Exercises in organic chemistry I

lchm1342  2024-2025  Louvain-la-Neuve

Exercises in organic chemistry I
3.00 credits
0 h + 65.0 h
It is recommended to have acquired the knowledge and skills developed in the teaching units:
LCHM1141Chimie organique
LCHM1244Chimie organique 2 : approfondissement des concepts de base
LCHM1245Chimie organique 2 : Chimie hétéroatomique
LCHM1254Eléments de spectroscopie moléculaire
Main themes
- Multi-step synthesis of components illustrating practical applications in the daily field: examples of insecticides (chrysanthemic acid) and herbicides
- Spectroscopic analysis, manipulation of NMR simulation software, synthesis report and presentation of results
- Introduction to bibliographic research on data bases and in research libraries
Learning outcomes

At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to :

1 Learning multi-steps organic synthesis. Writing an experimental report with structural analysis.
Synthèses multi-étapes de composés illustrant des applications pratiques dans le domaine quotidien : exemples des insecticides (acide chrysanthémique) et du terpinéol
Réaction de polymérisation radicalaire
Réactions organocatalysées
Analyses spectroscopiques (RMN) et chromatographiques (GC, HPLC)
Teaching methods
Laboratoires pratiques (obligatoires)
Evaluation methods
Students are evaluated on the following criteria (with an equal weighting) :
- Continuous assessment of behavior during labs (interactions, time management, adherence to safety rules, ability to solve practical problems...)
- laboratory notebook
- an individual report on one of the reactions performed by the student
- an oral presentation in the form of a poster (per group)

The first and fourth points cannot be evaluated in the September session.
Online resources
The booklet, articles on the reactions performed in the laboratory, a template for writing the report, a template for the poster and reference NMR spectra are available on the moodle platform
Teaching materials
  • Fascicule de laboratoire (disponible sur moodle)
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Bachelor in Chemistry