizarro Pedraza, Andrea. Pocas palabras bastan: la variación semántica del tabú como índice de práctica estilística. In: Linguistica en la Red, Vol. XX, no.-, p. sp (2023). doi:10.37536/linred.2023.XX.2367.
De Cock, Barbara ; Pizarro Pedraza, Andrea. Any #JesuisIraq planned? Claiming affective displays for forgotten places. In: Pragmatics : quarterly publication of the International Pragmatics Association, Vol. 30, no. 2, p. 201-221 (2020). doi:10.1075/prag.18059.dec.
De Cock, Barbara ; Pizarro Pedraza, Andrea. From expressing solidarity to mocking on Twitter: pragmatic functions of hashtags starting with #jesuis across languages. In: Language in Society, Vol. 47, no. 2, p. 197-217 (2018). doi:10.1017/S0047404518000052.
Pizarro Pedraza, Andrea ; De Cock, Barbara. Taboo effects at the syntactic level: reducing agentivity as a euphemistic strategy. In: Pragmatics: quarterly publication of the International Pragmatics Association, Vol. 28, no. 1, p. 113-138 (2018). doi:10.1075/prag.17001.piz.
De Cock, Barbara ; Marsily, Aurélie ; Pizarro Pedraza, Andrea ; Rasson, Marie. ¿Quién atenúa y cuándo en español? La atenuación en función del género discursivo. In: Spanish in Context, Vol. 15, no. 2, p. 305-324. doi:10.1075/sic.00016.dec.
Pizarro Pedraza, Andrea. Crespo-Fernández (2015). Sex in Language- Euphemistic and euphemistic metaphors in Internet forums. London/New York: Bloomsbury.. In: Atlantis, Vol. 38, no.2, p. 273-278 (2016).
Pizarro Pedraza, Andrea. Variación semántica y significado social: hacia una sociolingüística cognitiva de la Tercera Ola. In: Dicenda - Cuadernos de Filologia Hispanica, Vol. 34, p. 311-338 (2016) (Accepté/Sous presse).
Pizarro Pedraza, Andrea. Who said ‘abortion’? Semantic variation and ideology in Spanish newspapers’ online discussions.. In: Australian Journal of Linguistics, Vol. 35, no.1, p. 53-75 (2015).
Pizarro Pedraza, Andrea. Linguistic Taboo Revisited. Novel insights from Cognitive perspectives (Cognitive Linguistics Research Series), Mouton De Gruyter: Berlin/Boston, 2018. 978-3-11-058031-0 (Accepté/Sous presse).
De Cock, Barbara ; Hambye, Philippe ; Pizarro Pedraza, Andrea. Annotation and mark up for representation analysis. In: Frazer Heritage & Charlotte Taylor, Analysing Representation A Corpus and Discourse Textbook, Routledge: London, 2024, 84-99. 9781032397016.
De Cock, Barbara ; Dupret, Pauline ; Hambye, Philippe ; Pizarro Pedraza, Andrea. Polarizing representations of immigrant communities in Belgian French-speaking online political discourse. In: Laura Filardo-Llamas; Esperanza Morales-López; Alan Floyd, Discursive approaches to socio-political polarization and conflict, Routledge: London - New York, 2022, 80-98. 978-0-367-52925-3.
Pizarro Pedraza, Andrea. Sociolinguistic factors in the preference for direct and indirect expression of sexual concepts. In: Díaz-Campos, Manuel (ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Variationist Approaches to Spanish, Manuel Díaz-Campos: Londres, 2022. 9780429200267.
Pizarro Pedraza, Andrea. Calling things by their name: Exploring the social meanings in the preference for sexual (in)direct construals. In: Andrea Pizarro Pedraza, Linguistic Taboo Revisited. Novel insights from Cognitive perspectives (Cognitive Linguistics Research Series), Mouton De Gruyter: Berlin/Boston, 2018, 245-268. 978-3-11-058031-0 (Accepté/Sous presse).
Pizarro Pedraza, Andrea. Introduction. In: Andrea Pizarro Pedraza, Linguistic Taboo Revisited. Novel insights from Cognitive perspectives (Cognitive Linguistics Research Series), Mouton De Gruyter: Berlin/Boston, 2018, 1-11. 978-3-11-058031-0 (Accepté/Sous presse).
