Dutch : Language proficiency

bgerm1105  2023-2024  Bruxelles Saint-Louis

Dutch : Language proficiency
5.00 credits
30.0 h
Q1 and Q2
Gauthier Justine;
Learning outcomes

At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to :

To help students to achieve a strong command of written and oral Dutch (the level is equivalent to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages level B2).
To help students to achieve a fine understanding of authentic material, written or oral, in the varieties of Dutch spoken in the Netherlands and in Belgium.
The course concentrates on different themes related to the Dutch and Flemish language and culture:
- The place of Dutch in the world
- The difficulties of Dutch
- The Englicization of Dutch
- Flemish movies
- The concept of identity in the flemish community
- Integration and immigration in Belgium
- …

o Writing exercises: summaries, formal and informal texts and e-mails, description exercises, and so on.
o Oral expression: Spontaneous conversation exercises in the form of debates, role plays, and other creative exercises; home-prepared presentations on cultural and linguistic topics.
o Reading: Understanding of authentic texts in Dutch related to the different themes evoked above.
o Listening: Understanding of authentic videos related to the different themes evoked above.
Teaching methods
The course adopts a seminar format with interactive exercises that require the active participation of the students.
Students are regularly asked to prepare exercises at home before coming to class, in order to allow for a good progress of the course.
Evaluation methods
Participation in the course “practical exercises” will be taken into consideration in the calculation of the overall course grade.

• Formative assessment:
The students have to prepare several presentations throughout the year. They will receive constructive feedback from the teacher on their presentation skills and on their language proficiency.

• Summative assessment during the exam session:
Written and oral exam in January and in June. The weighting between the written and the oral exam is 60% for the written exam and 40% for the oral exam. The weighting between January and June is 50/50.

• Formative assessment:
The students have to prepare several presentations throughout the year. They will receive constructive feedback from the teacher on their presentation skills and on their language proficiency.

• Summative assessment during the exam session:
Written and oral exam in January and in June. The weighting between the written and the oral exam is 60% for the written exam and 40% for the oral exam. The weighting between January and June is 50/50.
The use of tools based on artificial intelligence for the preparation of personal assignments is forbidden in order to allow students to develop their own linguistic skills to the level expected for this course.
Other information
A syllabus will be available at the reprography.
Course materials (videos, articles, hand-outs, …) will be available on Moodle.
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Bachelor in Modern Languages and Letters: German, Dutch and English

Bachelor in Modern Languages and Literatures : General