Legal History

bdran1217  2024-2025  Bruxelles Saint-Louis

Legal History
5.00 credits
60.0 h
Learning outcomes

At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to :

The course aims to critically think about the laws that regulate our lives today as (inter)national citizens. It does so by looking into the complex historical processes of law-making. You will learn to analyse:

- The principal shifts in the legal orders of the 19th and 20th centuries;
- Fundamental concepts (such as codification, human rights, citizenship, equality, transitional justice, civil rights, suffrage) in their historical context;
- Interactions between socio-political and legal dynamics;
- The actors of legal change;
- The structure of international society;
- The construction of the laws of war;
- The developments and challenges of international justice.

Course material includes powerpoint slides and required texts and sources.
This course examines legal change in Belgium in an increasingly globalised world since the 19th century. It presents and confronts different genealogies and approaches to the law from a comparative perspective.
For each theme, it first presents founding legal texts in contemporary legal history. It then examines the social and political contexts of claims of rights. Finally, it addresses the causes and consequences of the transformation of legal institutions from a historical perspective.
The course puts particular emphasis on Europe, the United States and Africa during the 19th and the 20th centuries.
Teaching methods
This is a lecture course with compulsory readings, analysis of first-hand sources (archives, historical case-law) and lectures by external speakers.
Student participation is also required through mandatory presentations and essays during the semester (see assessment methods (online tests)).
Evaluation methods
The final grade is based on both mandatory regular assessments during the semester and a final evaluation. The criteria and details are given in the course description on Moodle.
Online resources
The detailed course presentation and the texts are on Moodle.
Le cours comporte plusieurs lectures obligatoires qui sont disponibles sur la page Moodle du cours et à la reprographie.

Une bibliographie générale de support au cours est également disponible. Les références générales suivantes sont disponibles sur Moodle ou à la bibliothèque de l’université:
• Hobsbawm E., The Age of Revolution. 1789-1848. Vintage books. 1996 (1st ed. 1962).
• Halpérin, Jean-Louis. Histoire des droits en Europe de 1750 à nos jours, Flammarion, 2004.
• Stephenson D.G., “Race and Voting” and “Gender and Voting” in: The right to Vote. Rights and Liberties under the Law. ABC-Clio. 2004. p. 99-137.
• Bingham T., The Rule of law. Penguin Books. 2010.
• Burbank Jane and Cooper Frederick. “Empire, Nation, and Citizenship in a Revolutionary Age” in: Empires in world history: power and the politics of difference, Princeton, N.J., Princeton University Press, 2010.
• Mazower M., “The Strange Triumph of Human Rights, 1933-1950”. The historical journal. 2004. p. 379-398.
• Kramer A., “The First Wave of International War Crimes Trials: Istanbul and Leipzig”. European Review. 2006. p. 441-455.
• Wittmann R., Beyond Justice. The Auschwitz Trial. Harvard University Press. 2005.
• Mazower, Mark. Governing the World. The History of an Idea. Penguin Books. 2012.
• Sands, Philippe. East West Street: On the Origins of “Genocide” and “Crimes against Humanity”. Vintage Books. 2016.
• Segesser, Daniel Marc and Gessler, Myriam. “Raphael Lemkin and the international debate on the punishment of war crimes (1919-1948)”, Journal of Genocide Research, 2005, p. 453-468.
• Morris V. and Scharf M., The International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda. Transnational publishers. 1998.
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Bachelor in History (French - English)

Bachelor in Law French-English (and French-English-Dutch)