Philosophy and visual language

bmhcg1161a  2024-2025  Bruxelles Saint-Louis

Philosophy and visual language
5.00 credits
60.0 h
Philosophy :
Dialog between the european and the chinese philosophy

Visual language :
Art history with a multicultural approach
The main aim is to familiarize students with the logic of sociological reasoning and give them keys to understanding their society. More specifically, it aims to :
  • enable them to acquire a general sociological culture and the basics of disciplinary language; 
  • introduce them to authors, theories and concepts that will awaken their curiosity about today's social world and enable them to adopt a critical and sociological perspective on it; 
  • introduce them to the main principles of sociological analysis;
  • enable them to understand the specificity of sociology among the disciplines of the human sciences, particularly philosophy.
Teaching methods
Philosophy :
Face-to-face, first term, 30 hours of theory. The reading of the texts to be analysed is recommanded.
Sociology :
Idem. Lecture built first on the presentation of a piece of famous research, then on the concepts and principles of analysis it mobilizes.
Visual language :
Idem. Analysis exercises during some courses.
Evaluation methods
Philosophy :
Written and/or oral examination
Sociology :
Written exam, testing not only students' ability to reproduce information (closed questions as definitions or "fill-in-the-blank"), but also their understanding of the subject matter (open questions as comparison of authors or mobilization of a concept to shed light on a social phenomenon).

Visual Language :
Written exam : theory (reflexion) + analysis exercise

In case of a fail grade, you're invited to visit the web page of the course and check the details. A 10/20 or higher mark will automatically be transferred to a second or third exam session. It's thus not possible to re-sit the exam related to this part of the course.

Remote online exam if stricter social distancing measures are required due to Covid-19.
Online resources
Sociology :
PowerPoint presentations will be made available on the course website as and when the sessions take place (at the latest the day before).
• Monique Canto-Sperber, Philosophie grecque, PUF, 1998.
• Gilbert Hottois, De la Renaissance à la Postmodernité. Une histoire de la philosophie moderne et contemporaine, De Boeck, 2002.
• Anne Cheng, Histoire de la pensée chinoise, Seuil, 1997.
• François Jullien , Le détour et l'accès. Stratégies du sens en Chine en Grèce, Grasset, livre de poche, 1995.

Langage Visuel :
• P. FRIDE R.CARRASSAT et Isabelle MARCADE, Comprendre et reconnaître les mouvements dans la peinture, Bordas, Paris 1993
• Ernst. GOMBRICH, Histoire de l'Art, Phaidon, 2001
• Nadeije LANEYRIE-DAGEN, Lire la peinture, Tome 1. Dans l'intimité des œuvres, Larousse, 2002.
Sociologie :
  • VAN CAMEPNHOUDT L., MARQUIS N. (2020), Cours de sociologie, Dunod, Paris. 

Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Bachelor in Translation and Interpreting