Legal English

bdroi1242  2024-2025  Bruxelles Saint-Louis

Legal English
5.00 credits
30.0 h

  This learning unit is not open to incoming exchange students!


The prerequisite(s) for this Teaching Unit (Unité d’enseignement – UE) for the programmes/courses that offer this Teaching Unit are specified at the end of this sheet.
Learning outcomes

At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to :

The course aims to familiarise students with the Anglo-American legal system and culture (origins, foundations and principles of Common Law) by addressing certain general themes of public and private law through various legal sources (doctrine, case law, legislation) and current events.
The general learning objective is also to introduce students to legal practice (e.g. introduction to certain legal methods, professions and procedures).
Designed in an active way, it should enable the student, at the end of the year, to acquire :
● a basic knowledge of Anglo-American structures, major concepts and terminology ;
● consult, understand and synthesise legal documentation in English
● to explain and discuss in understandable language and using appropriate terminology, simple legal situations and the basic structures and concepts of the legal systems taught.
The aim of the course is thus to achieve both passive and, as far as possible, active understanding and knowledge of legal English. In this way, the student who has completed the Common English and Legal English course will have acquired the necessary skills to follow a legal course in English in BLOCK 3, thus fulfilling the language learning objectives of the Faculty of Law.
At the start of the course, students complete a self-assessment form to find out their level of English.
The course is structured in two parts:
- The first part is designed to enable students to strengthen their general language skills and acquire the basic concepts and terminology of Anglo-American law, mainly through reading comprehension and oral expression exercises.
- The second part involves the study of a selection of essential legal themes in order to understand English-speaking legal systems (contract law, liability law, criminal law, constitutional law, etc.) and the analysis of English, American, European and international case law.
Students should read and prepare texts and exercises in advance.
Some English language resources will be made available on Moodle for grammatical and/or vocabulary support. During the semester, additional reading material may also be made available to students on Moodle.
Teaching methods
The course offers lectures and group sessions, requiring active preparation and participation from the student both before and during class. 
After the introduction of a legal theme, connected to current issues for example, exercises will be used to explore this theme. These exercises focus on the critical reading of texts, i.e. structuring, meaning, factual data and opinions.
This is a practical course designed to help students understand the language of law, with structured, practical lectures focusing on legal terminology, written exercises (drafting, translation) and oral exercises (discussions, short presentations).
Evaluation methods
Assessment is based partly on active participation in group sessions (which may include an oral presentation) and partly on a written exam during the exam session.
The written exam includes:
1.    A series of vocabulary questions
2.    A series of questions on the course content (lectures and group sessions)
3.    A series of questions examining understanding of a new text (its genre, structure, scope or content), and possibly asking for a comparison with what has been studied in class. This new text is of a similar type and theme to those studied in class, and the questions asked are also comparable to those raised in class.
Attendance is compulsory for group sessions. In the event of two absences from group sessions (or if one of the two absences is unjustified), the teacher may impose a replacement assignment . Two unjustified absences from group sessions may result in a grade of 0A for the course.
Des documents de travail peuvent être disponibles et des références bibliographiques communiquées et commentées en cours d’année.
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Bachelor in Law

Bachelor in Law French-Dutch (and French-Dutch-English)