Pizarro Pedraza, Andrea ; De Cock, Barbara. Non-conforming Uses of #jesuisCharlie and Derived Hashtags on Twitter. In: Louise-Amélie Cougnon, Barbara De Cock, Cédrick Fairon, Language and the new (instant) media (Cahiers du Cental; 9), Presses Universitaires de Louvain: Louvain-la-Neuve, 2018, p. 99-106. 978-2-87558-697-1.
Pizarro Pedraza, Andrea. Pardon my Spanish: attenuation of taboo through metapragmatic euphemistic formulae. In: Eliecer Crespo-Fernández, Taboo in Discourse: Studies on Attenuation and Offence in Communication, Peter Lang, 2018, p. to be determined. 978-3-0343-3018-3 (Accepté/Sous presse).
Pizarro Pedraza, Andrea. Pragmemes in the sociolinguistic interview: a case study on expanded polar answers. In: Allan, K., Capone, A., Kecskes, I. and J.L. Mey, Pragmemes and Theories of Language use (Perspectives in Pragmatics, Philosophy & Psychology), Springer: Cham, 2016, 351-374. 978-3-319-43490-2. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-43491-9.
Pizarro Pedraza, Andrea. La variación del español hablado en Bélgica: una propuesta de estudio. Jornadas “El español como lengua de herencia y el multilingüismo en Europa: retos y nuevos horizontes” (Louvain, du 17/05/2024 au 18/05/2024).
Pizarro Pedraza, Andrea. El significado social de las expresiones tabú. XI JORNADAS DE LENGUA Y COMUNICACIÓN EL TABÚ LINGÜÍSTICO (Université d'Alcalá de Henares, du 18/04/2023 au 19/04/2023).
De Cock, Barbara ; Pizarro Pedraza, Andrea ; Suner Munoz, Ferran. The role of TV series on the comprehension of taboo language in foreign language students. Variation in Language Acquistion 5 (Bruxelles, du 01/06/2023 au 02/06/2023).
Pizarro Pedraza, Andrea ; Cougnon, Louise-Amélie ; Gjerstad, Oyvind ; Flottum, Kjersti. What is “sustainable development”? A contrastive keyword analysis of tweets about climate change in Norway, France and Belgium. 18th International Pragmatics Conference (Université Libre de Bruxelles, du 09/07/2023 au 14/07/2023).
Pizarro Pedraza, Andrea. ¿Podemos hablar aún de la “Reconquista” o del “Día de la Hispanidad” en la clase de ELE?. Jornada de formación Cátedra EMELE/Difusión_ Talenland y Cátedra EMELE/Consejería de Educación-Instituto Cervantes de Bruselas (KUL, Louvain, 27/04/2023).
Dupret, Pauline ; De Cock, Barbara ; Hambye, Philippe ; Pizarro Pedraza, Andrea. Legal, but not so innocent: Immigrant representations in Belgian political discourse online . Sociolinguistics Symposium 24 (Ghent University, du 13/07/2022 au 16/07/2022).
De Cock, Barbara ; Dupret, Pauline ; Hambye, Philippe ; Pizarro Pedraza, Andrea. La frontière entre opinion et discours de haine dans les tweets de personnalités politiques belges francophones. Twiter l'Europe et le monde (Mons, 26/11/2021).
Pizarro Pedraza, Andrea ; Cougnon, Louise-Amélie. Metaphors in crisis communication. A combined qualitative-quantitative approach of the Covid-19 crisis. Cultural Constructions Conference (Texas, du 04/03/2021 au 05/03/2021).
De Cock, Barbara ; Dupret, Pauline ; Hambye, Philippe ; Pizarro Pedraza, Andrea. A corpus-based study of the boundary between opinion and hatespeech in Belgian French- speaking online political discourse. Corpora and Discourse International Conference 2020 (Brighton (moved online due to covid-19: www.corporadiscourse.com), du 17/06/2020 au 19/06/2020).
De Cock, Barbara ; Pizarro Pedraza, Andrea. #JesuisRajoy: Deixis y alternancia de código en tuits en español con la raíz #jesuis.. Congreso internacional de lingüística hispánica 2017. Homenaje a Nicole Delbecque (Leuven, du 20/09/2017 au 22/09/2017).
