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Cette fiche d’activité peut encore faire l'objet de modifications. La version finale sera disponible le 1er juin.
2.00 crédits
30.0 h
Q1 et Q2
Thèmes abordés
Ce séminaire est destiné à aider les étudiants à réaliser leur mémoire dans de meilleures conditions. Pour cela, il vise à donner des clés pour
- définir leur sujet de mémoire
- réaliser une recherche bibliographique de niveau scientifique
- approfondir quelques méthodes spécifiques au domaine de gestion
- apprendre à autocorriger leur style rédactionnel
- maîtriser leur expression orale devant un public
A la fin de cette unité d’enseignement, l’étudiant est capable de : | |
1 | 2.3. Articuler des savoirs issus de différents domaines 2.4. Activer et appliquer des savoirs 3. Appliquer une démarche scientifique 3.1. Mener un raisonnement analytique 3.3. Penser le problème selon une approche systémique et globale, 3.4. Synthétiser avec discernement, faire preuve d'abstraction conceptuelle 8. Communiquer 8.1. Exprimer un message de façon claire et structurée 8.2. Interagir et dialoguer de façon efficace 9. Se développer 9.1. Gérer de façon autonome son travail 9.2. Se connaître et se maîtriser 9.3. Se développer 9.4. Apprendre rapidement et de manière autonome À la fin du séminaire de thèse, les étudiant·es seront capables de :
At the end of the ‘Séminaire d’accompagnement du mémoire’, you will be able to:
- Delineate clearly what your thesis should be,
- Find and use relevant scientific literature,
- Justify your methodology to find and analyse data,
- Draft the introduction of your thesis.
Méthodes d'enseignement
You are about to embark on the adventure of writing your thesis. Welcome aboard!
The Moodle site of the seminar is your tool. It is a companion that will help you start your work efficiently. It will facilitate your way through the preparation of the thesis, which should also facilitate your supervisor’s work!
You will progress step by step through the seminar at your own pace, with the support of forums where you can raise questions and you will get answers from your teachers. In addition, there will be three follow-up sessions at the different steps. In these sessions, you will meet the teachers, learn more, and get answers to your questions.
The Moodle site of the seminar is your tool. It is a companion that will help you start your work efficiently. It will facilitate your way through the preparation of the thesis, which should also facilitate your supervisor’s work!
You will progress step by step through the seminar at your own pace, with the support of forums where you can raise questions and you will get answers from your teachers. In addition, there will be three follow-up sessions at the different steps. In these sessions, you will meet the teachers, learn more, and get answers to your questions.
Modes d'évaluation
des acquis des étudiants
des acquis des étudiants
Each of the four steps in the seminar includes one assignment.
Only the last one will be graded, but you must pass the other ones (in steps 1, 2 and 3) to get access to the last one.
Criteria and conditions at each step are precisely explained on Moodle.
Only the last one will be graded, but you must pass the other ones (in steps 1, 2 and 3) to get access to the last one.
Criteria and conditions at each step are precisely explained on Moodle.
Autres infos
The Moodle site is in English, but the forum at each step, as well as the follow-up sessions, leave space for discussions either in French or in English.
en ligne
en ligne
The Moodle site of the seminar provides all information and leads you, step by step, from the beginning to the final assessment. Go to
Support de cours
Faculté ou entité
en charge
en charge