German: Translation

bmhal1352  2024-2025  Bruxelles Saint-Louis

German: Translation
5.00 credits
45.0 h

The prerequisite(s) for this Teaching Unit (Unité d’enseignement – UE) for the programmes/courses that offer this Teaching Unit are specified at the end of this sheet.
Learning outcomes

At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to :

On completing this Unit students should be able to:

General outcomes:
• Identify the sender, target audience and function(s) of a C-language source text;
• Detect allusions, stereotypes, and intertextuality in a C-language written or oral text
• Identify documentary and informational needs in C-language source text;
• Identify reliable and suitable sources for the documentation needed to (1) understand the source text and (2) that can be exploited for language purposes in order to produce a translation (target text);
• Solve translation problems by applying the theoretical knowledge taught during the course;

Specific outcomes:
Written translation:• Translate a new text on a general topic from language C into language A, with or without translation tools and within a given timeframe, using correct grammar, lexical selection, syntax, phraseology and punctuation;
• Provide, if necessary, explanatory notes with their translation work;
• Save their work and submit it in the requested form by the agreed deadline.
For students following the specific course for German speakers: to be able to use the basic functions of the MemoQ software (project management, terminology database, translation memory, etc.)

Sight translation:
• Understand a written text in language C and render it orally in language A, using correct grammar, style, lexical selection and respecting textual and pragmatic characteristics.
The aim of the course is to apply and develop the basic principles of sight translation and written translation of general texts from German into French* through targeted exercises.  
Small translation projects, oral presentation (translation) of a written language C-text in in language A, etc. are some of the exercises offered in the course. They will be complemented by individualized follow-up and homework assignments.    
Distribution of the parts of the course: 
- Written translation: 30 hours 
- Sight translation: 15 hours 
*For students enrolled in the program for German speakers: 
Written translation: 15h from French to German + 15h from German to French. 
The translation work will be done using the MemoQ software. 
Sight translation: 15 hours from French to German 
Teaching methods
Theoretical background, preparatory work, individual and group exercises.
Practical work and exercises using the language laboratory, tutorials/guided exercises and simulation.
Evaluation methods
Written and oral assessments covering different question formats.   
- Weighting:                                                                                   
The overall grade for the course is a weighted average: Written translation 70% + Sight Translation 30%.  
- Evaluation methods for the course sub-sections:  
- First session: 
Sight translation: oral exam                                                  
Written translation: continuous assessment (40%) + written exam (60%)  
*For students enrolled in the program for German speakers the exam will be taken on MemoQ. 
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                The use of machine translation and artificial intelligence of any kind is prohibited, except when explicitly authorized in the instructions for an exercise or assessment.                                                                                                                                              
In order to obtain the credits related to the course, the student must present all the parts of the exam related to the course and have completed the required work during the semester in accordance with the instructions given. 
Attendance at classes is mandatory. In case of unjustified absence at more than 2 sessions  teachers reserve the right to propose to the jury that a student who has been unjustifiably absent from more than 2 class sessions be refused registration for exams. The same will apply to students who have not submitted the required work within the requested time limit without justification.  The practical and precise instructions for the various assignments will be specified on the Moodle platform.   
- Second session:  
Sight translation: oral exam                                                  
Written translation: written paper consisting of several tasks, to be submitted on the first day of the August/September session (40%) + written exam (60%) 
*For students enrolled in the program for German speakers the exam will be taken on MemoQ.       
The use of machine translation and artificial intelligence of any kind is prohibited, except when explicitly authorized in the instructions for an exercise or assessment.           
In order to obtain the credits related to the course, the student must present all the parts of the exam related to the course and have completed the required work in accordance with the instructions given. The practical and precise instructions for the various assignments will be specified on the Moodle platform.   
Furthermore, if a student fails for the entire course in the first session, no AA grade will be carried over to the second session if all the assignements and assessments related to the different AAs have not been presented in the first session. 
Other information
Documents and links on Moodle
MemoQ license available to students enrolled in the course (Windows license)
Lecture recommandée :
La traduction raisonnée, Jean Delisle ISBN : 978-2-7603-2119-9
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Bachelor in Translation and Interpreting