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Study programme 2015-2016

Teaching and training

 If Erasmus exchanges normally take place during the 3rd year of the bachelor, students on the master 120 can take 30 credits in other universities in Belgium (course in Latin language and literature can be borrowed from the KULeuven programme, in application of the UCL-KULeuven agreement) or abroad and/or undertake internships in Belgium or abroad (for the end of study dissertation and/or focus).

For example :

Numerous partnerships with the Faculty of Philosophy, Arts and Letters (FIAL): see https://www.uclouvain.be/280052

Practical information for arriving FIAL students : https://www.uclouvain.be/en-280048.html
For more information : Marie-Julie Malache

Practical information for departing FIAL students : https://www.uclouvain.be/17371.html
For more information : Fabienne de Voghel


Note :
Periods of study abroad for students pursuing a teaching focus must take place in the second term of the first block or the first term of the second block. All teaching focus classes must be taken at UCL, however.