Pizarro Pedraza, Andrea. Elicitation and analysis of sexual concepts: overview of a cognitive sociolinguistic study. Aflico7 Conference – Discourse, Cognition and Constructions: Implications and Applications (Université de Liège, du 31/05/2017 au 03/06/2017).
Pizarro Pedraza, Andrea. Elicitation and analysis of sexual concepts: overview of a cognitive sociolinguistic study. Aflico7 Conference – Discourse, Cognition and Constructions: Implications and Applications (Université de Liège, du 31/05/2017 au 03/06/2017) (Accepté/Sous presse).
Pizarro Pedraza, Andrea ; De Cock, Barbara. The emergence of a cross-linguistic construction: #jesuis-hashtags. AFLiCo 7. Discours, Cognition & Constructions: Implications & Applications. 7e Colloque International de l'Association française de Linguistique cognitive (Liège, du 31/05/2017 au 03/06/2017).
Pizarro Pedraza, Andrea ; Dirk De Hertog. The variation of ‘to menstruate’ in Spanish online forum for women. ICLAVE 9 (University of Malaga, du 06/06/2017 au 09/06/2017).
Pizarro Pedraza, Andrea ; De Cock, Barbara. What about #JeSuisAnkara? Claiming places of affect. 15th International Pragmatics Conference (Belfast, du 16/07/2017 au 21/07/2017).
Pizarro Pedraza, Andrea ; De Cock, Barbara. Challenging the taboo of violent death on twitter: a linguistic analysis of the humoristic use of #jesuis. TACO conference (University Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona (Espagne), du 20/09/2016 au 21/09/2016).
Pizarro Pedraza, Andrea. La prominencia de la metáfora sexual en el discurso masculino: aspectos sociolingüístico-cognitivos. 10th International Conference of the Spanish Society of Cognitive Linguistics (AELCO) (Alcalá de Henares (España), du 26/10/2016 au 28/10/2016).
Pizarro Pedraza, Andrea. Propuestas de la Tercera Ola para la Sociolingüística en España. Sociolinguistics Symposium (Université de Murcia, du 14/06/2016 au 18/06/2016).
De Cock, Barbara ; Pizarro Pedraza, Andrea. Reinterpreting the use of hashtags: the humoristic use of #jesuis. 4th International, Interdisciplinary Symposium: Microanalysis Of Online Data (MOOD-S) (Salford, du 15/09/2016 au 16/09/2016).
Pizarro Pedraza, Andrea. The MadSex Project: Some aspects of a cognitive sociolinguistic study of sexual concepts in Madrid.. Sociolinguistics Symposium (Université de Murcia, du 14/06/2016 au 18/06/2016).
Pizarro Pedraza, Andrea ; De Cock, Barbara. The communicative affordances of hashtags: the case of the humoristic uses of #jesuis. PLINDay Language and the new (instant) media (Louvain-la-Neuve, 12/05/2016).
Pizarro Pedraza, Andrea. Why yes/no questions trigger expanded answers in sociolinguistic interviews: an application of Mey’s Pragmeme theory. The Linguistic Society of Belgium 2016 Day (Université catholique de Louvain, 13/05/2016).
Marsily, Aurélie ; Rasson, Marie ; Pizarro Pedraza, Andrea ; De Cock, Barbara. ¿Quién atenúa cuándo en español? La atenuación en distintos géneros discursivos. Congreso internacional de atenuación lingüística: perspectivas semánticas y pragmáticas (Valencia, du 15/06/2016 au 18/06/2016).
De Cock, Barbara ; Pizarro Pedraza, Andrea. “The sin but no the sinner”: The expression of sexual actions and their participants. Sociolinguistics Symposium (Université de Murcia, du 14/06/2016 au 18/06/2016).
Pizarro Pedraza, Andrea. Taking stance towards sexual taboo through semantic variation. 13th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference (ICLC) (University of Northumbria, du 20/07/2015 au 25/07/2015).
Pizarro Pedraza, Andrea ; Cougnon, Louise-Amélie ; Catellani, Andrea ; Samofalova, Yuliya ; De Schutter, Olivier. Climate change and Twitter in Belgium (), 2022. 26 p.
De Cock, Barbara ; Hambye, Philippe ; Dupret, Pauline ; Pizarro Pedraza, Andrea. Des messages à la frontière entre opinion et discours de haine. Une analyse de la communication des personnalités politiques belges francophones sur les réseaux sociaux, 2019.